Official PT4 Representative
Silver Level
I am using the trail version of PT4 at the moment for mac and the past few days not all hands have been uploaded onto the stats/graphs? Anything I can do?
Your post s a bit too vague for us to be able to give you really good advice. We may eventually need to know many things to give you a good answer, but at a minimum anytime there is a problem we need to know the absolute basic details such as what site your playing at and what game type (be specific) you are playing.
Additionally we can sugest that you click Play Poker > Import Status, you will find a log of every hand imported here, and if there were any import errors you will be notified in this window. Thats a good place to start going forward after a session is done if the numbers do not match. Sometimes the results won't match because the poker site's hand history is faulty, this is more common than you may suspect - but it makes sense because the poker site may not consider hand history accuracy a top priority for development. In other situations it could be a logic error in PokerTracker 4, when that occurs we can fix the problem if we get a copy of the original hand history to explore.