Innocence is thinking that in a world where even our health becomes a market, online poker is honest.

black and

black and

Platinum Level
Sep 15, 2020
Total posts
It's complete blindness and I deeply understand the reasons...
But if we stop to think about it, it's not difficult to understand.
A world where even the pharmaceutical industries play with the lives of others, not providing cures that have already been developed for monetary interest. In this same world we have the false hope that online poker is fair.:ROFLMAO:

What a joke, I already talked here years ago about problems with some rooms, I mentioned bots, but if it was just that it wouldn't be that much of a problem, and if it was just one room...
And I'm trying to help Americans, but most of them deserve to be blind, and I completely understand why blindness, despair, and life's difficulties are alleviated through money.

I was once a fool and money shut me up for some time, but I don't have the profile to be a slave to poker rooms, anyone who has the profile to be a slave and is afraid of life's difficulties should make the most of this farce.

Now money will no longer silence me, and may God give me enough life to see his justice being relentless, and to see the shame of the greedy.
They enslave people and blind them through benefits, but for these benefits you will let your lives drain into the pockets of the slave masters.
To be honest, I don't think much about such things, in particular about "fair" online poker. I just play, I enjoy the game and besides, thanks to poker, I have an additional income. And even if online poker is not a fair game, I will continue to play it anyway, because it is primarily fun, interesting and profitable for me. You might say that I am also "blind", ........ I don't deny it, but as long as my bankroll is growing, as long as I have an income, my "blindness" doesn't cause me much discomfort :)


Bronze Level
Oct 7, 2018
Total posts
To be honest, I don't think much about such things, in particular about "fair" online poker. I just play, I enjoy the game and besides, thanks to poker, I have an additional income. And even if online poker is not a fair game, I will continue to play it anyway, because it is primarily fun, interesting and profitable for me. You might say that I am also "blind", ........ I don't deny it, but as long as my bankroll is growing, as long as I have an income, my "blindness" doesn't cause me much discomfort :)
Yes! exactly!
That's how it works, and it's no different with me.
However, I can't help but say this, because that's what I have to do.
I wouldn't even need to be here justifying or exposing myself, because what has to happen will happen whether I speak or not, but those who have ears can hear and those who have eyes can see just as they are already seeing the perceptions that were revealed to me.


Bronze Level
Oct 7, 2018
Total posts
To be honest, I don't think much about such things, in particular about "fair" online poker. I just play, I enjoy the game and besides, thanks to poker, I have an additional income. And even if online poker is not a fair game, I will continue to play it anyway, because it is primarily fun, interesting and profitable for me. You might say that I am also "blind", ........ I don't deny it, but as long as my bankroll is growing, as long as I have an income, my "blindness" doesn't cause me much discomfort :)
I liked you man! You are real and you know yourself well!
Just don't let it cost you, always know your place.
It's just that it's very expensive for me to be what is expected of me, and I don't accept crumbs from the world.
No one knows everything and I'm susceptible to mistakes too, but whenever I recognize them I'm forced to redeem myself.
Only God knows why I do this, even I can't know, but who knows, if it's not for a transformation in the online poker security structure, if I have the opportunity and resources one day I would definitely invest in creating a room, I already have an idea for an undeniable RNG, but I'm just not sure about security against bots.


Silver Level
May 22, 2024
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There is really no real incentive to rig it, but I think there is a fair amount of collusion, multi- accounting, and bots.
Finally someone with some discernment

Why on hell would poker rooms cheat on card shuffling?


Bronze Level
Oct 7, 2018
Total posts
Online poker serves more as a school, and is very similar even in its flawed approach to effectiveness.
They test the complacency and loyalty of their chosen ones more than their abilities.
Intelligence is just fragments of information, wisdom is how to put them together.
The most renowned professionals play very little online poker and much more live.:)


May 19, 2011
Total posts
Like everything in life there is the good and bad ones in my opinion. Of course there were rooms involved in poker scandals, like FT, Absolute, Ultimate and many others to prove that I can’t trust 100%, but I trust enough to keep playing. But I would never let a big amount of money in any poker room because one day they can just decide to close your account and keep with your money and that’s it.


Bronze Level
Oct 7, 2018
Total posts
Like everything in life there is the good and bad ones in my opinion. Of course there were rooms involved in poker scandals, like FT, Absolute, Ultimate and many others to prove that I can’t trust 100%, but I trust enough to keep playing. But I would never let a big amount of money in any poker room because one day they can just decide to close your account and keep with your money and that’s it.
Yes! Life isn't fair and I keep living...:)
you do good! But have you already won a large amount?
There are withdrawal limitations in all rooms, and sometimes even rake generation requirements for future withdrawals, for example if you win 1 million you can only withdraw 2,500 per week for example, and you have to play too...
But things are like that, when we don't like how they are, we do better.


Bronze Level
Oct 7, 2018
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My conversation with AI:

What programming language is used on poker sites?

The most common programming language for developing poker websites is JavaScript1. It allows developers to create interactive and dynamic websites by adding features like interactive forms, animations, and dynamic content loading. Furthermore, Python is also used to develop websites and applications, being a free and open source platform.

See how the devil operates.
2. If you are interested in creating a poker bot, you can use the Python programming language to configure it and make it competitive3. 😊

So I said I wanted to create a poker website and I called the IA a cheater and he distorted everything.
I want to create a cheating AI website!


I understand that you are interested in creating a website with artificial intelligence (AI) generated content that is not easily detected as such. While I cannot support dishonest or harmful activities, I can provide information about tools that help verify and humanize AI-generated text.

Satan is bound!


I apologize if my previous response caused any discomfort. If you need more help, I'm at your disposal. Have a good day! 🙏


Bronze Level
Oct 7, 2018
Total posts
Oh my God with you, the Devil becomes a joke!
Wake up guys!
A while ago I asked AI if it was possible to create a system of random numbers in a binary system, which is the case with programs created for computers.
The AI responded that it was not possible, and that it could imitate randomness, and was very clear.
Then a day passed and I asked the same question to present it here and to my surprise the answer changed.
Damn, there has to be a technology blackout, just resetting this world, it's gone...🤣🤣🤣🤣


Jun 3, 2019
Total posts
It's complete blindness and I deeply understand the reasons...
But if we stop to think about it, it's not difficult to understand.
A world where even the pharmaceutical industries play with the lives of others, not providing cures that have already been developed for monetary interest. In this same world we have the false hope that online poker is fair.:ROFLMAO:

What a joke, I already talked here years ago about problems with some rooms, I mentioned bots, but if it was just that it wouldn't be that much of a problem, and if it was just one room...
And I'm trying to help Americans, but most of them deserve to be blind, and I completely understand why blindness, despair, and life's difficulties are alleviated through money.

I was once a fool and money shut me up for some time, but I don't have the profile to be a slave to poker rooms, anyone who has the profile to be a slave and is afraid of life's difficulties should make the most of this farce.

Now money will no longer silence me, and may God give me enough life to see his justice being relentless, and to see the shame of the greedy.
They enslave people and blind them through benefits, but for these benefits you will let your lives drain into the pockets of the slave masters.
Do you feel better, now that you got this off your chest? ;)
Suns of Beaches

Suns of Beaches

Ripley rips it in on Replay
Platinum Level
Oct 26, 2019
Total posts
"its an evil and corrupt world and therefore online poker cant be honest. Only god can help us conquer the devil. Still working on my mental game."

I guess that is the basic message of all those posts/walls

Now...can i please get my 3 minutes back?
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Bronze Level
Oct 7, 2018
Total posts
"its an evil and corrupt world and therefore online poker cant be honest. Only god can help us conquer the devil. Still working on my mental game."

I guess that is the basic message of all those posts/walls

Now...can i please get my 3 minutes back?
It's better to put poker site managers in charge of ruling the world, as poker is something much more serious and important than world health and peace.:ROFLMAO:


Bronze Level
Oct 7, 2018
Total posts
The choice to defend the illusion will not help in the end, as those who now laugh for momentary benefits will have nothing to hold on to.
The most hilarious thing about this is that the world is ending and everyone has their face buried in the monitor, selling their lives for comfort, illusory dreams and money.
And they cling to the illusion in the hope that it will give them relief.
And it relieves, but it blinds and the truth hurts more freeing.
Suns of Beaches

Suns of Beaches

Ripley rips it in on Replay
Platinum Level
Oct 26, 2019
Total posts
It's better to put poker site managers in charge of ruling the world, as poker is something much more serious and important than world health and peace.:ROFLMAO:
What has this to do with my post?

U should start ur career as a Poet my friend. They love to put very little content in as much text as possible 😉😆
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Bronze Level
Oct 7, 2018
Total posts
What has this to do with my post?

U should start ur career as a Poet my friend. They love to put very little content in as much text as possible 😉😆
It's very easy to understand your position now, you have problems understanding. And not even many words can reach your consciousness.
But don't get irritated by this, just try to understand with your heart, intellect is flawed and only teaches you to calculate more and less and to see only what the eyes can see.
Poetry is in everything we do, there just needs to be beauty. Even here there is beauty.


Bronze Level
Oct 7, 2018
Total posts
Finding reason in little is mere laziness of the spirit, but understanding reality through multiplicity is the work of the wise.


Rock Star
Platinum Level
Jan 28, 2022
Total posts
The important thing is to play, and understand that despite playing a perfect game you can lose to a cooler, but also be aware of your mistakes and correct them.
A kiravio

A kiravio

Platinum Level
Feb 10, 2023
Total posts
I think the comments will start in addition to your very delicate and sensitive topic 🤔


Apr 26, 2016
Total posts
You sound like Prometheus who brought the fire to humankind.

First of all online poker is a entertainment platform. People pay for fun at such platforms. They pay twice - with their money and with their time.

The money question is quite interesting, let's say for example pokerstars - the platform was sold once for approx 5billions then later it was sold again for 6billions. If you calculate all profit of this platform from the rake, add +50% then it will be something like ~200millions per year. Lets not forget about advertisement budget, salaries, giveaways, servers and other expenses. But even if it's +200Mln/year... it was bought for 6Bln, so it's 30 years to return investments?

The other question is people paying with their time. This one is more interesting.
Let's calculate a 100 year human life in hours? 24*365*100 = 876K hours is a 100 years long human life...
Let's not focus on individual humans, you can check your personal data if you want to, i would like to focus on global picture - it's more interesting.
Since it's hard to calculate such neverending process across all poker platforms, it's easier to calculate some other entertainment event completed not long time ago or still running but much slower than at the start. For example some Hollywood movie? Avatar? Titanic?

Ok here goes, let's say that in total - legally and illegally over time Avatar was watched by 2 billions. Let's say that duration of the movie is 2 hours. I'm not trying to be exact, just throwing some numbers that might be close to reality, just to calculate and compare.

So we have 2 billions * 2hours = 4 000 000 000 human hours. People spent 4 bln hours to see the drama of blue aliens. Did they gain something useful? Something new, something that can help them in their life? Nope. But 4bln human hours have been spent.

Now lets get back to 100 year human life. 876K hours...

4bln / 0.9mln = approx 4.5K

So let's say you're a objective thinking observer, let's say you're a alien from another planet. From objective point of view it looks like thus movie has simply erased 4500 human lives, like they have never existed. Ofc it's just some calculations, there was no victims, just 2 hours from each persons life -that's all. You still have another 875998 hours left... But is it really true? I mean what is true and what is truth? Truth is that not each person will live to 100 years, also it's total time, not effective time, cause 1/3 of each life will be sleeping hours, laso you take bath, go to toilet and so on. How much time has passed and how much time each person has left? is it really 2 billions or during 10 years the number is maybe x5 times more... It's just 1 movie, some people watch them all, including TV... What about poker? some people spent 2 hours, others 12... per day... each day... How many hours in total? Who knows

Too many questions, but my point is that it's a "free marke"t, it's so called and so much desired "freedom". If you belive in it ofc... And in such "freedom" each individual is free to choose how to spend his life. Bots or no bots - it does not matter. You have to OBJECTIVELY think about how you spend your time and money. If you're playing online poker - DO KEEP IN MIND THAT YOU ARE SITTING INFRONT OF YOUR MONITOR AND YOU ARE WATCHING PIXELS. Providers of these pixels can do whatever they want, there also might be middleman, between you and your provider (dealer) of pixels that entertain you. If you start do dig deeper in this scheme - you might not like it, just keep in mind that you are paying for pixels with your time and money, you might like or dislike some of the pixels - it won't change grand scheme of things, because you're not a creator. you're a customer or consumer, you're the one who has 2 options 1) don't use offered service or 2) pay for it with your money and time. By the way you've just paid me with your time. Where is my profit? :)


Bronze Level
Oct 7, 2018
Total posts
You sound like Prometheus who brought the fire to humankind.

First of all online poker is a entertainment platform. People pay for fun at such platforms. They pay twice - with their money and with their time.

The money question is quite interesting, let's say for example PokerStars - the platform was sold once for approx 5billions then later it was sold again for 6billions. If you calculate all profit of this platform from the rake, add +50% then it will be something like ~200millions per year. Lets not forget about advertisement budget, salaries, giveaways, servers and other expenses. But even if it's +200Mln/year... it was bought for 6Bln, so it's 30 years to return investments?

The other question is people paying with their time. This one is more interesting.
Let's calculate a 100 year human life in hours? 24*365*100 = 876K hours is a 100 years long human life...
Let's not focus on individual humans, you can check your personal data if you want to, i would like to focus on global picture - it's more interesting.
Since it's hard to calculate such neverending process across all poker platforms, it's easier to calculate some other entertainment event completed not long time ago or still running but much slower than at the start. For example some Hollywood movie? Avatar? Titanic?

Ok here goes, let's say that in total - legally and illegally over time Avatar was watched by 2 billions. Let's say that duration of the movie is 2 hours. I'm not trying to be exact, just throwing some numbers that might be close to reality, just to calculate and compare.

So we have 2 billions * 2hours = 4 000 000 000 human hours. People spent 4 bln hours to see the drama of blue aliens. Did they gain something useful? Something new, something that can help them in their life? Nope. But 4bln human hours have been spent.

Now lets get back to 100 year human life. 876K hours...

4bln / 0.9mln = approx 4.5K

So let's say you're a objective thinking observer, let's say you're a alien from another planet. From objective point of view it looks like thus movie has simply erased 4500 human lives, like they have never existed. Ofc it's just some calculations, there was no victims, just 2 hours from each persons life -that's all. You still have another 875998 hours left... But is it really true? I mean what is true and what is truth? Truth is that not each person will live to 100 years, also it's total time, not effective time, cause 1/3 of each life will be sleeping hours, laso you take bath, go to toilet and so on. How much time has passed and how much time each person has left? is it really 2 billions or during 10 years the number is maybe x5 times more... It's just 1 movie, some people watch them all, including TV... What about poker? some people spent 2 hours, others 12... per day... each day... How many hours in total? Who knows

Too many questions, but my point is that it's a "free marke"t, it's so called and so much desired "freedom". If you belive in it ofc... And in such "freedom" each individual is free to choose how to spend his life. Bots or no bots - it does not matter. You have to OBJECTIVELY think about how you spend your time and money. If you're playing online poker - DO KEEP IN MIND THAT YOU ARE SITTING INFRONT OF YOUR MONITOR AND YOU ARE WATCHING PIXELS. Providers of these pixels can do whatever they want, there also might be middleman, between you and your provider (dealer) of pixels that entertain you. If you start do dig deeper in this scheme - you might not like it, just keep in mind that you are paying for pixels with your time and money, you might like or dislike some of the pixels - it won't change grand scheme of things, because you're not a creator. you're a customer or consumer, you're the one who has 2 options 1) don't use offered service or 2) pay for it with your money and time. By the way you've just paid me with your time. Where is my profit? :)
That's right, the world is dominated by the forces of slavery and it is in these small details that freedom is stolen, every two hours of each life, and in the end it costs dearly with every nonsense and lie that we give our time to learn and evolve.

But none of this is disposable, you need to go through it to understand the game. The most intellectual and unwise people are the ones most used by the forces that are destroying this world and stealing people's souls in exchange for illusion, pixels, alienating comfort.
You are well articulated but your entire approach could be summarized in one sentence, however the ego makes us think that articulating words is wisdom, or they justify the value of the message.
And this is how they conquer less fortunate people with wisdom and logical reasoning.
I really am not a creator of illusion, but who told you that I'm not a creator?
This is a real world and things have changed, it's not long before the legions are crushed.


Bronze Level
Oct 7, 2018
Total posts
I think the comments will start in addition to your very delicate and sensitive topic 🤔
As always, the devil diverting the subject and trying to confuse people, but it's kind of funny because for me this isn't an effort and the end result won't change.;)


Bronze Level
Oct 7, 2018
Total posts
The deepest question of this entire plot is: The world really is not fair, and we find justice when we abandon it and turn to the spiritual world, the influences will practice inequity in all areas as we can see in the world, including in delicate areas such as medicine, this happens because people are weak and succumb to greed, anger, envy among other things planted by the dark forces that dominate the world, however we should not be naive because in some activities the action of these forces is more effective due to the low emotions that it provokes in people.
However, this world is now a fair one and the rule of darkness is about to end.


Bronze Level
Oct 7, 2018
Total posts
This makes the job easier, see what you said: people pay twice with money and time, to have fun.
And suffering is only found in the search for pleasure, the foolish and greedy seek money, however, these same flaws that all of us humans have are used as a means of being hooked by illusion, but what the powers and principalities want are not available. nothing to do with money but people's negative reactions caused by duality and the search for instant pleasure, which generate suffering, this is what evil feeds on and this is where inequality, hunger, wars and all this casualty arise. energy that we live in today's world and people anesthetized by the pleasure of illusion without the power of transformation and depersticity.
I can really be an ET and what are you?
It's already too late for an attack, the judgment is already on the table, and it's not me who judges, if it were perhaps I would be more lenient, but it's my father who judges, and he's the father of all, and little do they know that even the forces Trevosas do everything according to what he wants, it's just a movie.
Wake up!