If you had some Money and intend to open na account in a bank and make a deposit on it and you had 3 options:
1) Bank PS where you make the deposit and when you need the Money back and make a withdraw it is quite simple and you receive the credit in few minutes;
2) Bank PP where you make the deposit and when you need the Money back and make a withdraw it is quite simple and you receive the credit in 1 hour at most;
3) Bank
888 you make the deposit and when you need the Money back and make a withdraw it is totally complicate and you receive the credit only after 5 business days.
Where you would put your Money?
Bank 1, 2 or 3 considering that when you need to use the Money for something you do not want to wait 5 business days i.e almost 1 week but the Money immediate available for you?
Because when you offer the deposit it is so simple and accept the Money immestiaely but when you need to give back the player´s Money you create this bizarre burocracy and delay... There is no reasonable explanation for that and this is why you have so few players and the other rooms have so much more players...And when they discover this difficulty to get the Money they never more put Money at 888 again!!
And if I were a aperson considering to put Money at 888 for the first time I would take this difficulty into consideration to give up from 888 and prefer PS and PP...