Great Question and some great answers...
My first computer was a ZX Spectrum and while learning some basic back in those days I had discovered that a true Random Number Generator was impossible to create and though you could create a reasonable example of random numbers because of the math it could not be truly random...
So how does each platform differ in programming of their "RNG's"?
Have you noticed through game play that each platform differs slightly?
Having that in mind wouldn't it be a disadvantage getting in the zone on one platform and then moving on to another Thinking you'll have similar results...
I can tell after so many rounds where a table is good for "Flushes", "Straights", "Low Card Pairs" or "High Card Pairs" and then settle in to get in the Zone but each time you're moved from one table to another it takes time to get the feel for the table, Has any one else noticed this?
The Random Number Generators in each platform and game or table is pumping out differing combinations but these combinations do produce patterns of distribution which some Players are attune too and some are not...
What does this say about life in general? I mean is any thing truly random? Watching a few documentaries on Entropy would suggest "that which is ordered becomes disordered over time" but paradoxically we find our selves in a Universe that becomes more ordered over time lol I mean by weight or density is one simple example...
Playing Cards with a RNG which isn't truly producing random numbers has some advantages, but its likely it would be the Platforms that would take the advantage on a system they control... lol keep on raking and we'll keep play lol