I had enough of global poker!
A commited person I was, but have times changed. To believe someone who writes a letter for the well being of others, or to learn the hard way for your own beliefs and sake. I've been playing poker since I was nine and I started playing global poker at age 21. I am now 25 years old and from playing this site daily, here is how global poker really treated me.
On global poker I played everything from cs to sweeps, from hold'em to Omaha. I had much much fun! But no matter how hard i tried playing perfect, the site always seemed to suprise!
Today i had one of my usual bad beats. The AI deals me pocket jacks, and I x3 bet. big blind calls and so does the 3rd person to the right of me. Bored comed 4s, 7d, Qs. As there is A queen sidecide to bet half pot, and the guy calls. Next card comes Qh. I see theres no flush yet and decide to push half pot bet again, but now the pots bigger. River card comes boom, Jc, and I was dealt two J's already, and was given A full house.the guy raises and I push all in. And there it was my oppenent beat me woth Qs four of a kind.
This isn't the first bad beat, it seems like i'm usually the player to lose first, by always comming in second or so, by the slimmist
equity of dealt
hands. I'd undersand losing A 3 of a kind to a straight... but somehow the least expect hits, and its only been on my side one time. ONE TIME!!!!
I play poker in my backyard, I player poker at
casinos. I've been in final tables at my local casino, "the Bicycle casino", but no matter how many times I put money into this site, I get unlucky to cash out.
The chances on winning on this
poker site is less then the
odds of what I believe poker really is. You can be wise to take my advice from what I learned, or be stubborn and actually learn the hard way.
All in all, it's fine to play for free on this site, for they offer daily sweeps that you can save up. How they get all that money to give away? I don't know. But as soon as you think you should try it out and throw money in, just know the chance of you getting that money back on this site is very very slim.
When it comes to risking sweeps on this site, I do believe it's rigged. If only I can sue for my time and money.