Guy was marked inactive, yet played? Guy was inactive the whole time yet played the whole time. UserID that had inactive cheat is : BaderEss and he/she/it aren't the only ones doing it. Just the first Time I was fast enough to catch a Screen shot and the replay on same hand.
If you look at screen shot of actual play he shows inactive, that never changed the entire game. If you look at the screen shot of the replay it shows him active. How's this possible? Oh yeah it's called Cheating!
There was another at the table also showing inactive but was somehow still playing, when I asked BaderEss how he was able to have the Inactive cheat the other shortly there after began to show active.
the screenshot of actual play shows the User ID of Cowboy, but not in the screenshot of replay, not in the Screenshot of the Poker Tracker 4 I use. What's Up!!!
Please Respond with something other than needing more iformation, the screen shots show everything, and darn good and well its impossible for me to give anymore info. It's your poker site please fix cheats!