I always feel like a guinea pig or a lab rat when I jump in right after a site crash. LOL
I do occasionally make some good reads in this game.
I didn't jump in after all, decided to wait and see, apparently a wise choice.
The other time I made a perfect read in this game was shortly before Black Friday. Call me a rig-tard or whatever, but I had eventually realized that I couldn't win on any of the sites and moved my entire
bankroll over to
poker stars and began playing there exclusively. A few short weeks after doing so, our USA Federal Government crooks illegally seized the web domain of internationally-based Poker Stars and shut down the entire
online poker scene in America.
As most probably know by now, only one
poker site reimbursed ALL of its American players immediately... and that solitary site was Poker Stars. My read had been accurate, because none of the other major sites were able to pay their players due to "financial shenanigans"... the absolute best read I will EVER make in the game of poker, for as long as I live. I had my entire bankroll back in my bank within two weeks. Some players on other sites were forced to agonize over their missing funds for many years before - surprise, surprise!! - Poker Stars did them a huge favor and purchased the debt and received permission (oh gee thanks guys) from the USA Federal Government to go ahead and pay players back at long last (for something Poker Stars never did, proving their good hearts). Stars reward? Nothing. Still only allowed in a very few American states, and only for local play, those states cannot play with the worldwide Stars player pool. To this very day, over ten years removed from the whole Black Friday debacle, hardly a thing has changed in the "Land of the Free"...
What a mess... anyway, hope you enjoyed my reminiscing about the good old days while we wait.
Thanks for being there, ACR, you've come a long ways in the past few years, thanks for all you've done. I didn't mean to hijack the ACR thread with my tales of Superhero Scheinberg. hahaha