Ongoing Soccer Thread



Rock Star
Silver Level
Jul 9, 2009
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Kevin Keegan quotes.

'It's like a toaster, the ref's shirt pocket. Every time there's a tackle, up pops a yellow card.'
'The ref was vertically 15 yards away.'
'There are two schools of thought on the way the rest of this half is going to develop; everybody's got their own opinion...'
'Goalkeepers aren't born today until they're in their late twenties or thirties.'
'This could be a repeat of the final.'
'The game has gone rather scrappy as both sides realise they could win this match or lose it.'
'I don't think there's anyone bigger or smaller than Maradona.'
'England can end the millenium as it started - as the greatest football nation in the world.'
'They compare Steve McManaman to Steve Heighway and he's nothing like him, but I can see why - it's because he's a bit different'
'Despite his white boots, he has real pace...'
'You can't do better than go away from home and get a draw...'
'He can't speak Turkey, but you can tell he's delighted.'
'There'll be no siestas in Madrid tonight.'
'...using his strength. And that is his strength, his strength.'
'One of his strengths is not heading' (of course, one of Keggy's strengths is not talking)
'Gary always weighed up his options, especially when he had no choice.'
'I'm not disappointed - just disappointed.'
'The tide is very much in our court now.'
'chile have three options - they could win or they could lose.'
'That would have been a goal if it wasn't saved.'
'I came to Nantes two years ago and it's much the same today, except that it's totally different.'
'A tremendous strike which hit the defender full on the arm - and it nearly came off.'
'The good news for Nigeria is that they're two-nil down very early in the game'
'The substitute is about to come on - he's a player who was left out of the starting line-up today.'
'That decision, for me, was almost certainly definitely wrong.'
'I know what is around the corner - I just don't know where the corner is. But the onus is on us to perform and we must control the bandwagon.'
'Hungary is very similar to Bulgaria. I know they're different countries...'
'In some ways, cramp is worse than having a broken leg.'
'The 33 or 34-year-olds will be 36 or 37 by the time the next World Cup comes around, if they're not careful.'
'England have the best fans in the world and Scotland's fans are second-to-none'
'It's understandable that people are keeping one eye on the pot and another up the chimney.'
'I'd love to be a mole on the wall in the Liverpool dressing room at half-time.'
'It could be far worse for me if it was easy for me.'
'Discipline is not only very important, it's crucial.'

'Young Gareth Barry - he's young'
'argentina won't be at Euro 2000 because they're from South America.'
'They're the second best team in the world, and there's no higher praise than that.'
'You don't get two chances at this level, or at any other level for that matter.'
'You're not just getting international football, you're getting world football'
'Kanu, a guy with a heart as big as he is'
'Luis Figo is totally different to David Beckham, and vice versa'
'Football's always easier when you've got the ball'
'They don't come every three days, like they come after this one'
'I want more from David Beckham. I want him to improve on perfection.'
'The tide is very much in our court now.'
'There's a slight doubt about only one player, and that's Tony Adams, who definitely won't be playing tomorrow.'
'We have spent three matches chasing a football.'
'It’s no longer an 11 man game.'
'The Germans only have one player under 22, and he's 23'
'For some it's the ultimate job, for the others it's the last job.'
'I've had an interest in racing all my life, or longer really.'
'We managed to wrong a few rights.'
'We are three games without defeat is another way of looking at it. But if we are honest we have taken two points from nine'
'He'll also be very dangerous from set-pieces. That means he'll be a threat from free-kicks and corners in the final third of the field.'
'Danny Tiatto is not going to make a mistake on purpose'
'I'll never play at Wembley again, unless I play at Wembley again'
'You need 88 points for the title and we’ve got 61 at present with 16 games to go, but if you set targets you limit yourself'
'We deserved to win this game after hammering them 0-0 in the first half'
'He’s got a heart as big as his size, which isn’t big, but his heart’s bigger than that'
'Well, if that's true then it would be a big suprise, but then nothing surprises me in football these days.'
'You get bunches of players like you do bananas, though that is a bad comparison.'
'Not many teams will come to Arsenal and get anything, home or away'
'Shaun Wright-Phillips has got a big heart. It's as big as him, which isn't very big, but it's bigger'
'Nicolas Anelka left Arsenal for £23million and they built a training ground on him'
'As far as I'm concerned, Danny Tiatto doesn't exist'
'One team with destiny already decided...' 'Maine Road was a great football stadium but as time moved on it stayed where it is...'


Silver Level
Jan 27, 2008
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Keegan is good but Shankly is god when it comes to quotes(and other things ;)).

you are first you are first. If you are second you are nothing.'

'Liverpool was made for me and I was made for Liverpool.'

'The trouble with referees is that they know the rules, but they don't know the game.'

'Son, you'll do well here as long as you remember two things. Don't over-eat and don't lose your accent.' - to Ian St John when he signed for Liverpool.

To a journalist who suggested Liverpool were struggling – 'Ay, here we are with problems at the top of the league.'

Talking to a reporter about Roger Hunt – 'Yes Roger Hunt misses a few, but he gets in the right place to miss them.'

Explaining to Kevin Keegan what's expected of him at Anfield - 'Just go out and drop a few hand grenades all over the place son!'

'I know this is a sad occasion, but I think that Dixie would be amazed to know that even in death he could draw a bigger crowd to Goodison than Everton on a Saturday afternoon.' – speaking at the funeral of Everton legend Dixie Dean


'If Everton were playing at the bottom of the garden, I'd pull the curtains.'


'Sickness would not have kept me away from this one. If I'd been dead, I would have had them bring the casket to the ground, prop it up in the stands, and cut a hole in the lid.' - after beating Everton in the 1971 FA Cup semi-final.


Addressing the Liverpool fans who turned up in their thousands to welcome the team home despite losing to Arsenal in the 1971 FA Cup final - 'Chairman Mao has never seen a greater show of red strength.'


After signing Ron Yeats - 'With him in defence, we could play Arthur Askey in goal.'


To Alan Ball after he'd signed for Everton - 'Never mind Alan, at least you'll be able to play next to a great team.'


To Tommy Smith after he'd turned up for training with a bandaged knee - 'Take that poof bandage off, and what do you mean YOUR knee, it's LIVERPOOL'S knee!'


To the players after failing to sign Lou Macari - 'I only wanted him for the reserves anyway.'


To Ian St John - 'If you're not sure what to do with the ball, just pop it in the net and we'll discuss your options afterwards.'


'In my time at Anfield we always said we had the best two teams on Merseyside - Liverpool and Liverpool reserves.'


About the 'This is Anfield' plaque - 'This is to remind our lads who they're playing for, and to remind the opposition who they're playing against.'


'Of course I didn't take my wife to see Rochdale as an anniversary present. It was her birthday amd would I have got married during the football season? Anyway, it was Rochdale reserves.'


Shankly to the Brussels hotel clerk who queried his signing 'Anfield' as his address on the hotel register - 'But that's where I live.'


Shankly explaining rotation to a reporter - 'Laddie, I never drop players, I only make changes.'


Comparing the Anfield pitch to other grounds - 'It's great grass at Anfield, professional grass!'


'The difference between Everton and the Queen Mary is that Everton carry more passengers!'


To a local barber, who in 1968 had asked 'Anything off the top? Shanks retorted - 'Aye, Everton!'


On awaiting Everton's arrival for a derby game at Anfield, Shankly gave a box of toilet rolls to the doorman and said - 'Give them these when they arrive – they'll need them!'


'I always look in the Sunday paper to see where Everton are in the league – starting, of course, from the bottom up.'


To Chris Lawler during a training session at Melwood - 'Was it a goal? Was I offside?' Lawler replied - 'You were boss.' Shanks then quipped - 'Christ, son, you've been here four years, hardly said a word and, when you do, it's a bloody lie!'


To Tommy Smith during training - 'You son, could start a riot in a graveyard.'


'There's Man. Utd and Man. City at the bottom of Division 1, and by God they'll take some shifting.'


'It's a 90 minute game for sure. In fact I used to train for a 190 minute game so that when the whistle blew at the end of the match I could have played another 90 minutes.'


On a wartime Scotland v England match - 'We absolutely annihilated England. It was a massacre. We beat them 5-4.'


After losing to Ajax in the 1967 European Cup - 'We cannae play these defensive continental sides!'

Shanks and Tommy Docherty were at a game. There was a player every other club coveted on view. Docherty said to Shanks - '100,000 wouldn't buy him.' Shanks retorted - 'Yeah, and I'm one of the 100,000!'


What Shanks disliked about football - 'The end of the season.'


Radio Merseyside reporter to Shankly - 'Mr Shankly, why is it that your teams' unbeaten run has suddenly ended?' Shanks replied: 'Why don't you go and jump in the lake?'


On hearing a rival manager was unwell - 'I know what's wrong - he's got a bad side!'


To reporters after a 3-0 defeat - 'They're nothing but rubbish. Three breakaways, that's all they got.'


Talking about Tommy Smith - 'If he isn't named Footballer of the Year, football should be stopped and the men who picked any other player should be sent to the Kremlin.'


To a translator, when being surrounded by gesticulating Italian journalists - 'Just tell them I completely disagree with everything they say!'


After winning the FA Cup in 1974 Shankly goes into a fish and chip shop and orders a fish supper. The woman at the counter asks - 'Mr Shankly, shouldn't they be having steak suppers?' Shanks replied - 'No lass, they'll get steak suppers when they win the double!'


To the Anfield PA during a match - 'Jesus Christ, son, can ye no' talk into that microphone when the players are in the penalty box. You're putting them off, you're doing more damage than the opposition.'


Shankly on boardroom meetings - 'At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They are only there to sign the cheques.'


Talking about the Liverpool fans - 'I'm just one of the people who stands on the kop. They think the same as I do, and I think the same as they do. It's a kind of marriage of people who like each other.'


Explaining on what the off-side rule should be - 'If a player is not interfering with play or seeking to gain an advantage, then he should be.'


'I was only in the game for the love of football - and I wanted to bring back happiness to the people of Liverpool.'


'"If you can't make decisions in life, you're a bloody menace. You'd be better becoming an MP!'


When told he had never experienced playing in a derby - 'Nonsense! I've kicked every ball, headed out every cross. I once scored a hat-trick; One was lucky, but the others were great goals.'


After a 0-0 draw at Anfield - 'What can you do playing against 11 goalposts!'

Waxing lyrical about Ian Callaghan - 'He typifies everything that is good in football, and he has never changed. You could stake your life on Ian.'


'Fire in your belly comes from pride and passion in wearing the red shirt. We don't need to motivate players because each of them is responsible for the performance of the team as a whole. The status of Liverpool's players keeps them motivated.'


'Football is a simple game based on the giving and taking of passes, of controlling the ball and of making yourself available to receive a pass. It is terribly simple.'


On the leaving of Liverpool – 'It was the most difficult thing in the world, when I went to tell the chairman. It was like walking to the electric chair. That's the way it felt.'


Silver Level
Nov 5, 2008
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Anyone have a qualifying World Cup game for his country today?.

We have a MéxicoVsTyT today, already get our ticket for Wold Cup last game, so this is more for see who get first of the Group.

How your Country Teams doing?.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Jul 9, 2009
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Keegan is good but Shankly is god when it comes to quotes(and other things ;)

I agree - Shankly was God - very dry and very clever.

Keegan is good! Your having a laugh!

Keegan's sentences don't come out the way he intended, they are complete nonsenses!


Silver Level
Jan 27, 2008
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Good as in u can laugh at his dumb quotes ;)

How your Country Teams doing?.
Bottom of our group but the fact we ruined norway´s chances of making the WC by drawing both games against them makes up for it imo :D


Rock Star
Silver Level
Jul 9, 2009
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Argentina by the skin of their teeth, but lets fce it we didn't want Uruguay in the World Cup!


Rock Star
Silver Level
Jul 9, 2009
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Sindri - Do you remember when Kevin Keegan left Liverpool for Hamburg.
Liverpool signed Kenny Dalglish and beat Hamburg 5 - 0 in the European Super Cup?


Silver Level
Jan 27, 2008
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Nope, Im only 20 years old so its hard for me to remember the 70s :p


Rock Star
Silver Level
Jul 9, 2009
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Great Shankley quotes Sindri, and there are many more, below are my favourite three of the samples you gave.

On awaiting Everton's arrival for a derby game at Anfield, Shankly gave a box of toilet rolls to the doorman and said - 'Give them these when they arrive – they'll need them!'

If you can't make decisions in life, you're a bloody menace. You'd be better becoming an MP!'

Shanks and Tommy Docherty were at a game. There was a player every other club coveted on view. Docherty said to Shanks - '100,000 wouldn't buy him.' Shanks retorted - 'Yeah, and I'm one of the 100,000!'

I watched a programme on television many years ago which featured the young lives of Bill Shankley, Jock Steen, and Sir Matt Busby. Amazingly they all came from remote mining villages in Scotland within a 25 mile radius of each other.

I think the year was 1977.
Liverpool sold Ray Clemence to Spurs and replaced him with Bruce Grobelaar. The first meeting between the two clubs was at Anfield, and the score Liverpool 7 - 0 Spurs.
Credit to the Liverpool fans, Ray Clemence recieved a fantastic ovation before the game. After the 7 - 0 Drubbing the kop end still gave Ray a few choruses of Englands No 1....
Dorkus Malorkus

Dorkus Malorkus

Silver Level
Jul 12, 2005
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Capello - Becks MOTM award is as ridiculous as Obama winning the Nobel prize.

Respect for Fabio +++


Scary Clown
Silver Level
Apr 3, 2005
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Anyone wanting a quiet game this weekend should pop along to see Pompey v Spurs. :rolleyes: ;) :eek:

And the return of the Spurs manager to a club who he left with a little less than good feeling between them.

Should be interesting :p
Dorkus Malorkus

Dorkus Malorkus

Silver Level
Jul 12, 2005
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Sir Harry was in the paper today saying that any Pompey fan who boos him is clearly mentally unstable because he was the best manager they have ever had.

To which I reply: lol.


Scary Clown
Silver Level
Apr 3, 2005
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Sir Harry was in the paper today saying that any Pompey fan who boos him is clearly mentally unstable because he was the best manager they have ever had.

To which I reply: lol.

And many fans down here do too :rofl:

If it wasnt for someone paying huge wages and signing £6 mill flops like Nugent & Utaka along with many other reserve team fillers on big wages we 'may' not have been in quite the hole we are/were ;) :)


Rock Star
Silver Level
Jul 9, 2009
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If it wasnt for someone paying huge wages and signing £6 mill flops like Nugent & Utaka along with many other reserve team fillers on big wages we 'may' not have been in quite the hole we are/were ;) :)

Harry Redknapp.

Freedom of the City, two days after he left for Tottenham, (strange). £5,000,000 in compensation (very useful). In Harry’s defence, I think he thought Tony Adams was ready to take over the reigns.

Beardy Ian; You must have mixed feelings about Redknapp , he had a great win/loss ratio whilst managing Portsmouth took you to 9th in the premier (I believe), won the F.A. Cup, culminating in playing in Europe. Highest scoring premier game 7 – 4 versus Reading. He then showed his Judas personality (again) and left for money. Some of his Managerial appointments were very strange to say the least, loyalty doesn’t seem to be his strong point!

David Nugent, England cap, and scored against the mighty Andora (from an inch), alot of premier clubs were looking at him. Seemed like a reasonable buy for 6 million. Maybe with less competition for places this season he will shine.

Utaka had a 1/3 goals record at previous clubs, but has not shone for Portsmouth.

I hope you manage to turn things around this seaon, your supporters are second to none, ask Thiery Henry! Without the Pompey chimes, the premier League would be missing a touch of old time England.

I saw a feature on one of your pubs a couple of weeks back, I think it was called The Nell Gwynne! A bunch of burly 50 yr olds expressing their dismay at the way the club is being run, and the bad start. But I have to say they were still cheerful , and hopeful.

As an Ipswich supporter, I can appreciate what you must be going through.

We have just signed Asmir Begovic from portsmouth on a three month loan, what is he like?

By the way, January 2008 David Nugent scored the only goal to knock us out of the F.A. Cup, and we had an unbeaten home record that season until that game!

GL as the season unfolds, and especially good luck this weekend.
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F Paulsson

F Paulsson

euro love
Silver Level
Aug 24, 2005
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Anyone have a qualifying World Cup game for his country today?.

We have a MéxicoVsTyT today, already get our ticket for Wold Cup last game, so this is more for see who get first of the Group.

How your Country Teams doing?.

sweden's out of the running. Our saving grace would have been if Malta took a point against portugal but very unsurprisingly they did not.

There's a big uproar about how this is the first championship we've missed in 16 years (or whatever it is) and now they've fired the coach. Delusions of grandeur is apparently commonplace among football fans in my country; we're not that great. We have a few decent players, and one or two fantastic players, but the rest of the material is just really hard for ANY coach to work into something that can play the world cup.


Silver Level
Jan 27, 2008
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Kinda scared how LFC will do with out the Torres/Gerrard duo but i guess the stats aint to bad.



Liverpool do just fine without Gerrard in the side, and history proves this beyond a shadow of a doubt. To illustrate this, I've examined every competitive game Gerrard has missed since the 2000-2001 season. Here are the results:

Total games played without Gerrard since 2000 - 80

Wins - 48
Draws - 13
Defeats - 19

Goals For – 138
Goals Against – 72

Won 60% of games
Lost 24%
Drew 16%

Average goals scored per game - 1.7
Average goals conceded per game - 0.8
Unbeaten in 76% of games

As you can see, these statistics are superb:

Unbeaten in almost 8 out of 10 games without Gerrard in the side.
Almost 2 goals per game scored
Less than 1 goal per game conceded

I don't dispute that Gerrard is important to the side - of course he is - but as the figures above prove, Liverpool can survive without him and have done so many times in the past. Of course, I would prefer to have Gerrard in the team, but if he's not, we should still be confident in the team.


I've looked at the 2008-09 season, in which Torres was regularly injured:

Total games played without Torres: 16
Wins - 9
Draws - 5
Defeats - 2
For - 30
against - 12

Won 56% of games
Lost 13%
Drew 31%

Average goals scored per game - 1.9
Average goals conceded per game - 1.3
Unbeaten in 94% of games

Once again, superb figures. Liverpool without Torres actually performs better than Liverpool without Gerrard !

Liverpool tend to draw more games without Torres, which is understandable since he is our main goal threat.


This hasn't happened very often, but the results in the absence of BOTH players are still quite encouraging: (Seasons 2007-08 + 2008-09)

Total games without G+T - 5
Won - 3
Lost - 1
Drew - 1


Rock Star
Silver Level
Jul 9, 2009
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For all the posts I have taken the trouble to write(Write), I seem to be beeing ignored, so sod the lot of you and your football thread !


RIP Buck.
Silver Level
Mar 30, 2007
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Shankly was the best. I still remember the day the Liverpool Echo reported he had quit. Stunned doesn't do it justice.

He lived and breathed football, like most of us.

Jacksprat - stick around - we aren't always here to comment or respond, but it doesn't mean we don't value your words - we do.


RIP Buck.
Silver Level
Mar 30, 2007
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This one is for gesshoo.

Hopefully an amusing story.

My mate John (Arsenal fan) and me (Ipswich fan), go on an allinclusive holiday in Spain with our wives. Day three of the holiday we manage to get away from the wives. We leave them on their sun beds and go out on the beer, or should I say sneeked out!

After experimenting with the different Spanish beers and Sandgrias on offer in various bars, all the time continuing on our pub crawl, we settled on bottled San Miguel (beat the hell out of the hotel beer),being the most refreshing option.

About three hours later we come across this Scotish bar selling draught Guinness (my drink)and draft Adnams (johns drink), so we settle down for the session, congratulating each other on such an incredible find. We chat with the landlord (Chugga) for sometime, the walls and ceilings of his bar are covered in Scottish and Celtic football scarfs shirts and articles. We both love football, and appreciate the rights of others to follow who ever they like. For the next hour or so many football stories were exchanged and much laughter was had by all. Then Chugga was relieved by his barman so he could have his afternoon Siesta. The barman had no interest in football girls or drinking, so we decided to drink out the back in the sunshine.

Out the back, there were tables and chairs for chuggas bar and tables and chairs for the four adjoining Spanish bars on either side. Just beyond, opposite the outside seating of all five was a large play area for children to play football (what else). Anyway innitially it was Siesta time for most locals, and we were the only two idiots sitting outside in that punnishing heat, it was so hot we were drinking 1/4 litre, so the beer didn't boil over.

Some time passed by and the Spanish outside areas began to be occupied. In the distance Spanish boys were playing football, but get this of the seven boys, four of them were wearing Liverpool number 9 torres shirts. The ball came over near us, and my mate decided to show his ball juggling skills (drunk and 50 yrs old), the Spanish boy was very amused and gave a sort of polite clap along with some of the Spanish locals, accepted the ball back said Gracias then returned to his friends.

Unbeknown to us (it was done on purpose) the ball arrived at our table again. In the meantime we had been quietly practising the Torres song. "Your turn to do some ball jugling" said John, up I get, manage 5 on my head, not bad for a drunk 53 yr old! I hand the ball back to a different Torres shirted boy, he says Gracias and whistles for his friends to come nearer. He then proceeds to show us some amazing ball skills, while he is doing this John and I looked at each other and started to sing.

His armband proved he was a red Torres Torres
you'll never walk alone again Torres Torres
we bought the lad from sunny Spain
he gets the ball and scores again
Fernando Torres Liverpools number 9

When we got to Na na na na na na na na, some of the guys at a Spanish table started clapping in tune.
Second time around we had clapping all the way through
Third time around we had clapping and Na Nas
fourth time around the other 3 Spanish tables joined in
In the end some of the Spanish were singing some of the words.
Through all of this, maybe 10 - 12 verses the boy continued to juggle the ball.

The boy was amazing, the first Spaniard to clap turned out to be the father of two of the boys, followed by the fathers of the other 5 boys. His father said my sons names are Fernando and Jose, Jose being the tallented one! For all the other Spaniards and their wives to join in made for a truly amazing occasion. I was feeling quite drunk, but the whole experience was totally uplifting.

We went back to Chuggas bar every day after that, loaded with a camera, but alas we never saw the Torres boys again. We couldn't let our wives down again by staying out all day/night. You know how it is!

Nice story! San Miguel brings back some pleasant memories for me too - pretty damn fine beer - especially on a hot day in Spain!

We are a similar age too, so probably same similar football memories - I am a '57 baby.

I read your words about Ipswich in September - it must have been a great day, and a fine way to honour Bobby Robson. He was another real football man - the kind who would talk football all day to anyone who wanted to talk back. I can imagine him up there with the likes of Shankly, Busby and so many others!


RIP Buck.
Silver Level
Mar 30, 2007
Total posts
Sweden's out of the running. Our saving grace would have been if Malta took a point against Portugal but very unsurprisingly they did not.

There's a big uproar about how this is the first championship we've missed in 16 years (or whatever it is) and now they've fired the coach. Delusions of grandeur is apparently commonplace among football fans in my country; we're not that great. We have a few decent players, and one or two fantastic players, but the rest of the material is just really hard for ANY coach to work into something that can play the world cup.

Particularly upsetting to lose to Denmark in the 2nd last game too, I am sure - condolences FP!


Rock Star
Silver Level
Jul 9, 2009
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Football focus 5 mins ago.

When asked what sort of reception Harry Redknapp will recieve at Fratton Park for the Portsmouth v Spurs game.

Mark Lawreson (football pundit).... "Most Portsmouth fans will appreciate what Harry did for the club, but undoubtably many villages will have lost their idiots".......LMAO