Innocence is thinking that in a world where even our health becomes a market, online poker is honest.



Platinum Level
Jun 7, 2023
Total posts
Vale, entonces me disculpo. Pero te das cuenta de que estás hablando de formas de vida que se están extinguiendo por culpa de la cultura eurocéntrica/occidental, ¿no? No pueden vivir de la caza como sus antepasados, porque el capitalismo está destruyendo los ecosistemas que necesitan para mantenerse. Nosotros formamos parte de ello, pero al menos somos conscientes... por supuesto que tenemos que dejarnos llevar por el capitalismo.
The only thing that bothers me is the hypocrisy of those who complain about capitalism while consuming the same or more than the others, knowing that they have the option of not doing it anymore. I am not complaining because it would be hypocritical if I am also a consumer to a greater or lesser extent.


Bronze Level
Jan 30, 2023
Total posts
The only thing that bothers me is the hypocrisy of those who complain about capitalism while consuming the same or more than the others, knowing that they have the option of not doing it anymore. I am not complaining because it would be hypocritical if I am also a consumer to a greater or lesser extent.
I get It. We're all in it, brother
It doesn't mean we can't question it
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Bronze Level
Oct 7, 2018
Total posts
You werent hasty, I think I understand your point completely.
Actually I empathize with our fellow american friend, (yes, everyone on the continent is american), things in Argentina are really nasty, politically speaking, and ignorance has taken people to elect a murderer as theyre president, just as in Brazil a few years ago. And usually people like those who play poker (generally speaking), are the ones more blind that votes for someone like that, which is more of a reason to debate these manners in here; we need people to really KNOW the system we live in.
Poker has the aspect of self-knowledge, but it also carries many attributes that stir our shadows such as emotions, greed, anger and delicate. But it can be very efficient.
I don't like to give my opinion much about politics, there are all human beings like us, and imagine how much they are tempted and attacked. And in my point of view, almost everyone I've seen governing is there for power and whoever wants to control is controlled.
The political system itself is flawed and I think that elections should not be the way they are, with half a dozen candidates who do not represent me and who were previously constructed with the wrong intentions.
Elections were to be more like a city, state and finally national eliminatory system where all Citizens can be voted and are required to attend if elected, and advertisements would be strictly prohibited and public figures would be prohibited from participating.


Bronze Level
Oct 7, 2018
Total posts
The only thing that bothers me is the hypocrisy of those who complain about capitalism while consuming the same or more than the others, knowing that they have the option of not doing it anymore. I am not complaining because it would be hypocritical if I am also a consumer to a greater or lesser extent.
Yes! We are all susceptible to mistakes, but the strength lies in recognizing them, looking at yourself without fear and doing better, no one is obliged to be the same person as 5 minutes ago.


Platinum Level
Jun 7, 2023
Total posts
¡Sí! Todos somos susceptibles a cometer errores, pero la fuerza está en reconocerlos, mirarse sin miedo y hacerlo mejor, nadie está obligado a ser la misma persona que hace 5 minutos.
I'm no longer interested in talking to you. You say that you are a person of God, and you talk about me without knowing me, judging me, believing that you know something about my life. You are just another person who thinks you are aware of things and you want to announce them to everyone, and the reality is that you are a consumer of capitalism like any other, frustrated by a system that you are part of and that you don't come out of because you don't want to or can't. Just another talker. And the worst thing is even with such a high ego to believe that you can open the eyes of others when you haven't even opened your own.


Bronze Level
Oct 7, 2018
Total posts
I'm no longer interested in talking to you. You say that you are a person of God, and you talk about me without knowing me, judging me, believing that you know something about my life. You are just another person who thinks you are aware of things and you want to announce them to everyone, and the reality is that you are a consumer of capitalism like any other, frustrated by a system that you are part of and that you don't come out of because you don't want to or can't. Just another talker. And the worst thing is even with such a high ego to believe that you can open the eyes of others when you haven't even opened your own.
Don't take it personally man, do you really think that if I didn't have good intentions with you I would be debating you?
Love is in all things in acting and not acting, however if I didn't care I would give you indifference.
It turns out that when you make fun of people and see in the mirror what you do, this happens, it hurts.
But pain is the greatest revealer of our true self, you can see in me.


Platinum Level
Jun 7, 2023
Total posts
No lo tomes como algo personal hombre, ¿de verdad crees que si no tuviera buenas intenciones contigo estaría debatiendo contigo?
El amor está en todas las cosas en la actuación y en la no actuación, sin embargo si no me importara te daría indiferencia.
Resulta que cuando te burlas de la gente y ves en el espejo lo que haces pasa esto, duele.
Pero el dolor es el mayor revelador de nuestro verdadero yo, puedes verlo en mí.
The only one it seems to affect is you. It doesn't hurt what a stranger says about me, I know who I am. You're just a demagogue. I wish you luck.


Platinum Level
May 2, 2020
Total posts
It's complete blindness and I deeply understand the reasons...
But if we stop to think about it, it's not difficult to understand.
A world where even the pharmaceutical industries play with the lives of others, not providing cures that have already been developed for monetary interest. In this same world we have the false hope that online poker is fair.:ROFLMAO:

What a joke, I already talked here years ago about problems with some rooms, I mentioned bots, but if it was just that it wouldn't be that much of a problem, and if it was just one room...
And I'm trying to help Americans, but most of them deserve to be blind, and I completely understand why blindness, despair, and life's difficulties are alleviated through money.

I was once a fool and money shut me up for some time, but I don't have the profile to be a slave to poker rooms, anyone who has the profile to be a slave and is afraid of life's difficulties should make the most of this farce.

Now money will no longer silence me, and may God give me enough life to see his justice being relentless, and to see the shame of the greedy.
They enslave people and blind them through benefits, but for these benefits you will let your lives drain into the pockets of the slave masters.
well, stop play and you have no more problem with that


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Jun 27, 2012
Total posts
When its realized that there are no gods, there are no devils, It's all just people. Those people are individuals, they form groups, or gangs, they form companies, they do this everywhere all over the world. No matter who believes in whatever they want to believe, the facts of it remains that people or companies, which are for profit, have only an interest in making profit, have no incentive to care about those who provide that income. The more individuals that require income from it, the more necessary it is to acquire high volumes of profit. Unless that company operated with zero overhead, zero employees, no investors, no advertising or customer acquisition cost, nil payroll, basically zero expenses . .

Its all for the greater greed.. not the greater good.. No poker room, no casino, no gambler for that matter is looking to better another person or player unless it benefits them in some way.

All of these casinos that offer online gambling with RNG based card deals have flaws, because no matter how you present the random deal there will always be some way to one up the system, on multiple levels. Bots manipulate the out comes of entire hands because they are playing a system that provides them with higher odds, the poker rooms can manipulate the RNG at any given point and no player has the ability to change it. Questioning it does nothing, and reporting it only wastes the reporters time and may even flag them for further abuse.. If you chose to play, its your money.. You are welcome to deposit it, and pretend that it will in the long run be a better spend then some other that you may have chosen otherwise. Nothing makes any difference as long as people continue to play, and no amount of complaining, reporting, reviewing, crying or quitting by any one individual will change a thing.
And there will never be enough players to just up and quit to make it a significant loss for the casino. And to all those people who claim that casinos have no incentive to cheat or otherwise manipulate the system, HAHA, i laugh at your ignorance. Every human being on the face of this earth that has ever lived to see adulthood has in some way shape or form done something in their lives that took advantage of another human. And this is absolute undeniable fact. Not everyone will be evil minded, not all actions will come at a severe cost to others, Not everyone will see their own self in this particular mirror, but the reflection still exists.

As for casinos and online poker rooms, sure there are likely to be some out there, that have been built with the idea that players expect a fair game, and those places attempt with all effort to manufacture that fairness in a way that works for everyone. However everyone does not fit inside the same glass slipper. So even on the fairest of the fair which I highly challenge anyone to present even one brand name that holds true to this statement there will be flaws whether seen or unseen, whether the developers intentionally designed them, or they just happened to be there..

I understand the OP's mindset here, The OP is not entirely alone regardless of subtle or blatant differences.

No one asked, for my opinion nor do I care if you agree or don't I just wanted to put some words in a box and let it be forever written into existence..
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Bronze Level
Oct 7, 2018
Total posts
When its realized that there are no gods, there are no devils, It's all just people. Those people are individuals, they form groups, or gangs, they form companies, they do this everywhere all over the world. No matter who believes in whatever they want to believe, the facts of it remains that people or companies, which are for profit, have only an interest in making profit, have no incentive to care about those who provide that income. The more individuals that require income from it, the more necessary it is to acquire high volumes of profit. Unless that company operated with zero overhead, zero employees, no investors, no advertising or customer acquisition cost, nil payroll, basically zero expenses . .

Its all for the greater greed.. not the greater good.. No poker room, no casino, no gambler for that matter is looking to better another person or player unless it benefits them in some way.

All of these casinos that offer online gambling with RNG based card deals have flaws, because no matter how you present the random deal there will always be some way to one up the system, on multiple levels. Bots manipulate the out comes of entire hands because they are playing a system that provides them with higher odds, the poker rooms can manipulate the RNG at any given point and no player has the ability to change it. Questioning it does nothing, and reporting it only wastes the reporters time and may even flag them for further abuse.. If you chose to play, its your money.. You are welcome to deposit it, and pretend that it will in the long run be a better spend then some other that you may have chosen otherwise. Nothing makes any difference as long as people continue to play, and no amount of complaining, reporting, reviewing, crying or quitting by any one individual will change a thing.
And there will never be enough players to just up and quit to make it a significant loss for the casino. And to all those people who claim that casinos have no incentive to cheat or otherwise manipulate the system, HAHA, i laugh at your ignorance. Every human being on the face of this earth that has ever lived to see adulthood has in some way shape or form done something in their lives that took advantage of another human. And this is absolute undeniable fact. Not everyone will be evil minded, not all actions will come at a severe cost to others, Not everyone will see their own self in this particular mirror, but the reflection still exists.

As for casinos and online poker rooms, sure there are likely to be some out there, that have been built with the idea that players expect a fair game, and those places attempt with all effort to manufacture that fairness in a way that works for everyone. However everyone does not fit inside the same glass slipper. So even on the fairest of the fair which I highly challenge anyone to present even one brand name that holds true to this statement there will be flaws whether seen or unseen, whether the developers intentionally designed them, or they just happened to be there..

I understand the OP's mindset here, The OP is not entirely alone regardless of subtle or blatant differences.

No one asked, for my opinion nor do I care if you agree or don't I just wanted to put some words in a box and let it be forever written into existence..
I loved the glass slipper part!:ROFLMAO:
Yeah, it's not easy.


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Jun 27, 2012
Total posts
I loved the glass slipper part!:ROFLMAO:
Yeah, it's not easy.
Something else that I think would add some additional perspective to the thread.

There are many people quick to argue the idea that the casinos would cheat the player in any kind of way..
Here is what I have to say to that.

" Not a single online casino has posted any verified open source code to their software, rng mechanics, algorithm structure, profit and loss sheets, balance sheets, complete player financials, or any other proof based records that would authenticate their casino as perfectly legit and completely honest without doubts.."

Suns of Beaches

Suns of Beaches

Ripley rips it in on Replay
Platinum Level
Oct 26, 2019
Total posts
"Dumbness is returning to places over and over again where we feel we are getting cheated at."

This could be alternative title for this thread 🤭😉
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Bronze Level
Oct 7, 2018
Total posts
The reality is that poker already requires luck, we still try to recreate randomness on top of that, maybe poker itself isn't fair, and some lucky people when they win have an explanation for everything and infallible strategies in the "long term".

I'm tired, **** all of this. If one day I have the opportunity to create a website, I'll do better.


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Jun 27, 2012
Total posts
The reality is that poker already requires luck, we still try to recreate randomness on top of that, maybe poker itself isn't fair, and some lucky people when they win have an explanation for everything and infallible strategies in the "long term".

I'm tired, **** all of this. If one day I have the opportunity to create a website, I'll do better.
Unless your connected with deep pocketed professional players or super wealthy friends/family that would be willing to invest and promote the project, with no clear return path for their capital within a reasonable timeframe.. , and/or you have millions of your own start up capital..
Another thing that would be vital, if you want it done right, is to have a very strong background in software engineering, even if you weren't writing the mechanics for the platform and PRNG algorithm yourself.

Cost of player acquisition is too high in my opinion, even if you could commission the development platform that was on the level. It would highly expensive to nearly impossible to acquire enough valuable depositing players to become profitable before it was buried by the bigger dudes. Best thing you could hope for if you did get that far would be to have one of the larger land based casinos to acquire you at a large enough number. Otherwise you'd be competing with all the large casino groups that have already conquered the market, and already spend 7 or 8 figures each year in marketing and sponsorships..


Bronze Level
Oct 7, 2018
Total posts
The reality is that poker already requires luck, we still try to recreate randomness on top of that, maybe poker itself isn't fair, and some lucky people when they win have an explanation for everything and infallible strategies in the "long term".

I'm tired, **** all of this. If one day I have the opportunity to create a website, I'll do better.
just rewriting something I regret saying. If I have the means, I won't make any website.
I have done a lot by being forced by God to live in this world.
Ah, if I didn't know how things work I would have left this rubbish world a long time ago.

But this is the world being the shit that it is, and God dishonoring the lives of his beloved children. To honor later through a bunch of shit achievements and dreams that will never bring any satisfaction.

This is because God finds a way to make you unhappy in any situation, and to make any situation unbearable and incomprehensible.
It's like this, he embarrasses you, humiliates you and then makes all humiliations justified.
And then he rewards you with a load of mundane poop and you think it will be nice and then he makes it unbearable.

So you think, wow, it's all about being with him and meeting him and doing his will, because nothing that isn't his will will bring me full satisfaction.
And so we keep asking him about his ****ing will but he doesn't say anything, and then we do all kinds of nonsense to try to capture his ****ing will, and in the end that's it, I think God is outdated or too old.
just rewriting something I regret saying. If I have the means, I won't make any website.
I have done a lot by being forced by God to live in this world.
Ah, if I didn't know how things work I would have left this rubbish world a long time ago.

But this is the world being the shit that it is, and God dishonoring the lives of his beloved children. To honor later through a bunch of shit achievements and dreams that will never bring any satisfaction.

This is because God finds a way to make you unhappy in any situation, and to make any situation unbearable and incomprehensible.
It's like this, he embarrasses you, humiliates you and then makes all humiliations justified.
And then he rewards you with a load of mundane poop and you think it will be nice and then he makes it unbearable.

So you think, wow, it's all about being with him and meeting him and doing his will, because nothing that isn't his will will bring me full satisfaction.
And then we keep asking him what the **** he wants, but he doesn't say anything, and then we do all kinds of stupid things to try to capture his ****ing desire, and then we have nothing.

I'm tired of this circus that is the world and life, I stopped taking it seriously, we're here ****ing ourselves while we're a joke to God.
And in the end, I think God is outdated or too old. Or else we should make it very clear to our children when they arrive what this world is about, either it's a big joke or it's ****ing hell where everything is unfair. I shit on the world, I'm tired of being good and hardworking.


Feb 17, 2018
Total posts
Hang in there guy it will get better! Been there that’s how I know!


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Jun 27, 2012
Total posts
I'd like to point out that, all those things are fictional, or non factors, and no amount of personal spiritual physical or mental abuse will resolve it.
Fear not for all that is known and all can can be know has been delivered by human beings.
No type of currently known information from historical religions have been presented by an actual spiritual being in the form of a God or Demon. An all powerful god type being wouldn't release the proverbial devil we were taught to be satan and allow him free roam, and free gratis soul buffet..
No all powerful and all knowing God, would rely on a human being to deliver the most crucial and important messages. Free will is an excuse to do whatever someone wants and have no accountability or responsibility to it.
Eternal life doesn't make any sense, or even sound appealing when considering what was stated about it in the bible,
Nothing we have ever been involved with lasts very long on that grand of a scale, and none of the spiritual entities some witness from the dmt/mushroom realms are not at all pushing a religious overtone..
All forms of religion are man made. No human has ever returned to life after a confirmed 3 days of death.
No story biblical or historical that was written has been passed down verbatim with no deviances.. No translations were offered by a spiritual host.
No consistency in the translations of the scrolls and tablets that were cast into the scriptures.
Old and new testaments and most books and chapters don't belong together, contradicting books and writings, historical faux pas, and overall unnecessary beliefs and behaviors towards other humans
No guidance from a spiritual entity has fixed any of the aforementioned errors..
Confusion and conflicting theology doesn't equate to God like and by and far,
No one bothered to wonder why the God of the OT, was so jealous, vengeful and raging towards humans he supposedly created.
The saviour of the New Testaments is all about peace and love thy fellow man.. but don't be gay, and your welcome to kill anyone that is and just take any female and do your will with them however you'd like no rules.. but your a sinner if as a man you rub one out and it isn't in a hooker..
. Also none of those things are even close to how the world is today. We are as a people far and beyond more civil and less disgusting then those people of old history. Sorry but I will never find any of that to be compelling enough to want in. Heaven doesn't even make sense. Hell would be a literal place on earth.. And no amount of prayer to any deity will ever manifest it to be true without some human intervention..

just my thoughts on that subject as well.. felt the need to get that out there in black and white as well.. lol
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Poker Orifice

Poker Orifice

Swede Tooth
Platinum Level
Jan 19, 2008
Total posts
Once upon a time a guy got REALLY lucky in a larger buy-in online tournament. He thought he was some kind of poker wizard but in reality he ran like GOD and it was his bizarre '-ev' style of play (a.k.a. 'Donkey play') that baffled some of their opponents (ie. HERO thinks they're valu-betting in a spot where it's clearly a bluff-catcher situation at best) HERO mistakenly assumes the other players are thinking along similar lines to themself and once again way overvalues their own hands/ranges in certain spots because of this. (etc. etc. etc.)

They get a great cash.

They ARE a PRO! 'They' always knew they were a PRO... now others would see it too!

HERO continues playing buyins far above their actually level of skill. They managed to dump the remainder of the $$'s they'd set aside to live their Poker PRO dream... all down the drain.

What went wrong? It couldn't be anything to do with their own actions! What could it be???

HERO realizes "I've been cheated! It's those online poker sites and their cheating RNG. And they do it so slyly that nobody else actually notices it except for our HERO > 'The PRO'!

He makes a thread to find others who will agree with him. And they do!!! Redemption! Many losing donkey freerollers agree with our PRO! It must be fact. "Of course it's fact! The HERO knows! ... he knows better because he would still be a PRO if the sites hadn't cheated him.


Bronze Level
Oct 7, 2018
Total posts
Once upon a time a guy got REALLY lucky in a larger buy-in online tournament. He thought he was some kind of poker wizard but in reality he ran like GOD and it was his bizarre '-ev' style of play (a.k.a. 'Donkey play') that baffled some of their opponents (ie. HERO thinks they're valu-betting in a spot where it's clearly a bluff-catcher situation at best) HERO mistakenly assumes the other players are thinking along similar lines to themself and once again way overvalues their own hands/ranges in certain spots because of this. (etc. etc. etc.)

They get a great cash.

They ARE a PRO! 'They' always knew they were a PRO... now others would see it too!

HERO continues playing buyins far above their actually level of skill. They managed to dump the remainder of the $$'s they'd set aside to live their Poker PRO dream... all down the drain.

What went wrong? It couldn't be anything to do with their own actions! What could it be???

HERO realizes "I've been cheated! It's those online poker sites and their cheating RNG. And they do it so slyly that nobody else actually notices it except for our HERO > 'The PRO'!

He makes a thread to find others who will agree with him. And they do!!! Redemption! Many losing donkey freerollers agree with our PRO! It must be fact. "Of course it's fact! The HERO knows! ... he knows better because he would still be a PRO if the sites hadn't cheated him.
It's no use man, you're going to have to swallow me.:ROFLMAO:


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Jun 27, 2012
Total posts
HERO continues playing buyins far above their actually level of skill. They managed to dump the remainder of the $$'s they'd set aside to live their Poker PRO dream... all down the drain.
This statement feels like you were watching from a position like over the shoulder camouflaged cameraman pov, now we just need the sound track score.. and we can publish this docuseries..


Platinum Level
Jul 7, 2019
Total posts
It's complete blindness and I deeply understand the reasons...
But if we stop to think about it, it's not difficult to understand.
A world where even the pharmaceutical industries play with the lives of others, not providing cures that have already been developed for monetary interest. In this same world we have the false hope that online poker is fair.:ROFLMAO:

What a joke, I already talked here years ago about problems with some rooms, I mentioned bots, but if it was just that it wouldn't be that much of a problem, and if it was just one room...
And I'm trying to help Americans, but most of them deserve to be blind, and I completely understand why blindness, despair, and life's difficulties are alleviated through money.

I was once a fool and money shut me up for some time, but I don't have the profile to be a slave to poker rooms, anyone who has the profile to be a slave and is afraid of life's difficulties should make the most of this farce.

Now money will no longer silence me, and may God give me enough life to see his justice being relentless, and to see the shame of the greedy.
They enslave people and blind them through benefits, but for these benefits you will let your lives drain into the pockets of the slave masters.

but what would you suggest to do, what is the solution
Poker Orifice

Poker Orifice

Swede Tooth
Platinum Level
Jan 19, 2008
Total posts
As I mentioned, it seems fair, but it's not.

Was it fair when you won that big chunk of ca$h in The Venom?

Did you ever stop to consider that maybe you're not very good at poker? Maybe you got lucky? Maybe you were experiencing the sunnyside of variance? And then instead of trying to beat games where your level of skill & experience 'might' be able to compete, instead you chose to play vs. others who were significantly better players than you?

It seems instead you chose to believe that poker is rigged. I am guessing you didn't think it was rigged on Day 2 of The Venom.

If you actually believe it is rigged... why would you even consider playing at all? What would be the point?


Bronze Level
Oct 7, 2018
Total posts
Was it fair when you won that big chunk of ca$h in The Venom?

Did you ever stop to consider that maybe you're not very good at poker? Maybe you got lucky? Maybe you were experiencing the sunnyside of variance? And then instead of trying to beat games where your level of skill & experience 'might' be able to compete, instead you chose to play vs. others who were significantly better players than you?

It seems instead you chose to believe that poker is rigged. I am guessing you didn't think it was rigged on Day 2 of The Venom.

If you actually believe it is rigged... why would you even consider playing at all? What would be the point?
hahaha, wow, your posts make me think how much we shouldn't listen to people behind masks like the internet and social networks or forums.

In fact, I don't even need to finish reading your message to understand its content, wow! your life must be very happy and victorious, why do you have the time and willingness to try to debauch or belittle people, I can imagine how exciting your life must be , you must have a lot of tasks and cool things to do.

To be honest, man, I prefer my luck over arrogance, you have a lot of confidence in your game, right? And in your competence? Do you really think you are the one doing this?

Come back in a while to congratulate me, since you are so interested in my victories, and within the affairs of my life, I'm sorry man here you can't achieve anything, the only thing you'll achieve is shame and envy, but to have This luck takes a lot of work and you may never know how much, but it is not intellectual work.


Bronze Level
Oct 7, 2018
Total posts
Was it fair when you won that big chunk of ca$h in The Venom?

Did you ever stop to consider that maybe you're not very good at poker? Maybe you got lucky? Maybe you were experiencing the sunnyside of variance? And then instead of trying to beat games where your level of skill & experience 'might' be able to compete, instead you chose to play vs. others who were significantly better players than you?

It seems instead you chose to believe that poker is rigged. I am guessing you didn't think it was rigged on Day 2 of The Venom.

If you actually believe it is rigged... why would you even consider playing at all? What would be the point?
It's true, a story so well-crafted that it doesn't even seem to be forged.
Let me see, I hear some noise, some dogs from the Anti Cristo Run farm that are eating all the crops and making noise.
Well, now even farms only care about robot labor, it's a shame that harvesting is mandatory.