I wasn't actually referring to you but I see why you may think that now, there are many people doing it, there's a guy in here lately that spews crap all the time about ACR, I suspect he ran out of tissues, I'm not saying you don't have a valid point, all I'm saying is people need to look at what the ACR rep is here for.
Without the ACR Rep anyone with a problem will have no choice but to go through a much harder time over the phone and most likely encounter recorded messages or told it will be looked at within their standard response time of up to 72 hours, the people we speak with are not the people that make the actual decisions.
At least with the ACR Rep we know that serious issues are given to the right people at ACR, the ACR Rep can only do so much and people need to realise that the ACR Rep and any of the other poker site rep's that CardsChat has as members are only the message passers, they are not the people that correct the issues.
I hope you get your issue resolved but give the guy or gal a break and give them time to have the info given to them, so they can pass it on to you.
I often see the crap directed at you, you don't deserve it, you don't cause it, but as the ACR Rep you cop the crap from frustrated players that don't realise that you can't respond to them if you haven't got the info to pass on.
I have 2 small issues.
I'm sick of always having to type my email address every time I log in, can we get the remember user name feature back again please.
No 2 is when you have a game lobby open and click on the bar at red arrow to go to the next group of players as in pic 1 you get to the next group but there are also 2-3 players from the previous group and often on the lower groups the top or bottom name is partially missing.Pic 3
I have the latest version and it was not like this before the major update.
Pic 1
Pic 2
Pic 3