Some of you have been following my "Spin to Get in" story and it has all come to an excellent result thanks to the efforts of our CC ACR rep. I tried several of the options to get the problem solved, but in the end it was our personal CardsChat representative that actually was the most helpful person at ACR in getting the problem fixed.
Today I received a private message from the ACR rep that read:
"Hi Brian, so happy to confirm that your account was credited today for the $215 related to your previous issue with the spin to get in, please remember that we are here to further assist you if needed."
Do I believer that our CC ACR Rep has my back? You bet. Now that is someone that went the extra mile to do a great job at customer service. Other options proved less helpful, but our CC Rep was able to solve the problem. Great job, ACR Rep! I thank you very much!
I should have taken some screenshots or something, but ACR was good in the end and got the funds back for you and I to battle it out at our next final table. I will be playing ACR almost exclusively, so I will see you there.
I came through the problem with the best experience being with our CC ACR rep. Thanks for following the story and being supportive. Everything turned out good.
Thanks Matt. This was helpful at the time so I could allow for extra time to get in on the phone. I think things have been crazy busy for the people at ACR and I certainly understand how it is to be on their end as well. Thanks for sharing the number that worked for you. I really appreciate it.
ACR proved that they were committed to customer service to me.
It took a little time, but it has been a hectic time for the employees at ACR. In the end, it all worked out.
It was worth sticking it out to see if they would resolve the issue, they did in the end. I thought I might be screwed, but happily, I was not.
Certainly, this experience has taught me that I should be keeping a record on my end. If my game freezes or something funky happens: I will take a screenshot, I will note the hand number, I will write down the tournament ID, etc. I don’t think it is ACR’s intention to scam us, but I can sympathize with your frustration, TRocker69. It wasn't a fun time. ACR could have said I was SOL in this case, but they didn’t. I think one of the things I did right on my end was to keep my cool and not let myself escalate to a blazing hot sun of anger. The people at ACR seemed to appreciate that I stated my case calmly and as detailed as I could. Of course, they are people too, and I have had that job in the past. Being a Customer Service worker can certainly be challenging. In this case they did right by me and I truly appreciate that.
Well, that wraps it up for this story in a nice neat happy ending. See you all at the tables. Thanks again ACR Rep, you have made my day.
:icon_sunn Brian :icon_sunn