Just want to thank your online chat techs for helping me smooth out the issues when I joined your site . They have done a great job .
if you are planning on downloading update your Java and adobe in explorer first it makes it work much better
I tried to startup to ACR this morning, like I've done for a while now, and Avast antivirus popped up a message saying it had blocked the .exe file for some reason. I tried to start up the program and now a message pops up saying, missing .exe file.
I tried uninstall and reinstalling the program, nothing seems to work, any help would be appreciated!
Hello, yes thank you. The problem was solved with this method.
Awesome quick response! I was kind of wondering why avast decided that today it would block the program, when it has not done so in the past
Hi, they told me that they will announce all that information before the PCPC ends.
That is good to hear. Thanks. Do you think you could post a link to the announcement in the thread?
Just curious I was in a SNG recently and this guy kept talking during play. Personally I could careless about someone holding a convo while I am playing but he was specifically commenting on the hand in play that he was not involved in repeatedly, and when I pushed he immediately commented "no way he has that". Ok he caught me in a bluff but A) he was not in the hand and b) in all the games I have played on here and other sites that was the first time someone commented on a hand in play on me since like 2006 that they were not in. Usually people will remark afterwards and I am fine with that but prior to my opponents action was complete BS IMO
I assume there is no way to police something like this - I know at live games it is not tolerated and its not ever been an issue in the past on ACR for me, but wanted to bring it to your attention in case there is some kind of recourse (not expecting money back or anything like that) but I would love to see that guys ability to chat revoked
Maybe I am being unreasonable please let me know
Angry and wishing I could punch someone through the internet lol
Thank you for the report, please be so kind and send this information to security@americascardroom.eu don't forget to add the Hand ID or the game ID and the nickname of the player so they can check it.
7. Player Game Conduct: Abusive or offensive language or other behavior considered inappropriate by the Poker Room in the context of the product will not be tolerated.
The mobile version will be born this year or ACR will can not launch the app in 2017?
Could we get some clarification on the rules here, please? I had wondered the same thing when I read THIS thread, so I contacted support to see what they would say.
The chat person pointed me to rule 7:
They told me that table talk (discussing play about the current hand while it's in progress) is allowed. I was confused by this, because I couldn't get any clarification on the meaning of "behavior considered inappropriate...in the context of the product". Discussing the hand as an outsider definitely sounds like something this could apply to. I shrugged it as just a somewhat ambiguous rule, but now that you mention having someone check into it I'm curious if this is allowed or not?
To take the example in the thread linked above- a player is saying that they fold while another player is deciding to act. This is acting out of turn, which is imo inappropriate in the context of a poker room software as it's against the rules of poker.
What's ACR's stance, here? Can you elaborate on the meaning of the quoted part above?
Sorry if I was unclear, it was a hypothetical question. I just wanted to know, I have encountered it in the past but it's been awhile and I don't have the hand #...
Is saying you fold in chat while another player is acting against the rules or not?![]()