Is Global Poker rigged
I see this all the time in Cardschat, This site uses Bots, or that site is rigged, this one favors the big stacks etc, etc. If you feel that a poker site is crooked, don't play on it! It is that simple.
I have played on a fair few over the years and one thing I have never done is deposit my own cash on them. I play purely for the fun and taking part in a game I enjoy. Sure it takes time to build up a bank-roll from Free-rolls but it is possible, I have done it on a few sites.
If I enjoy the layout of the tables and the graphics I keep playing, but if I get bored with them I would move on to another site or return to a site I have enjoyed in the past. Pokerstars will always be one of my favorite sites and they always seem to be one of the best.
The beauty of my system is simple if I lose to a bad beat or suck-out on the river I move on to the next game or take a break for a day or two. These things happen on-line and in Live games I have been on the losing end of miracle cards hitting the Turn or River and also witnessed and been the player to hit these miracle cards.
When the fun Stops, STOP!
My friend set me straight on this topic way back in the day before black friday.
He has a PHD in computer science and he basically said it would take a computer farm the size of a warehouse to rig the game against one particular player.
Recent developemnts in AI have produced some pretty sharp
poker bots that learn from playing against itself.
Again, it would take a computer farm to run said software.
If you had 600 blade servers with quad core xeon processors you can run artificial intelligence programs that can beat pro players.
That being said it would be a waste of money and electricity to use it on 5 dollar sit and goes.
A poker bot running on a desktop computer somewhere will not have the advanced machine learning needed to develop into a viable player.
Poker bot software that runs on a single CPU is no better than the guy that programmed it.
online poker isn't rigged and you aren't being singled out by a super user or a poker bot.
Losing is part of the game and sick beats are also part of the game.
I have been playing poker for about 25 years and I have seen it all, everything from four aces being beat by a straight flush to a straight flush being beat by a higher straight flush.
My computer science friend did tell me that there is no way to make a computer program a truely random number generator, that the algorythms used are close but not truely random.
I play live and I play online and aces full of jacks being beat by four jacks is just part of the game.
The key is to learn from your mistakes and take ownership of the situation.
Don't blame the site for your losses blame yourself.
I lost with 4 of a kind to a higher 4 of a kind just last night.
It happens.