20 years playing online. My experience and reccomendations,



Silver Level
Aug 14, 2024
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Time for the next episode of "learn to play like a low stakes poker god".

At 43:00 our hero pick up J9o in BB. SB limp, which is a bit weird, since he has less than 4BB to start the hand, so he should definitely be playing push or fold. Is he trying to trap us with a monster, or he is just a really bad player? In the latter case we can jam and expect to get a lot of folds. Our hero take the free flop though perhaps smelling a trap. Flop comes AK3 with two diamonds giving Hero a BDFD and pretty much nothing else. SB now jam essentially running a stop and go. If we are going to not jam preflop, it definitely has to be with the intention to get away on bad flops, and they dont get much worse than this one. So definitely a fold as played, which hero makes.

At 46:00 our hero pick up KQs in HJ and face two limps. Hero only has 15BB, so this is an obvious spot to jam and either increase our stack by 30% uncontested or play a "flip" with someone to get a much needed dubble. Instead our hero makes a small raise to 3BB, which is worse than jamming but beats folding. Both limpers obviously call. Flop comes AJ3 with two diamonds giving hero a flushdraw and a gutshot. It folds to hero. The SPR (Stack to pot ratio) is only 1, so this is an obvious spot to jam and either take it down or play a "flip" with usually around 50% equity. Instead hero check back.

Turn is a brick, and now the second limper bets 40% pot. As played we have to call this, which hero does. Other limper fold. River is an offsuit J pairing the board. The remaining opponent now check. This typically either mean, he has an ace and is a little worried about the second J, or he was bluffing and decided to give up. An ace is not folding for a 30% pot bet, which is all, that hero has left, and KQ is the nut nothing, so it beat bluffs, that are giving up. For those reasons this is an obvious spot to check back, but hero jam and take it down, most likely bluffing with the best hand.

At 50:00 our hero get a free play in BB with 85o. Flop comes 852 rainbow giving hero top two. Obvious spot to lead in a limped pot, which hero does. However hero goes full pot, and I think, this is way to much. We want to give people a chance to float us here with hands like KJ or A9, that are basically drawing dead, and when we go so big, we make it very easy for those hands to fold. Even hands as strong as second or third pair might say "you know what? I dont have to pay of these massive bets, so I am just out of here right now." One limper call, the other fold. Turn is another 8 giving hero top boat. Hero only has around 1,3 X the pot left, so this is an obvious spot to bet small to keep in all the opponents draws, that are now drawing dead. Instead hero press the "pot" button again, which is essentially the same as jamming, since it leave him almost no chips behind, and the opponent fold.

Thats gonna be it for todays episode. See you again for the next one.

you can not play like a gto bot in low stakes... and thats why I make the final table over 29 percent of the time... there are a lot of moves I make in low stakes that I would not do regulary... You would make a great poker coach..
Poker Orifice

Poker Orifice

And Still...
Platinum Level
Jan 19, 2008
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ill challenge you heads up... you will back down.. these are micro games you cant consistantly win playing like a robot.. I won a tripple satelite to a 230 buy in and took 2nd... no add on... no rebuys... only one person had EVER done this... Ever...so yeah the real bad players can do this... you think I played the 215 the same way I played the micros to get there and survived people in a 230 rebuy with add on without rebuying or adding on by playing terrible... do me a favor and STFU!



So leaving a 1/10th pot sized bet in stack for a river shove is good? That wouldn't be 'good' in a freeroll open to grandmothers only.

Let's make it $500k. I mean I would want it to be worth your while... wouldn't want to mess with your hourly.
(fwiw, I wouldn't trust you owin' me '5')


Jun 3, 2019
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you would be correct except you can not play low or micro stakes that way and profit...a GTO game does not work there

you can not play like a gto bot in low stakes... there are a lot of moves I make in low stakes that I would not do regulary...
Nobody in this forum recommend playing a perfect GTO strategy in micro or low stakes games. But the goal is to deviate from GTO in ways, that increase our winrate, rather than the opposite. And in several of your hands, that I reviewed, you took lines, that are not good at any buyin level. Like limping AQ, making it a 2-street hand, when you have top boat or check-folding second pair with the nut flushdraw on the turn facing a half pot sized bet. These are not good strategies, and its not just, because solvers say so. Its because, its the collective experience of winning players over decades. Of course you are free to disagree and think, you played all those hands perfectly.


Silver Level
Aug 14, 2024
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Nobody in this forum recommend playing a perfect GTO strategy in micro or low stakes games. But the goal is to deviate from GTO in ways, that increase our winrate, rather than the opposite. And in several of your hands, that I reviewed, you took lines, that are not good at any buyin level. Like limping AQ, making it a 2-street hand, when you have top boat or check-folding second pair with the nut flushdraw on the turn facing a half pot sized bet. These are not good strategies, and its not just, because solvers say so. Its because, its the collective experience of winning players over decades. Of course you are free to disagree and think, you played all those hands perfectly.
no i did not play every hand perfectly...but some of the hands you criticize me for end up being the right move despite your opinion of it being the wrong play... thats why you wont play me for serious money...
Suns of Beaches

Suns of Beaches

The All-in-Rippler
Platinum Level
Oct 26, 2019
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Yeah because some of those missplays might worked out one time they are obv the right play in the long run.