Come on FTP I thought you were better than UB--show us the money!
If Full Tilt wants to keep its existing customers , you would think they would give them some type of incentive to stay on their site. Instead every statement they have sent out is as good as reading a blank piece of paper.
Wonder if there's some bodyguard positions opening up? I'd like to apply.
What is your qualification for a bodyguard?
Tom Dwan and Erik Seidel apparently both played the first event of the WSOP without their Full Tilt patches on and there are reports that John Juanda had a loud and nasty argument with a British player during the $25K heads up event:
I guess I take back what I said earlier, it really seems people are willing to make this personal with members of Team Full Tilt other than Lederer - I mean John Juanda, really?!? I don't think I've seen his name come up anywhere before now on this issue and he'd have to be one of the most unassuming and unthreatening guys on their roster...
Someone is going at JJ? Wow, Juanda yelling? That must have been crazy!
And as much as I love JJ, he should probably have seen it coming....
You're forgetting that none of their existing customers outside the US are directly affected by this and anyone who is affected is no longer a customer: US players are now just liabilities.
I withdrew a few hundred dollars past Sunday and it was deposited on my bank account on Tuesday. So yes, for people outside the US it's business as usual on Full Tilt. This makes sense, because FTP can't afford to lose their non-US player base as well. As long as FTP manages to run their business, I'm fairly certain US players will eventually get their money back.
What is your qualification for a bodyguard?
This ^ ,.... & I think it'd be fun!He is scary.
You're forgetting that none of their existing customers outside the US are directly affected by this and anyone who is affected is no longer a customer: US players are now just liabilities.
Obviously this is doing damage to their global brand and that's bad for them but the lack of action doesn't directly affect their remaining customer base.
On the Juanda situation a few sources are now suggesting it was the continuation of a previous argument and might not be related to Black Friday / the payouts situation.
No Oz i am not forgetting , they are affected by this, alot of players from other Countries are sitting on the sidelines wondering should i pull my money out of Fulltilt and Play on Pokerstars since they did start paying back US customers. Im saying if it was my Company i would dam well try to make the customers i still have playing confident that they should stay and keep playing on Full Tilt. I dont see them doing that at all . If i was still playing in another Country i sure would be very tempted to lighten my Bankroll untill some sort of outcome happens. Just sayin...:tee:
No Oz i am not forgetting , they are affected by this, alot of players from other Countries are sitting on the sidelines wondering should i pull my money out of Fulltilt and Play on Pokerstars since they did start paying back US customers. Im saying if it was my Company i would dam well try to make the customers i still have playing confident that they should stay and keep playing on Full Tilt.
Rhodan ? Why did you withdrawl a few hundred??![]()
I don't get why FullTilt can't get loans to pay off US players. Aren't they still making lots of $$$, or no?
I mean, a lot of people play at FullTilt still.
Maybe some of this 470 Grand is mine and why FTP can't pay us our money. Total BS that the feds can give out OUR money before everything is settled. Isn't that stealing?
The memo on the check: "Operation Texas Holdem". So brazen to opening admit it's a war against poker not gambling or money laundering. fckrs.
"Federal investigators shared the money after county detectives helped in an investigation that seized more than $33 million from gambling organizations using banks in Guam and Charlotte, NC."