John A
Poker Zion Coach
Silver Level
Not many reads it was only my 3rd hand on the table having picked up a decent pot in the blinds and stacked the table fish already.
Ok I sat here thinking Is he trying to push me off a chop here?.
If he had 66 he'd bet turn for value right?
Could he have trip 5's on the turn? and doesn't want to bet as the flush arrives and he wants the chance to boat up before committing some chips. With the preflop call train I think that brings in more 5x suited connectors. But meh if he has quads he needs to bet river as he has no idea if im going to bet.
What do we think?
Pre-flop is a little meh. You said they were fish, so I guess it's ok. I'd prefer to 3-bet or fold w/ offsuit QT.
As far as river, yeah, think you should call there. I mean you're only beat by 5x and 66. Not many combos there, lots of splits and only need one bluff. Most likely you're splitting, which it was a stupid raise by him if that's the case (fish play).