Poker is 98.5% luck, 1.5% skill! Mathematically we should be able to calculate this easily.
For math we use following values: average pot size 11bb, hero vpip 22%, winrate 3bb/100 is also our definition of winning player, 6 max, rake 5%
Hero plays 22 hands per 100, during that time he wins 3bb+rake = wintot = 3.55 bb/100
On average hero needs to win 3.55 bb/22 per played hand = 0.161364 bb/hand
To win this hero needs to have equity edge:
eqedge*11bb=0.161364 bb\hand -> eqedge= 0.014669
So per hand we get EV=(EVwin-EVlose)=(0.5+0.014669/2)*11bb-(0.5-0.014669/2)*11bb = 0.161364 bb as we should.
If our hero is the ultimate grinder his win rate is 12bb/100 and for him its:
95% luck, 5% skill