DTB Coach
Silver Level
How many hours did it take for you to make the 21k for your Paying it Forward project? Did the people at your tables know what you were doing at the time? How could you possibly bear that weather??
(For anyone that doesn't know - Dusty recently drug his laptop onto the freezing streets of Portland and donated all of the money he made playing poker during that time to help 3 homeless families get back on their feet)
It took about 30 hours.
The people at my tables had no idea I am sure.
I dressed as if I was going to go to the top of a mountain. I wore thermal everything, worse 3 pairs of snow socks, had two sweatshirts and a parka on, had jeans and show pants on. Wore two pair of gloves and a snow hat. It was 8 degrees out. It was the coldest I had ever been by a mile.