I was really just trying to get some clarification on your opinion here as it kinda seems to be all over the place tbh. When you said that getting it in post was lolbad (even though in your words he has to do it) you also meant that any other post flop option at villain's disposal would be even more lolbad (
roflmaobad we'll call it)?
Anyway, it's actually not that bad. In this player pool for these stacks the way this hand played out, considering all the factors at play like Scourrge's comment that 3bets here are rather AAxx (and some KKxx) heavy, not finding a fold there otf is ~not~ bad. Regardless of how high you may play or your reputation etc (I honestly haven't looked into that yet) you won't convince me that it is simply by saying that it is. I've played waayyy too much poker over the years to be swayed that easily
so we can either go deeper in our analysis and logically show how this is -EV enough in consideration of the aforementioned factors to be "lolbad", or we can just drop it since the hand was just posted for the beat and wasn't supposed to be dissected in any meaningful manner. Heh.