Bronze Level
Daniel Tosh- Sports - YouTube
Relevant bit starts at 2:55
Warning: NSFW. May offend some sensitive souls.
IMO, It's not a sport. A game of skill, yes. A sport? I say no.
It only offends couch potatoes who have never been fit and athletic in their lives that they need to justify poker as a sport so that they feel that they're doing something physical with their lives.
He also brings up good point. Put Poker into the olympics. Main Event winner must be the best player in the world then if poker is a sport. 2013's best baseball team is Boston Red Sox. Miami Heat is the best basketball team of 2013. Baltimore Ravens is the best football team in 2013. So if poker is a sport, then I guess Ryan Reiss is the best poker player of 2013. Ryan Reiss must be the greatest poker athlete of this year. LOL.
Poker is the only game where dumbest person can win and get rewarded regardless of how horrible his decision was. I guess he worked hard to win that pot since he was sweating to win the pot. All that adrenaline for that suckout card to hit must've been quite a workout. LOL.