Looking at the point system and doing a little math (unless I did it wrong...not likely), it seems impossible for a micro-stakes player to get any part of either the "Sit and Crush" or "The Beast".
This tells me these systems are skewed to people that already have money and only giving pipe dreams to those that don't.
For instance: my micro-stakes SNG's I play 2 to 4 times a day in the $1.50 SNG I get 1.95 points + when I place third I get .40 points. Winning 2.35 points per game if I place at least 3rd place in the SNG. I Place in SNG’s ITM 55% to date according to Poker Tracker 4. The times I don’t place I’ll get .20 points less or 2.15 points for playing the SNG.
Currently or as this was written, the leader board shows somebody with 1370.25 points and it’s only the 3rd of the month, which means for me winning the percentage of games I win, to get that many points in just 3 days I would have had to play in 621.724 games or 207 games a day, if that were even possible or spend $341.55 a day in SNG's, and if placing just 3rd and not better (don't feel like doing the math)55% of the time would win $307 with a net loss of $33 a day, or $1008 a month to win a couple hundred dollars more.
Don’t get me wrong I am glad I have a place to play as I live and Florida, but these promotions are only geared to give money to people with money and cannot fulfill a person’s dream of getting into the Main event unless they already had the wherewithal to do so and I believe is extremely misleading.
Any way ACR can even the field and actually give everybody a chance to win regardless of how much money they spend. I mean with high hands it doesn’t matter if you sit at a straight two table or a high stakes table everybody has the same odds.