Rising Star
Bronze Level
ACR SUPP lollLOLOOLOO)00()90(lLl
never thought i would see the day i would have to join an online forum to vent the frustration i have dealt with over $3o.oo. And your personal CC information being widely available for any and all ACR employees. But to me its more of the principle.
Let me paint a picture for you..... The date was last Friday 5/19/2017, nice day, work was over, weekend had arrived. Get home, time to pay some bills, log onto the old interwebs to visit my bank account, see a processing transaction that i never made. Dig around a little more and notice a strange number in the description. This magical mysterious number is identical to the number used for my ACR deposits, i made a total of 3 deposits. This 4th one is a mystery to me at this point. i decide to call the completely UNAMAZING ACR CS#. I figured they would be willing to help me solve this problem as quick as possible. BOY WAS I WRONG. I end up speaking with an employee that let me know i need to provide them with some sort of proof,i asked if screen shots of my bank account would be acceptable and they informed me they would. So i take the time to Prnt Scrn a few times hit up the old ms paint, stitch together a master piece for these incompetent fools and shot the email off to those silly interwebs again.
At this point they informed me, due to the high number of filters their emails go through , my sent master piece could take upwards of hours for them to receive it. At this point i may have pooped a little from laughing at the idea an email may take hours to be received. But at this time i was fine with throwing the ball into their court and waiting for them to let me know they are ready to ball.
So Saturday rolls around and the sun sets, with no contact back from anyone, wasnt to worried at this point , the transaction was still being processed.
Sunday rolls around and i had enough waiting and wanted answers pretty much. So after a few times trying to get a hold of a manager, i got lucky and avoided getting hung up on while waiting on hold again, and was put in touch with Grace. Grace was very short, rude, non caring, and showed no compasion for the customer, me, the person paying her biills. So She basically tells me to wait until the transaction has cleared, because the transaction might be refunded lol. at this point i have been on the phone for over 2 hours trying to get this straighten out and had enough. Ill wait till it clears.
Monday rolls around and the transaction still hasnt cleared, so i wait till Tuesday.
Tuesday is well, today. I look at my account balance this morning and the transaction was processed. Call the ACR CS# around 7 am Eastern Standard Time,( i know it was early but she told me to call when it cleared) they inform me nobody is there currently that would be able to help, so i should call back 3 hours later. Fair enough, time goes by, 3 hours pass, i call back. They then inform me it will be a little longer than they thought and i should call back in another hour or so. At this point i feel like why tell me to call back after 3 hours? But at this point what is one more hour to wait. So i wait.
This time when i called, the woman behind the phone seemed like she wanted to help me, so i filled her in on the details and she requested that i send the same pictures of my statement again, to which i reply, im working and dont have access to my computer. Not to mention i have already supplied to ACR CS all the pics they could ever want. So as the carasel spinds around, and i explain to her i only made 3 deposits ever on ACR, she takes it apon herself to send me a screen shot of my deposits and deposit dates along with 12 out of 16 digits of my credit card number. So now i ask her, why are you all storing my CC information , shouldnt it just be the last 4 digits of the CC ? Think about this, all there employees have access to 80% of your credit card information. LIKE WHAT THE ACTUAL F*@*.
So now lets compile this into the original reason why i called. Could either of them have something to do with the other? Well At this point of frustration, i tell this woman (Sofia) that i want to speak with the manager, she refuses. I tell her i want to speak with anyone else besides her , and well she hangs up. If you could imagine someone already pretty upset, that just became more, upset, that now turns into the incredible hulk, yeah well, i was madder than that. NO CUSTOMER SERVICE REP SHOULD EVER HANG UP ON A PAYING CUSTOMER EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I refuse to let this horrible cs rep win, i call back and demand to speak with Grace , the manager handling this. At this point im speaking to another rep who needs my screen name to verify who is calling. I then give him the info and the phone goes silent for about 2o secs, like he put the mute on and thought i couldnt hear the difference. Once he comes back , he all of a sudden knows why im calling(had to be noted on the account screen name or from the caller id they have i thought.) But in reality, the manager was standing right next to him telling the cs rep to tell me there is nothing they could do. I explained i only wanted to speak with Grace and they refused to allow me to. Again i end up getting hung up on again. Like seriously, what type of training do you all have at this company. i dont give up to easily and called back again. this time refused to give them a screen name and only asked if i could speak with Grace. Out of the blue, the actual nice cs rep informed me that Grace wouldnt be in till 5pm Eastern Standard. Perfect, i get out of work before that, could be home and have all the emails and back info pulled up ready to share with Grace.
5o PM est I call acr cs # they ask for screen name lol, i give it to them, i explain im looking to speak with Grace, they inform me she isnt in yet , and i should call back in approx 15 mins, not a big deal , i wait with my phone in my hand and count down the seconds. Time passes, i call back , and would you believe me if i told you Grace still hadnt got to work yet? So i ask what time should i call back, and they inform me that she should be in soon, so i take it apon my self to determine another hour should be fine. Boy was i right with that one. The last call i made, Grace was there, but for some odd reason refused to speak to me. I explained to the ACR rep that Grace informed me to call HER back as soon as the Transaction had cleared, and now she wants nothing to do with helping me?????? So at this point im pretty much out of options other than calling my bank up telling them its a fraudulent charge and uninstall ACR. Which is a sad thing because i enjoy their program and lots of options to play, but what i dont like is my credit card information being stored openly for any of their employees to see freely, i dont like horrible customer service, I mean bottom of the barrel lower than crabs, shouldn't have a job there customer service reps. Im sure i have so much more detail and eviedence, but i am very new to the forum and really hope some people become aware of these facts, and should see it for them selves, Call ACR and request a screen shot of your past deposits and see if they share all your information over the interwebs the way they did mine.
So i thought i was making some positive steps in the correct direction tongiht, but i was wrong, wrong wrong, after talking with a rep i believe his name was Rod, he advised me to take a full screen shot of my bank statement showing all the transactions between myself and ACR ,and he then advised me he would call me back in a short period of time. I spent about 35 mins creating this png for them to see the entire statement. After waiting for approx 45 mins to an hour, i received no call back , So i decided to call them up again myself. This time i had the delightful pleasure of speaking to another incompetent acr cs rep, this name was Roger at ext 5415. Not only did he not help the situation he only aggravated me more by giving me information about how Grace was there all day and just refuses to talk with me. Now aint that some Sh*t. These horrible bad human beings have had me calling all throughout the day like its some kind of game to them. Well safe to say nothing was resolved today, they dont even want the stupid f*cking PNG i created and told me my only option is to wait. I forgot to mention about how Roger told me things like this happen alot and to many players, and from now on , i will be advising all of these reps, i will be recording all calls to them from here on out. Im so absolutely disgusted by this situation and how i have been treated, the lack of urgency and caring are abundant with these reps. I even asked Roger if the shoe was on the other foot how would he feel about this situation, his response was priceless. he said "oh, it;s not a big deal, this has happened to me before. I play poker too, and bet sports, and this same thing happened to me." i asked him how long did it take for him to receive his money back and he replied less than 48 hours. So now i will be calling them in the morning again just to probably get more upset and feel a little more violated. Really wish they cared about players and their private information , and went out of the way to make sure their players are receiving the proper customer service they deserve.
never thought i would see the day i would have to join an online forum to vent the frustration i have dealt with over $3o.oo. And your personal CC information being widely available for any and all ACR employees. But to me its more of the principle.
Let me paint a picture for you..... The date was last Friday 5/19/2017, nice day, work was over, weekend had arrived. Get home, time to pay some bills, log onto the old interwebs to visit my bank account, see a processing transaction that i never made. Dig around a little more and notice a strange number in the description. This magical mysterious number is identical to the number used for my ACR deposits, i made a total of 3 deposits. This 4th one is a mystery to me at this point. i decide to call the completely UNAMAZING ACR CS#. I figured they would be willing to help me solve this problem as quick as possible. BOY WAS I WRONG. I end up speaking with an employee that let me know i need to provide them with some sort of proof,i asked if screen shots of my bank account would be acceptable and they informed me they would. So i take the time to Prnt Scrn a few times hit up the old ms paint, stitch together a master piece for these incompetent fools and shot the email off to those silly interwebs again.
At this point they informed me, due to the high number of filters their emails go through , my sent master piece could take upwards of hours for them to receive it. At this point i may have pooped a little from laughing at the idea an email may take hours to be received. But at this time i was fine with throwing the ball into their court and waiting for them to let me know they are ready to ball.
So Saturday rolls around and the sun sets, with no contact back from anyone, wasnt to worried at this point , the transaction was still being processed.
Sunday rolls around and i had enough waiting and wanted answers pretty much. So after a few times trying to get a hold of a manager, i got lucky and avoided getting hung up on while waiting on hold again, and was put in touch with Grace. Grace was very short, rude, non caring, and showed no compasion for the customer, me, the person paying her biills. So She basically tells me to wait until the transaction has cleared, because the transaction might be refunded lol. at this point i have been on the phone for over 2 hours trying to get this straighten out and had enough. Ill wait till it clears.
Monday rolls around and the transaction still hasnt cleared, so i wait till Tuesday.
Tuesday is well, today. I look at my account balance this morning and the transaction was processed. Call the ACR CS# around 7 am Eastern Standard Time,( i know it was early but she told me to call when it cleared) they inform me nobody is there currently that would be able to help, so i should call back 3 hours later. Fair enough, time goes by, 3 hours pass, i call back. They then inform me it will be a little longer than they thought and i should call back in another hour or so. At this point i feel like why tell me to call back after 3 hours? But at this point what is one more hour to wait. So i wait.
This time when i called, the woman behind the phone seemed like she wanted to help me, so i filled her in on the details and she requested that i send the same pictures of my statement again, to which i reply, im working and dont have access to my computer. Not to mention i have already supplied to ACR CS all the pics they could ever want. So as the carasel spinds around, and i explain to her i only made 3 deposits ever on ACR, she takes it apon herself to send me a screen shot of my deposits and deposit dates along with 12 out of 16 digits of my credit card number. So now i ask her, why are you all storing my CC information , shouldnt it just be the last 4 digits of the CC ? Think about this, all there employees have access to 80% of your credit card information. LIKE WHAT THE ACTUAL F*@*.
So now lets compile this into the original reason why i called. Could either of them have something to do with the other? Well At this point of frustration, i tell this woman (Sofia) that i want to speak with the manager, she refuses. I tell her i want to speak with anyone else besides her , and well she hangs up. If you could imagine someone already pretty upset, that just became more, upset, that now turns into the incredible hulk, yeah well, i was madder than that. NO CUSTOMER SERVICE REP SHOULD EVER HANG UP ON A PAYING CUSTOMER EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I refuse to let this horrible cs rep win, i call back and demand to speak with Grace , the manager handling this. At this point im speaking to another rep who needs my screen name to verify who is calling. I then give him the info and the phone goes silent for about 2o secs, like he put the mute on and thought i couldnt hear the difference. Once he comes back , he all of a sudden knows why im calling(had to be noted on the account screen name or from the caller id they have i thought.) But in reality, the manager was standing right next to him telling the cs rep to tell me there is nothing they could do. I explained i only wanted to speak with Grace and they refused to allow me to. Again i end up getting hung up on again. Like seriously, what type of training do you all have at this company. i dont give up to easily and called back again. this time refused to give them a screen name and only asked if i could speak with Grace. Out of the blue, the actual nice cs rep informed me that Grace wouldnt be in till 5pm Eastern Standard. Perfect, i get out of work before that, could be home and have all the emails and back info pulled up ready to share with Grace.
5o PM est I call acr cs # they ask for screen name lol, i give it to them, i explain im looking to speak with Grace, they inform me she isnt in yet , and i should call back in approx 15 mins, not a big deal , i wait with my phone in my hand and count down the seconds. Time passes, i call back , and would you believe me if i told you Grace still hadnt got to work yet? So i ask what time should i call back, and they inform me that she should be in soon, so i take it apon my self to determine another hour should be fine. Boy was i right with that one. The last call i made, Grace was there, but for some odd reason refused to speak to me. I explained to the ACR rep that Grace informed me to call HER back as soon as the Transaction had cleared, and now she wants nothing to do with helping me?????? So at this point im pretty much out of options other than calling my bank up telling them its a fraudulent charge and uninstall ACR. Which is a sad thing because i enjoy their program and lots of options to play, but what i dont like is my credit card information being stored openly for any of their employees to see freely, i dont like horrible customer service, I mean bottom of the barrel lower than crabs, shouldn't have a job there customer service reps. Im sure i have so much more detail and eviedence, but i am very new to the forum and really hope some people become aware of these facts, and should see it for them selves, Call ACR and request a screen shot of your past deposits and see if they share all your information over the interwebs the way they did mine.
So i thought i was making some positive steps in the correct direction tongiht, but i was wrong, wrong wrong, after talking with a rep i believe his name was Rod, he advised me to take a full screen shot of my bank statement showing all the transactions between myself and ACR ,and he then advised me he would call me back in a short period of time. I spent about 35 mins creating this png for them to see the entire statement. After waiting for approx 45 mins to an hour, i received no call back , So i decided to call them up again myself. This time i had the delightful pleasure of speaking to another incompetent acr cs rep, this name was Roger at ext 5415. Not only did he not help the situation he only aggravated me more by giving me information about how Grace was there all day and just refuses to talk with me. Now aint that some Sh*t. These horrible bad human beings have had me calling all throughout the day like its some kind of game to them. Well safe to say nothing was resolved today, they dont even want the stupid f*cking PNG i created and told me my only option is to wait. I forgot to mention about how Roger told me things like this happen alot and to many players, and from now on , i will be advising all of these reps, i will be recording all calls to them from here on out. Im so absolutely disgusted by this situation and how i have been treated, the lack of urgency and caring are abundant with these reps. I even asked Roger if the shoe was on the other foot how would he feel about this situation, his response was priceless. he said "oh, it;s not a big deal, this has happened to me before. I play poker too, and bet sports, and this same thing happened to me." i asked him how long did it take for him to receive his money back and he replied less than 48 hours. So now i will be calling them in the morning again just to probably get more upset and feel a little more violated. Really wish they cared about players and their private information , and went out of the way to make sure their players are receiving the proper customer service they deserve.