AmericasCardroom Rep
Silver Level
Laptop is a Dell Inspiron 1750 running W7 with auto updates.
Intel Graphics Media Accelerator Driver for mobile
1600x900 which is apparently the max for this system.
Desktop in question is an
HP Pavillion m/n HPP7-1110 running W8.1 with auto update
Intel HD Graphics on the MB latest driver update May2015
The Laptop had the issue of the pot chips covering my cards.
The desktop has the problem where I can't down size the graphics in Jackpots, or SnG 2.0 (and maybe another section) enough to make a reasoned decision.
You are using a HUD, right? Which HUD are you using? Poker Tracker? Could you please try to use the poker application without the tracker to see if it works properly.
Also, do you have our latest version of the poker application? Please let me know all this information.
One of our Managers is looking on to this case. Thank you very much for your patience and cooperation.