Called the phone number. They got me registered. Took about 15 minutes, but they got it done. I THINK IT SUCKS....that you have to CALL every week JUST TO GET REGISTERED because THERE IS NO PASSWORD!! enter..into the password box.
THAT is according to Live Chat ..AND..the Phone Support. not cool.:y:
the tournament sucks. Not worth the time. Not worth the bonus. Not worth ALL THE FREEK'N EFFORT!!...TO JUST GET SIGNED UP FOR IT!!.
You really should tell people in the sign up bonus section under that Freeroll Carrot you have dangling out there that...THEY MUST!!..CALL..TO GET REGISTERED EACH WEEK. :call2::call2::call2:
My opinion only..but THAT..would be good information.
((yes,yes,yes...I know....then not so many carrot eaters would jump on it..yeah..i get that))
I finally get in the...tournament? and .......
there were only 4 live players at the table. Everyone else was sitouts.
I DUMPED YOUR TOURNAMENT..... wasn't a fun event, or welcoming event, or recreational event, or participating event, or an event at all.
It was a 4 man table......with 5 seats filled by butts without a brain. No heartbeat. None.
The top 14 players in the tournament..AFTER ONLY 2 BLINDS....were at 10k-22k..
while me and 4 other dudes sat at a table with 5 blind mice...with under an average chip stack . Me and 3 other dudes?....3k..more or less what we started with...give or take a few hundred.
I was at the table...untill I just got BORED OUT OF MY FREEK'N MIND SITTING THERE.
So I dumped the chips.
Went all in EVERY HAND......
.... and told them I was leaving, good luck, don't get bored to death, hope the next 5 hours or more of your fun.
Told them to wait on the chips were theres.
Hope the guy that finally got them with a PP 55 ...does some good.
And boredom doesn't overtake him.
It can do weird things to minds.
That tourament....was a waste of time....... are the type that just LOVES A FREEROLL table and sharing the chips of 5 blind mice....with 4 other people......that don't mind waiting on table changes...for however long that may take while you're breathing.
Then, in that'll have a hoot of a time.:turtle::turtle::turtle::turtle::turtle:
I'm not poker player, I just play poker.
A 9 player table, with over half the players just sitting out....
is not my game. I'm not's even poker.
I'm not poker player, so I don't know. It could be.
Bogus Bonus.
1 hour on Live Chat to TRY to get registered.
30 minutes of emails back and forth trying to figure out how to register, while on live chat.
15 minutes on the Phone Support, while on Live Chat for an hour, while emailing....
....trying to figure out how to register.
30 minutes of absolute boredom........
...... due to 5 players sitting out at a 9 player table....
to win a $50 1st place payout....5-6 hours later after all the sitouts blinded out in the top 30-40.
nope..not my game.
If it's anyone elses...enjoy your life.:ciao: :bandit::bandit:
This reply is a HEADSUP for anyone that needs to know how to get that password to be entered in those 4 freerolls...
and...a rant.
ranting makes me feel better.
The "20 days of Cash" a GREAT bonus, and unlocking the 100% rollover seems real good, seems to be easy enough.
That tournament....(i've only been in this one, so maybe it's off day)....SUCKS!
Screen shot of 5 Blind Mice....attached.
(just because..I'm practicing attachments)
~~Note to ACR MOD here...advice, feedback, and "you did it wrong"..will be accepted for my own better understanding...I'm all about...information that HELPS~~
~~Auto replies, and hitting buttons that send them.??.in emails and Live Chat?.....nope...not so much Mr. MOD Dude of ACR~~