Silver Level
For a while, I've wondered just how much power and pull the PPA really has. I guess we are gonna find out soon.
For a while, I've wondered just how much power and pull the PPA really has. I guess we are gonna find out soon.
You're right, I guess. I was just thinking that a check written on a Euro bank could be cashed at my bank if I pay some hefty fees or something, but I'm not sure how that would work. If the check doesn't say "poker" on it, my bank should take it. I guess. (just theorizing)Since the passage and enactment of the UIGEA there is no such thing as a legit way of getting your $$ to sites from the US. It doesn't exist at any cost.
It now has made yahoo's list of most veiwed stories.
http://news.yahoo.com/s/Absolute Poker/20110416/ap_on_sp_ot/us_poker_prosecution
And I love this quote,
"Authorities said Absolute Poker responded by saying in a release after the new law was enacted that it would continue its U.S. operations because "the U.S. Congress has no control over" the company's payment transactions."
Too bad the others don't have the balls to do the same.
Yep. Good for them. But the problem they can't fight is payment processing.:top: Well played, Absolute. :aetsch: from A.P to DOJ.
We might even let the Aussies back in too.. but you have to watch them.. they are all descended from crooks.
For anyone still having the issues, I downloaded the FT UK version through Chrome, it lets you in and play any tournaments you already registered for, but you cannot sign up for new ones, or transfer.
I noticed that the FBI claims that FT and PS "lied to banks".
I dont know how the US banking system works, but I would imagine its similar to the UK system.
You cant lie to a bank, when large sums of money are involved, that bank has to show "due diligence". It has to be able to document that it has vetted its clients and state how that vetting was conducted.
Chances are the banks knew exactly what was going on and chose to turn a blind eye to it.
And of course, the banks have never lied to anyone, right…? Trillions in fraud just a few short years ago and not ONE SINGLE ARREST!!!
Now out all the post I've read here this is the most reasonable one. I agree totally!
Why are we as US citizens so eager to find another site to play on that allows US players or try to find another way to play on PS and FT after what just happened. Can we not just wait this thing out and see what happens? Are we that addicted to online poker til we can't go a day, week, or a month with-out it?
The bottom-line is the US is wanting control over Online poker, right now they don't have it. They want a piece of the pie and can't get it. It's all about money. US has no way to make money off of these sites. That's why they want the sites to tax us so they can make money, the sites said no and this is how the US counter acted to that answer.
So I say lets just wait this thing out, I'm sure these sites will give the US what they want. I don't think PS and FT want to loose US players and the US doesn't want these sites to say the heck with US players because it's too much money to be made here! Just my opinion yall!
Isn't tax due in the States next week?