I was still paid less than I should have been.
Now that I know that I'll try harder to not let you see them.
From todays CC game....My knockout hand, it looks like the issue is fixed.
See above reply please. :top:
Could you also please enquire about getting the observer chat back, as soon as you are KO'd that's it no chat, and also being unable to chat at other tables during the CC games is a piss off, no chat = not being able to socialise with other CC members during our forum games.
Part of the attraction to forum games for me is the social aspect, I've been here at CC for 12 years and chatting at the tables for many of us longer term members means something, we have always done it, the games seem like we are in a sterile environment now, only able to communicate with the 8 other isolated players, and that is only if all seats are full.
Game was normal for me, sometime due to the logged out due to inactivity feature, it will sometimes still show you as logged in, log out and log in again, I missed the first hour of yesterdays CC game due to being logged out just before game started, I didn't notice as I was doing well in the CC Itops game, then I finally noticed about 50 mins into the game, probably something we will all have to get used to.