John A
Poker Zion Coach
Silver Level
I'll try to reply in depth to this when I'm not at work but to be clear! I never said 3bet for information. It's for Value. We only 3 bet for value or as a bluff. And jacks are for value. I also hate the expression or the concept for information so I obviously didn't make that clear sorry.
Also, I'm not saying if we call turn we can't fold river but that river card is really the best we can hope for.
To be fair I would think villain could have AKo in his range
Sure, well add a range that you think he's going to bluff with.
In my experience w/ the data, players like this won't usually 3 barrel AK on a draw heavy board. But add in the combos you think he'll have and then see if you can find enough where it makes sense to call.