Rising Star
Bronze Level
I have played HU SNGs on 888 for years, as well as many other 6/9 seater SNGs . There was never a long wait time for games to start, especially during peak times.Hey All
Today we removed our SNG offering from .COM client.
This was a business decision based on the fact that we prefer to centralize our liquidity in more popular games, thus improving the player experience and having shorter waiting times for games to start. CRM have communicated this to players.
Players can continue to enjoy our Blast games, which are a form of SNG themselves, as well all of our other great MTT and cash offering.
Let’s face it, blasts aren’t the same as a traditional SNG - it’s always 3 players , hyper speed and they’re very high variance games.
I can promise you now that this decision will upset a lot of rec players as well as many of the regs. They will now, like me, have no choice but to choose another platform to access these types of games. A very sad day in the history of 888, and one I think 888 will live to regret.
This decision should be re evaluated in the interests of customer experience.