Rock Star
Silver Level
Welcome Vini
If you personal message me your skype name I'll add you to the group. Its normally on Tuesdays 8pm GMT (for me in the UK) which suits John (probably about 4pm in Brazil) but myself and others can sweat at a wider variety of times.
Hopefully John will comment in detail on your stats, I could do but I don't want to steal his thunder and he is the expert.
It would help if we could see your positional stats as well. It is important to see what % of hands you are opening from each position and where you are 3betting from.
Basically overall what I see is solid TAG that isn't stealing/3betting/squeezing wide enough preflop at 6 max and only getting to showdown with your stronger hands.
It's not that your game has massive leaks it's more a case of it not letting you win as much as you could be winning. Thankfully this means it shouldn't take many tweaks to get you into the green.
Thanks man!