Supporting Lock is not on our agenda, new poker clients require a lot of work to add support, the poker room must contact us to request support & enter an agreement to cover our development costs which Lock has never done. We suggest you contact Lock if this is something you wish to see happen.
Very interesting. Had no idea your business model was setup this way. Being in the software development field myself, I would have assumed the traditional model of customer demand driving development though end-user sales. Now it sounds like sites are your customers as well. This probably also explains some things that have left me scratching my head about PT development in the past.
I sure wouldn't have expected that the sites themselves approach you first and pay you to be supported by your tracker/HUD -- I would have thought them more of just a tolerant partner as long as you abide by their TOS. Was this a change in strategy from earlier versions of PT? I knew that you and your major competitor collaborated with the sites and made an effort to keep them happy as far as their TOS and such go, but I didn't realize it went so far that they initiated and funded the support for their rooms.