wanna play with dreamer americans who call allins of 150 bigs on kj offsuit?
play here u will thoroughly enjoy the american donkey callers hitting their cards everytime and hitting their 1 outers on a 55% regularity and the late entries who you must fold aces to as they win on k4, 27 u name it, just enter late, much easier to win and not so many hours wasted building a huge stack only for usa fish to hit their 4%'ers on a 40% basis and knock u out on the bubble after they late reg'd 5 mins earlier and win 5 hands in a row. yer top stuff.
great site
Hey, MM, you seem to be developing a real hatred for winning players from the USA on ACR.
Guessing all other nationalities are losing as you assume they should when you are in the hand?
Thought for a minute that you were from the state of Washington. My research provided Western Australia as your likely home. A country that recently outlawed
online poker. You and those winning fish you are hating on have many, many things in common. We suffered the same defeat at our government's hand.
You are very angry at ACR and those whom you have decided should be paying you to play at ACR. Fate and Lady Luck are very fickle. Both do not seem attracted to you in this situation.
Facts: ACR is not changing their RNG so it favors you above others. The others (winning American fish) are not going to change sites for you. Kharma is not going to affect how Lady Luck and Fate feel about you.
You should seek help with your anger issues and feelings. Combining how you must feel all the time with any
gambling pursuit is almost guaranteed to end bad for you.
Seeking happiness outside of poker could be a solid option for you. Maybe give up a game that does not guarantee success to seek something elsewhere you can be content and calm participating in.
Just think about it. We all tilt on occasion but then realty and calm returns us to the game. You have moved beyond a moment into a lifestyle that includes strong negative feelings towards a particular group of one nationality. You can't win in this situation. :banghead:
Take it from one who knows, rage and anger never pay positive dividends.
Seek and ye shall find. God bless.