I find it amazing that so many posters expect a poker site to give them money by putting on freerolls. I like Poker Stars because they run single tables, unlike 888. And I'm happy to pay money to play. I've been with them for 15 years, after starting with Littlewoods and Victor Chandler (both of whom dropped out), so yes, I feel a little loyalty to them, especially since they took over my Full Tilt account, and in fact my Poker Stars avatar is my old Full Tilt avatar! Why should I expect them to give me freerolls?
I dislike most freerolls - they get players into bad habits - calling when they should fold and playing stupid all-ins. Sure I go in the occasional Cards Chat freeroll, where I find that players are, on the whole, playing sensible poker.
Of all the sites I have played on - Littlewoods, Victor Chandler, Sky, bwin and Full Tilt, Poker Stars is better, even though I agree that paying out $3.78 after taking in $4.50 (single nine-man table paying 50c) is taking a rather big rake.