Silver Level
(hands: A5s, A4s, A3s, A2s, KTs, QJs, QTs, KJo, QJo, JTs, J9s, KTo, QTo, JTo, T9s, T8s, J9o, T9o, 98s, 97s, 98o, 87s, 86s, 85s, 97o, 87o, 76s, 75s, 86o, 76o, 65s, 64s, 65o, 54s) AND (Position of Active Player Position of Selected Between 8 and 9) AND (Called Preflop Called 2Bet)
I did not find reasonable way to limit vaillain’s 2bet size.
Call from SB or BB 2bet:
both 2914 hands, -66.45 bb/100
suited 1595 hands, -75.34bb/100
offsuit 1274 hands, -56.74 bb/100
Call 2bet from BB:
both 2139 h, -61.54 bb/100
suited 1135, -78.93 bb/100
offsuit 1004 h, -41.89 bb/100
Winning bb/100 big blind

Losing bb/100 big blind

I did not find reasonable way to limit vaillain’s 2bet size.
Call from SB or BB 2bet:
both 2914 hands, -66.45 bb/100
suited 1595 hands, -75.34bb/100
offsuit 1274 hands, -56.74 bb/100
Call 2bet from BB:
both 2139 h, -61.54 bb/100
suited 1135, -78.93 bb/100
offsuit 1004 h, -41.89 bb/100
Winning bb/100 big blind

Losing bb/100 big blind

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