Bronze Level
He didn't bet the turn.. he check / called. Then checked again on the river. Does this change your analysis at all?
As far as pre, I would think you know I know why I'm getting in a pot. The guy is a fish and the blinds are nits. Not worried about being squeezed, and pretty sure I can outplay most fish at 100nl IP.
Srry my mistake,, Doh
Well it should change things, when players of this aggression level cbet they generally tend to have something and usually with good equity when called (I'm generally around this level of agg with fishy players) I'd say he was a bit weaker on the turn as a result of the check, maybe less likely to have 2 pair.
Now lets say he has the Ace of diamonds, when he picks up the nut flush draw he's not going to bet the turn against an aggressive player like you because he doesn't want to get raised off the hand. He's going to check and call and try to hit his hand as cheap as possible.
When the 4th diamond misses and he has just a pair of aces he checks to see what you do and hoping to get a cheap showdown.
These types of fish don't in my experience give up top pair very easy, even with a weakish kicker (they aint thinking about the kicker) proper fish just see a pair of aces and aint folding to a 30bb river bet, they look you up.
Pre I know why you called with the hand, I find its just easier to outplay this guys with a bit more equity, I mean how trashy are you going to get in this spot then?