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thank you, this information is good to know. I'll be in Vegas for the series in June, anyone want to meet up for a drink?
A lot of us will be there - what are your dates?
thank you, this information is good to know. I'll be in Vegas for the series in June, anyone want to meet up for a drink?
I think Debi would be the best source of advice on this, but I think the answer is - look into renting a house. There are several advantages to renting, not the least is that it is probably cheaper than 20+ days at $100/day average, and you get a lot of room to relax and cook your own meals. It also lets you "get away" from the chaos of the gambling districts.
Also, I'm not certain you can stay in one hotel in Nevada for more than 10 consecutive days... it has to do with "residency". I'm not sure... but I had relatives that would come out for the winter and have to change hotels every two weeks. Your mileage may vary.
The other option is do the RV thing and park it... but that may be even more expensive than the first two options.
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One of my friend who is retired ... he wants to know if stay in LV for like 20 days during the WSOP season...
which one looks better, stay in hotel or renting a house?
he lives in LA area, think ... travel back and forth through his own car is not a big problem for him, if any home emergency or whatever.
many thanks.
This is a nice thread
Dakoto do you play poker for living?
Are cc members so important in vegas?
I live in Las Vegas so I don't stay at any hotels. I wanted to give an opinion about a good place to eat. One of my favorite places is Rolling Smoke BBQ. I had their meatloaf the other day and it was pretty amazing. It does have a bit of spice to it, but I think that is what I liked about it. The people are pretty cool also. So if you love BBQ and are in Vegas give them a try.
maybe a bit of a silly question here, but this is aimed at those of you who have stayed at several hotels in vegas. I come from a country where it rains most of the time, and never goes above 25C in the summer. Even that is too hot for me, and i often concider removing all the food from the freezer so i can climb in when the temperature goes above 16C. As i am seriously concidering a trip to vegas to play some poker , what would you say is the average temperature in the poker rooms in most hotels?
I dont mind if it doesn't rain all the time, i can always set off the fire sprinklers if i get desperate.