You can say that but not means is not true. is not the same like switching tables because when run bad it happen in all tables.
How many of us have days where pretty much are card dead for several days?, or not hitting any board, our AK never hitting or our KK always hiting Ace high flops, is expected variance and could happen for several time, but it not happen all the time, if i switch site the odds to happen are the same, it could happen, but most likely will not happen because it usually not happen everyday.
Scourrge is in that point, his run bad keep happening, his boats have the same odds to get crush by bigger boats if switch sites, hands cracked, running bad and fishies hitting his one outer have the same odds, in reality i dont think it happen if switch site because even when those are normal expected bad runs still not see it every day. And even when are unrelated events and variance dont have memory, the true is that we see it, we know when running bad or good, we can decide if play more on those days, we dont know when is going to end, and the odds happening on other site are the same. I can have a week running good and be 20bi's up, i know running good, is expected good variance, but is not comun, so if switch site even when the odds to happen are the same, the reality is that most likely wil not happen rigth away.
People that play different sites can notice this, after a month you got good days in one site in all tables like hitting 20% sets for a week, is expected variance, in long term is going to get even but at least for that month you are running better in one site, next month things going to get even and now running better in the other and bad on the first, It also could happen that run bad on both or run good on both, but it depends on timing, and usually not run the same on both.
So if Scourrge is running bad for several months could be expected variance but not mean that he going to run bad too in the other site in the next 4 months too. It could run bad, it cant be denied, but run normal or good are also posibilities, but if we know in the one playing is bad for several months now, switching should be a improvement because has the chance that at least for this month maybe run good or normal, if also run bad it not make a difference vs how running right now.