The reality is that poker already requires luck, we still try to recreate randomness on top of that, maybe poker itself isn't fair, and some lucky people when they win have an explanation for everything and infallible strategies in the "long term".
I'm tired, **** all of this. If one day I have the opportunity to create a website, I'll do better.
just rewriting something I regret saying. If I have the means, I won't make any website.
I have done a lot by being forced by God to live in this world.
Ah, if I didn't know how things work I would have left this rubbish world a long time ago.
But this is the world being the shit that it is, and God dishonoring the lives of his beloved children. To honor later through a bunch of shit achievements and dreams that will never bring any satisfaction.
This is because God finds a way to make you unhappy in any situation, and to make any situation unbearable and incomprehensible.
It's like this, he embarrasses you, humiliates you and then makes all humiliations justified.
And then he rewards you with a load of mundane poop and you think it will be nice and then he makes it unbearable.
So you think, wow, it's all about being with him and meeting him and doing his will, because nothing that isn't his will will bring me full satisfaction.
And so we keep asking him about his ****ing will but he doesn't say anything, and then we do all kinds of nonsense to try to capture his ****ing will, and in the end that's it, I think God is outdated or too old.
just rewriting something I regret saying. If I have the means, I won't make any website.
I have done a lot by being forced by God to live in this world.
Ah, if I didn't know how things work I would have left this rubbish world a long time ago.
But this is the world being the shit that it is, and God dishonoring the lives of his beloved children. To honor later through a bunch of shit achievements and dreams that will never bring any satisfaction.
This is because God finds a way to make you unhappy in any situation, and to make any situation unbearable and incomprehensible.
It's like this, he embarrasses you, humiliates you and then makes all humiliations justified.
And then he rewards you with a load of mundane poop and you think it will be nice and then he makes it unbearable.
So you think, wow, it's all about being with him and meeting him and doing his will, because nothing that isn't his will will bring me full satisfaction.
And then we keep asking him what the **** he wants, but he doesn't say anything, and then we do all kinds of stupid things to try to capture his ****ing desire, and then we have nothing.
I'm tired of this circus that is the world and life, I stopped taking it seriously, we're here ****ing ourselves while we're a joke to God.
And in the end, I think God is outdated or too old. Or else we should make it very clear to our children when they arrive what this world is about, either it's a big joke or it's ****ing hell where everything is unfair. I shit on the world, I'm tired of being good and hardworking.