Hey Ali - so sorry I contradicted your message the other day. I was certain ?somehow? PT was capturing the hands even though the WPN software was not.
I'm not one of these types that can't stand to be wrong - and will argue even if my viewpoint is totally wrong.
In this case - I stand corrected - you are completely right. I confirmed this just yesterday when I was bubble boy in one of the smaller buyin events I play. The table insta-closed right when I busted (suckout of course by the way) and when I went into check it in PT - the hand was not available.
THEN - I remembered the exact same thing happened to me in the 25k this past weekend - so I went and tried to pull up that hand - and that hand was also missing. In that particular hand - I guess I was on the edge of a money bubble and when I busted (pocket 33s beat pocket KKs btw, yeah sure) the table closed instantly.
So I agree with Ali ACR Rep - this is a VERY important BUG that needs to be addressed as soon as you guys can get to it, hopefully sooner rather than later.
Thanks ANMATOR, and I do appreciate your kind help, this is just part of the process of life - we assume we understand, then we learn our understanding was incorrect, and then FINALLY we get it right... this is the learning process!! And there's nothing wrong with it... except that some people tend to "get sticky" (a great poker term haha) with their beliefs, and refuse to change even when it is shown that they had made an incorrect assumption... as I always like to say, there are two types of people in our world:
1. Those who make mistakes, and never learn from them.
2. Those who make mistakes, and DO learn from them.
#1 are the "bad regs" who never really turn into good regs
#2 are the winning players, they are constantly re-evaluating their assumptions and their conclusions, and are willing to change them if and when it becomes necessary and obvious.
So you are a #2 and congratulations for that!
And for the benefit of ACR Rep,
here is the thread on Winning Poker Network forums I was speaking about, from early 2020 which discusses this bug. It still has not been fixed guys, and it really needs to be resolved once and for all.
This is what ACR Rep typed on Feb 13, 2020:
"Note: We are aware of a bug that is not writing some (but it's rare) hands to the harddrive. We have a fix for that bug coming on March 4th. If you are missing MANY hands, this is not related to the bug."
And then the closing sentence in that post:
"There also is a bug we must fix in which if you close a table before a hand is over, that hand is not written to your hard drive. We do not have an ETA for that fix yet."
Obviously this fix never happened, or if it did, it didn't work. I am quite certain this is NOT an easy fix, it most likely requires a complete "re-think" and re-design of the algorithm which writes hand histories to hard disk text file. This algorithm CANNOT BE TIED TO THE TABLE, because once the table closes, that's the end of the algorithm, it simply terminates without writing that final tournament hand to disk. This is unacceptable!!! But I do sympathize with the ACR programmers, I'm sure this is not an easy or quick problem to resolve, and I'm also certain they don't consider it a very high priority, for this reason... but it IS a high priority for the players who keep good records of our play for future analysis in PT4 or HEM3... this is how we become better players!!! By making mistakes, adjusting to those mistakes, correcting our strategic errors. We are #2 type of people!! The #1's don't care about any of this stuff, but we #2's do care, and we care quite a bit. Thanks for listening, ACR Rep, I do appreciate putting up with my diatribes from my soapbox.