THIS ^ one time was the last time I've been able to get onto the site. And it took me ~36hrs. of trying to get on that time & didn't work for me until 9:10pm
I have not been able to get onto the site again since Apr.18th at 9:10pm & prior to that it was just briefly. It has only worked for me very briefly over the past couple weeks. I've played very very few of any of the freeroll tickets I've acquired but I'm not concerned about them... I just want to play the other tournaments on the site ... the ones that are during the morning & early afternoon when it fits my schedule and where the prizepools are biggest.
Even without playing I've managed to win 25 Venus tickets & I think I had 42 tickets in total the last time I was able to login. fwiw, I saw you for a brief moment orsino on the SNAP tables. Those are the only tables I've had time to play on for the past while
It really saddens me as I wasn't able to play on the site for a few years due to having an outdated computer (with old operating system). Now I have a newer beast of a computer and yet I can't play
fwiw, I'm trying your system orsino... I'm currently at 27th attempt consecutively.. and NOTHING

(not sure how many more tries I have in me)