Silver Level
Is there an ACR app for andoid?
We will have it very soon, stay tuned on this thread and also on our website.
How many time is "very soon"?
ACR Rep, you do an excellent job here and I appreciate that, so don't take this personally... But this answer is unacceptable. 2 weeks ago on Sept 4th, the CEO released twitch streams in reaction to the DDOS attacks. In these streams, he promised us that the android App would be out 'next week'. In this context, 'next week' ended 3 days ago.
I can understand that there may be hiccups in releasing an app, with technical difficulties and unforeseen complications and all that. Personally I'd rather see the app rolled out in due time than with major bugs. At the end of the day, the fact of the matter is that the CEO has lied to all of us.
I've been very supportive of ACR, it's my favorite site and the first (and usually only) client I fire up when I want to play. I understand the DDOS attacks were out of your control and you did the best you could Phil, and I was happy to continue my support. This is very apparent from my post at the time:
Thanks for sharing stream, good info in there. Biggest takeaways for me:
-Mobile will be out next week
-BOSS will be rescheduled and made bigger
-WPNv2 in 2 weeks (new software) :top:
-Adding Million GTD $250+15 (half price)
Obviously nobody is happy about the issues lately, but I really appreciate the CEO coming out and filling us in, adding to the schedule, and pushing forward with full force.
Also much respect for refusing to cave to the DDOS extortioners, here's how I picture Phil
As you can see, I even said 'much respect' referencing Phil... I can't help but feel like an idiot for saying that now. It was a bad situation, but why did he make empty promises to us? How can we stay loyal when we can't even trust the CEO?
My point- when your site is getting DDOS attacks and your reliability is being questioned (a HUGE problem in the online poker arena), why would you come out and make false promises that will only hurt your credibility? You would have been better off saying nothing about the mobile app than promising it in a time-frame your app developers told you is unrealistic (as alluded to in the stream by Phil himself).
Thanks again ACR Rep, always appreciate you replying to my difficult questions