Hey Dara, thanks for doing this.
I was in a satty recently. 4 left, top 2 get the prize. 3 even stacks ~8BB and 1 shorty at ~4BB. Do I need to worry about the short stack in this scenario? The specific situation is it was folded to me in the small blind and I had 22 and jammed into another even stack. I think with everyone in the tourney this short it's the right play but IDK?
I am trying to win my seat into the 5 million tourney. The free rolls (6steps) are shown in the menu on Americas Card Room. They cap the tourneys at 400. I have not been able to sign up as each time I bring up the site its either in the "announced mode" or its full. I am currently watching on step one tourney that starts in less than one hour and it is not letting anyone register. I brought up the menu for the step one tourney that is playing and don't see any announcement as to WHEN SIGNUPS ARE ALLOWED....Can you help?
Hi Dara, I was trying to buy your ebook, but when I click this link appear 6 usd. However, when I make login at my amazon account, the price raises to 10 usd. Why?
Where I can buy book, I am From Bosnia, can you give me a advice?
My options I master card and visa. Tnx.
I bought mine from Google Play. It's read only, I. E. You can't DL it, but it's there.
P. S. Great read Dara, I figure it's worth several reads. Lol. Ok I'm old and slow, but I'll eventually get it.
Wow. I can’t believe I’m just finding this thread! Amazing stuff here Dara! Thank you so much!
What do you think about GTO? personal pros and cons?
No idea, sorry. Amazon seem to change the pricing constantly and it's not something within our control as far as I know. It's worth keeping an eye out to see if the price comes down again I guess.
Thanks for your question
Hey Dara, I have just stumbled over this thread after reading your book at the weekend.
I can honestly say this has changed my Sat game pretty much over night (though I will be reading it again and making notes). I have been killing it on a small extremely fishy well known 6 max UK only poker room though I have had to adjust the ranges slightly in some cases to accommodate the format, but the same principles apply.
I have also managed to bink a Goliath Seat starting from a 25c feeder, some PPL dollars and entry into a couple of comps at DTD so the book has paid for itself.
My question to you is with regards to the PPL micro sats that are currently running. Since Party removed the $5 PPL games that awarded $50 in PPL $ the micros/super micros tend to be limited to the feeder MTT where you need to get through multiple sats to have a chance at winning PPL$.
Do you think these are worth grinding for someone with a small roll of $100 starting at the $1.10 which feed into an $11 etc etc or do you think you should focus on maybe building the roll up and first to just play the direct feeder sats so maybe the $22 to win 220 PPL$?
I could imagine it would be reasonably easy to burn through a small roll fairly easily playing the multi level feeders.
I hope that makes sense and to anyone thinking of buying the book, just do it! It will pay for itself in no time.
Good day! And welcome to cardchat! A simple question: how many days, weeks, months, years have to play it to become a pro in poker?![]()
Hi Dara, what is the differences in your game style in normal tournaments and sats?
Hi, Dara!
Remarkable explanations of various situations, thank you!
"I start from the GTO solution, but then go into detail about how and why to adjust against non GTO opponents."
Do you think it might be reasonable to start from a non-GTO solution especially when playing cheap satts since they are simply below the scope of good players who understand GTO ranges (too cheap for them)?
Won't a random person in this pool be more inclined to be making mistakes in their default play?
Thank you!
Hi Dara,
I'm reading your book and learning a lot! I wanted to ask you about a couple hands in a $3 entry Sit and go 9 max regular ACR tourney I just played (3 places paid 50% 30% 20%). 3 players left, blinds 100/200. I was in SB with JJ, Button who is pretty aggressive shoves 2610. I have 9500 and BB has small stack 978. I make the call BB folds and button shows A4o. He gets lucky hitting his A and 4 and suddenly I go from being a huge leader to having a not so huge lead. Ugh. Few hands later short stack goes out to my other opponent. Now we have about the same stack sizes. I am on button with Q8o. I min raise (maybe a mistake) He shoves and I fold. Next hand I have A10o. He shoves and I call. I hit my 10 but he hits a 3 and I'm done. What did I do wrong here? I had such a big chip lead 3 handed and ended up in 2nd place. Should I have folded my JJ and just kept chipping away at the small stacks? That's where things went south for me. I feel like I gave up a huge advantage and took on too much risk on that hand even though I know I was way ahead of his shoving range. Would love to hear your thoughts. Thanks!!
How many times can I rebuy in one single sattelite
Hi, Dara! Do you use some additional soft, for example HM2 during playing poker. Or have you ever use it’s in past?
Hello Dara!
Read your book now and want to ask what you think about this situation:
It is final table of PS Bounty Builder $5.50 [Saturday special] August 24,2019.