Silver Level
Much appreciated.Great to be playing at 888 again.You should be ok because if you had any outstanding issues they would not have let you reopen your account!
Much appreciated.Great to be playing at 888 again.You should be ok because if you had any outstanding issues they would not have let you reopen your account!
This will be checked out for you!!My username on 888poker is Lickmyacebud
So a quick rundown. I have been playing on 888poker now since roughly june of 2019. I have made numerous deposits throughout that time until now. Basically all small ones ranging from $15 to $100 or $150 amounting to a total somewhere in the neighborhood of a few thousand dollars. All of which was lost except for my most recent one.
I finally hit a hot streak and won $1500 USD which i didnt tilt off this time. I cashed out $1000 USD successfully right at the end of NOV and received it days later in my account. I continued to play with the remaining $500 and ran that up to $2500. On Dec 4th at 8:30pm i proceeded to try and cashout $1300 USD which went into processing. On DEC 5th i went to bed somewhere around 3am when i stopped playing.
At 4:30am on DEC 5th i received an email which returned the $1300 into my account. At 7:30am on DEC 5th the operations team sent me an email informing me that my account has been suspended because it is suspected I have been using some form of A.I.(artificial intelligence). I can confidently say that I dont use anything additional. I dont use any HUDs, no scripts, absolutely no assistance whatsoever. I check sharkscope periodically and even then i dont even have a subscription to that.
I was told after i contacted support that it would take up to 72 hours to resolve everything, so to be patient and just let operations do their thing and they would get in touch with me sunday dec 7th. To date, i have not heard a single word back from the operations team. I have been getting in touch with regular support almost every day through the live chat portal, but continue to be told nothing. No status of the issue, no timeline, no information of how i can be of assistance to them or anything. They just continue to tell me that they cant see anything to do with the investigation because only operations has access to that and to continue to wait. I have sent numerous emails to operations now asking for an update on whats going on, even just a simple response to confirm they are actually actively working on the case.
I am hoping that an 888 representative can possibly look into this for me and let me know what is going on and help resolve this so i can access my account once again and play, and cashout as normal. My entire $2500 is being held right now and we are going on 9 days with absolutely no contact from the operations team at all.
Thank you in advance for anything that can be done.
Has anyone else had a similar issue? And how long until it got resolved
Tunisia is fine!!I managed to get the installer from a friend but couldnt install it , maybe it has something to do with the fact that i live in Tunisia ? any recent changes ?
Reinstall it again but after you uninstall the present one you must restart your computer before installing it again!Hello , everything was working fine , until Today i couldnt connect to my account it gives me a message oups bla bla bla retry again , i tried many times couldnt log in my account so i did delete it and went to the site page to download it again and reinstall it , the site show up in a weird way and when i click the download button it doesnt download nothing happens... my internet works perfectly fine and all other sites too....
Sent this over for you!I indicated the reasons for the withdrawal, I urgently need funds. If I have shown insufficient gaming activity, please forgive me for this, in the future it will not happen again.
Your Support ID is: 764983155
This will be checked out for you!!
What is insufficient gaming activity?
Good day. Exactly 10 days ago, my account was blocked for insufficient gaming activity. I asked to unlock it in order to be able to show it enough, but I did not receive any answers. Can you speed up the current process?
11 days and counting for me. Not a single response from the operations department despite numerous emails and requests by me, 888 forum reps, 888live chat support and also the telephone support. Every one of those people have told me they are looking into the matter or at least forwarded requests to them and have requested updates or for them to contact me and it seems nobody can get through to them.
Please keep me updated if/when you get a response from operations. If you do, id at least have a glimmer of hope knowing they even actually exist and havent just highjacked our accounts and made some fake department up who apparently had sole discretion on what happens with our funds. Its shocking that even regular support cannot receive an answer from operations department, considering they supposedly work alongside each other.
Today is the 11th day of blocking, I still have not received any answers from the operations department, the account is still blocked. Very upset by this attitude. If I get an answer, be sure to write it here.
This looks pretty shady to me and is straight up thievery. We should stay together and report them with the gaming comission in my opinion.
Because they are offering a lot of Christmas freerolls every day instead.what happened to the freeroll tourneys at 888, why are the regular freerolls no longer there?
So, finally received a response from the operations team, 12 days later. Here it is...
Dear Iain,
This is the Operations Team at 888poker and we are contacting you with regards to your account with username "Lickmyacebud".
Thank you for your email; please accept our apologies for the delayed reply.
Iain, please be advised that your account has been suspended as it was flagged for signs indicating that the use of Artificial Intelligence may be involved.
As a result with regards to your account, this has been reviewed and the decision to discontinue your membership still stands. This decision is final and has only been taken after careful consideration of all factors involved. The account will remain blocked and any money in your bank roll will not be refunded and no cashouts will be paid.
Please refrain from opening any further accounts with any site managed by us as these too will be blocked and no deposits returned.
Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
Operations Team
There is no way i am going to take this bending over. Thats a significant amount of money they have essentially just stolen from me and as ive stated earlier i dont use anything other than the 888poker program. I dont use HUDS i dont you ANYTHING additional. I didnt even customize the hotkeys within their program. There is no way i am accepting this result from them. They dont even specifiy what it is they suspect i have used they havent give any details whatsoever.
I just replied with this email..
This is absolutely ludicrous. This is theft. I have done absolutely nothing wrong. Like i stated before i dont use any additional software or anything other than the 888poker program itself. Absolutely nothing additional. What exaclty have your findings come up with? I demand this be further looked into. I will not accept this. I have played legitimately under your TOS and have done absolutely nothing wrong. You cannot be shutting down legitimate customers accounts. You have not even told me what you suspect i specifically have done wrong. Something is wrong with your software and what it is flagging because you have just done this to a completely legitimate customer.
Your team needs to further review this. Its completely unacceptable and wrong.
I cannot believe the level of conduct by 888. This is absolute theft on their behalf. Surely they cant be doing this to people and getting away with it. Just because they say- cant make it so.
What is this about winnings from heads up games being treated as bonus money??This is really wrong on their part, but they either do not disclose all the details. If you played heads-up tournaments, you should know that according to the rules, winnings should go as a bonus, which must be wagered, but in fact it fell to the main balance (the same goes for tournaments and cash games). Perhaps they regarded it as tricky actions on your part, saying that you came to this conclusion using artificial intelligence.Generally this is a punishment for greed. My account is also blocked, on the account $ 3,000 of them won in a similar way $ 200, another half are net deposits, the rest was played up for a very long and tedious time. I don’t even know what verdict will be issued according to my account, but it is worth recognizing that the fact that 888 actively offered to make deposits and confiscate the deposits themselves is already considered not very good on their part.
What is this about winnings from heads up games being treated as bonus money??