20 years playing online. My experience and reccomendations,



Jun 3, 2019
Total posts
yeah and that 215 dollar mit cost me a dollar
Which is cool but one lucky run is not "long term results". If you are also mowblee on Chico, your results there indicate a losing player.

Suns of Beaches

Suns of Beaches

The All-in-Rippler
Platinum Level
Oct 26, 2019
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Which is cool but one lucky run is not "long term results". If you are also mowblee on Chico, your results there indicate a losing player.

But on chico there are "obv things going on" according to him. So not sure if we can count that network.


Jun 3, 2019
Total posts
I think that I might have been allright on there if I did not play on cash tables..
It was clearly those 476 hands at cash tables on Chico (BetOnline) with a total loss of $8.3, that killed you. I know, it sounds like, we are picking on you now. But when you come on to a forum and start out by posting a lot of frankly ridiculous claims, you should be prepared for some pushback. If you actually want to improve your game, then preflop is a low hanging fruit based on that 476 hand sample. Stats of VPIP 40 / PFR 7 are far from optimal, and there are plenty of free charts online, that can help you to fix this leak. Link is for a site called Statsname. Its free to sign up there and see your own or others cash game statistics.



Jun 3, 2019
Total posts
For anyone interested in watching a low stakes poker god in action, here is a link to one of OPs videos on Youtube. This one is from december 2023 and show him playing a $5.5 MTT On pokerstars (NJ-MI). Looks like a really good game with lots of limping going on. I did not watch all of it, but the first hand, where he get involved, is at 9:50, where he isolate two limpers with AJs, which is a good play. Flop comes 622 giving him two overs with a BDFD. An obvious spot to check back or make a small C-bet, but instead he jam for 2,5x the size of the pot forcing his opponent to fold anything worse and only continue with better.

The next hand, where he get involved, begin at 16:30, where he complete K9s in SB, which is fine. He then lead for 30% pot with top pair on the flop, which is also fine. Turn is Ac giving him the nut flushdraw but reducing his pair to second pair. An obvious spot to check-call, but instead he check and fold to a half pot sized bet failing to realise his equity and opening up a bluffing opportunity for the opponent, although this time the opponent did actually have an ace. So lots of good stuff here to learn from for anyone, who wants to become a low stakes crusher ;)



Silver Level
Aug 14, 2024
Total posts
For anyone interested in watching a low stakes poker god in action, here is a link to one of OPs videos on Youtube. This one is from december 2023 and show him playing a $5.5 MTT On PokerStars (NJ-MI). Looks like a really good game with lots of limping going on. I did not watch all of it, but the first hand, where he get involved, is at 9:50, where he isolate two limpers with AJs, which is a good play. Flop comes 622 giving him two overs with a BDFD. An obvious spot to check back or make a small C-bet, but instead he jam for 2,5x the size of the pot forcing his opponent to fold anything worse and only continue with better.

The next hand, where he get involved, begin at 16:30, where he complete K9s in SB, which is fine. He then lead for 30% pot with top pair on the flop, which is also fine. Turn is Ac giving him the nut flushdraw but reducing his pair to second pair. An obvious spot to check-call, but instead he check and fold to a half pot sized bet failing to realise his equity and opening up a bluffing opportunity for the opponent, although this time the opponent did actually have an ace. So lots of good stuff here to learn from for anyone, who wants to become a low stakes crusher ;)

so in your opinion he should have bluffed to lose... and i use a different handle on every site... so nice try anyway


Platinum Level
Apr 8, 2020
Total posts
i agree with the cheating part but some people don´t want to see the obv.


Jun 3, 2019
Total posts
Since we have been blessed with the presence of a literal poker god I think, we should take advantage of the opportunity and see, what we can all learn. So here are the next hands from the $5.5 MTT played on PokerStars (NJ-MI). Luckily our hero stop being card dead, so action pick up a bit now.

At 25:00 our hero pick up KTo in SB and face just over a min-raise from BTN. He decide to call this, which is a bit marginal but ok. The other option I think is fold, since stacks are pretty awkward for a 3-bet. Flop comes AT4 with two diamonds giving him second pair and a BDFD with Kd. An obvious spot to check-call, but instead he leads out for a min-bet, a strategy which Blackrain79 call "the fish bet". This looks very weak, so of course the opponent raise, and our hero fold once again failing to realise his equity and quite likely getting bluffed off the best hand.

At 29.30 our hero pick up AQo in UTG+1, and it folds to him. An obvious spot to raise, but instead he limp. There is then a limp behind, a raise and a min 3-bet, which put our Hero in a very awkward spot to say the least. Effective stack is around 30BB, so I guess, he could limp-jam. But AQo seems a little to weak for that, and therefore its probably just a fold, which he makes. Funnily enough the guy limping behind had KK, so clearly some good stuff going on there in the low stakes streets on PokerStars (NJ-MI). Wish I could play there.

At 31.10 our hero pick up A2o in BB. SB complete, and our hero raise it up and takes it down, which is fine. It would also be fine to take a free flop. Solvers mix it up quite a bit.

At 33.00 our hero pick up 55 in CO and face a min-raise from MP. This is a bit of an awkward spot, because with 30BB stacks are to deep to jam and to shallow to setmine. I do think, its ok to call, because he is in late position, but it has to be with other plans than just trying to flop a set. Our Hero does make the call. Flop comes T83 so no set, and MP now makes a min-bet AKA fish bet into 3 opponents. This sucks but getting 10:1 I guess, we have to call this, which our hero does. BTN now overbet jam, and our hero correctly folds.

At 33:30 our hero pick up 66 in HJ and face another min-raise from the same player, that raised before. Now he is no longer in late position, and stacks are even shorter but still to deep to jam. So I think, this is just a fold, but our hero makes a 4,5X 3-bet, which is awkward sizing, since it commits him to the pot. But luckily this did not matter, since the opponent fold.

At 37:00 our hero complete 65o in SB facing a BTN limp, which is fine. Anything but the worst junk can be completed here, because there is an ante. Flop comes 942 giving him a gutshot to the nuts, and here I would have liked to see a lead for around 60% pot to try to take it down against two weak ranges. Our hero check though, which is also ok. BB now makes a min-bet, and BTN just call, which look pretty weak. Here I would have liked to see a check-raise as played, but our hero just fold. This fold is not as bad as the previous ones, and it probably beats calling. But you gotta have some moves to win in poker, and in my opinion this would have been a good spot to go for it with 6 high like a boss.

Thats gonna be it for this episode of "learn to play like a low stakes poker god". Wont promise there will be any more, but we shall see :)



Bronze Level
May 2, 2020
Total posts
I have played online for over 20 years. There has always been cheating going on in all the poker rooms. Now there is a new wave of cheating with people using solvers..people with bots... and with virtual machiene anyone can use a bot to play on any site... In my opinion the poker rooms bust just enough people to make it look like they are doing something and mostly turn a blind eye to cheating... they just want your rakes and really dont care if you get cheated.. The only place I have played where I honestly feel like none of this is going on is BluffShove poker... this forum does not like me mentioning that site for some reason... The worst site I have played on is BetOnline... my advice... just dont.. I do play on WSOP and Poker Stars too and have a winning record.. I do have to say that it is actually rare that i see anything too fishy on those sites but it does happen.. anyway feel free to ask me anything about any of this.
If you've been playing for 20 years, and still worry more about cheating and bots, you're just another regular loser


Jun 3, 2019
Total posts
Time for the next episode of "learn to play like a low stakes poker god".

At 43:00 our hero pick up J9o in BB. SB limp, which is a bit weird, since he has less than 4BB to start the hand, so he should definitely be playing push or fold. Is he trying to trap us with a monster, or he is just a really bad player? In the latter case we can jam and expect to get a lot of folds. Our hero take the free flop though perhaps smelling a trap. Flop comes AK3 with two diamonds giving Hero a BDFD and pretty much nothing else. SB now jam essentially running a stop and go. If we are going to not jam preflop, it definitely has to be with the intention to get away on bad flops, and they dont get much worse than this one. So definitely a fold as played, which hero makes.

At 46:00 our hero pick up KQs in HJ and face two limps. Hero only has 15BB, so this is an obvious spot to jam and either increase our stack by 30% uncontested or play a "flip" with someone to get a much needed dubble. Instead our hero makes a small raise to 3BB, which is worse than jamming but beats folding. Both limpers obviously call. Flop comes AJ3 with two diamonds giving hero a flushdraw and a gutshot. It folds to hero. The SPR (Stack to pot ratio) is only 1, so this is an obvious spot to jam and either take it down or play a "flip" with usually around 50% equity. Instead hero check back.

Turn is a brick, and now the second limper bets 40% pot. As played we have to call this, which hero does. Other limper fold. River is an offsuit J pairing the board. The remaining opponent now check. This typically either mean, he has an ace and is a little worried about the second J, or he was bluffing and decided to give up. An ace is not folding for a 30% pot bet, which is all, that hero has left, and KQ is the nut nothing, so it beat bluffs, that are giving up. For those reasons this is an obvious spot to check back, but hero jam and take it down, most likely bluffing with the best hand.

At 50:00 our hero get a free play in BB with 85o. Flop comes 852 rainbow giving hero top two. Obvious spot to lead in a limped pot, which hero does. However hero goes full pot, and I think, this is way to much. We want to give people a chance to float us here with hands like KJ or A9, that are basically drawing dead, and when we go so big, we make it very easy for those hands to fold. Even hands as strong as second or third pair might say "you know what? I dont have to pay of these massive bets, so I am just out of here right now." One limper call, the other fold. Turn is another 8 giving hero top boat. Hero only has around 1,3 X the pot left, so this is an obvious spot to bet small to keep in all the opponents draws, that are now drawing dead. Instead hero press the "pot" button again, which is essentially the same as jamming, since it leave him almost no chips behind, and the opponent fold.

Thats gonna be it for todays episode. See you again for the next one.



Jul 2, 2015
Total posts
people cheat live and in online poker .not surprisingly , they also do it in business, law, sports , politics and everything else you can think of !
Poker Orifice

Poker Orifice

And Still...
Platinum Level
Jan 19, 2008
Total posts
Time for the next episode of "learn to play like a low stakes poker god".

At 43:00 our hero pick up J9o in BB. SB limp, which is a bit weird, since he has less than 4BB to start the hand, so he should definitely be playing push or fold. Is he trying to trap us with a monster, or he is just a really bad player? In the latter case we can jam and expect to get a lot of folds. Our hero take the free flop though perhaps smelling a trap. Flop comes AK3 with two diamonds giving Hero a BDFD and pretty much nothing else. SB now jam essentially running a stop and go. If we are going to not jam preflop, it definitely has to be with the intention to get away on bad flops, and they dont get much worse than this one. So definitely a fold as played, which hero makes.

At 46:00 our hero pick up KQs in HJ and face two limps. Hero only has 15BB, so this is an obvious spot to jam and either increase our stack by 30% uncontested or play a "flip" with someone to get a much needed dubble. Instead our hero makes a small raise to 3BB, which is worse than jamming but beats folding. Both limpers obviously call. Flop comes AJ3 with two diamonds giving hero a flushdraw and a gutshot. It folds to hero. The SPR (Stack to pot ratio) is only 1, so this is an obvious spot to jam and either take it down or play a "flip" with usually around 50% equity. Instead hero check back.

Turn is a brick, and now the second limper bets 40% pot. As played we have to call this, which hero does. Other limper fold. River is an offsuit J pairing the board. The remaining opponent now check. This typically either mean, he has an ace and is a little worried about the second J, or he was bluffing and decided to give up. An ace is not folding for a 30% pot bet, which is all, that hero has left, and KQ is the nut nothing, so it beat bluffs, that are giving up. For those reasons this is an obvious spot to check back, but hero jam and take it down, most likely bluffing with the best hand.

At 50:00 our hero get a free play in BB with 85o. Flop comes 852 rainbow giving hero top two. Obvious spot to lead in a limped pot, which hero does. However hero goes full pot, and I think, this is way to much. We want to give people a chance to float us here with hands like KJ or A9, that are basically drawing dead, and when we go so big, we make it very easy for those hands to fold. Even hands as strong as second or third pair might say "you know what? I dont have to pay of these massive bets, so I am just out of here right now." One limper call, the other fold. Turn is another 8 giving hero top boat. Hero only has around 1,3 X the pot left, so this is an obvious spot to bet small to keep in all the opponents draws, that are now drawing dead. Instead hero press the "pot" button again, which is essentially the same as jamming, since it leave him almost no chips behind, and the opponent fold.

Thats gonna be it for todays episode. See you again for the next one.

I was hoping we were going to see HERO ship in a 1/10th pot River shove in hand 50:00. Too bad villain fold, lol.

I'd be happy to put up $5k towards the $25k if we can get others to chip in for the rest and have someone hold it in escrow.

This guy is so bad he doesn't even know he's bad.


Platinum Level
Mar 18, 2022
Total posts
The only poker format where there is no cheating is freerolls.Many players do nothing but use fraud for their own selfish purposes, while achieving very significant results in monetary terms. If a person can earn a living by cheating, then he will not retreat from his methods. It becomes a disease when a person can no longer live without cheating at cards, loses self-control and makes cheating the goal of his life.


Jun 3, 2019
Total posts
This guy is so bad he doesn't even know he's bad.
Thats a bit rude. I think, his preflop game is mostly reasonable. There are a few questionable decisions like limping AQ, a weirdly sized 3-bet with 66 and not jamming KQs for 15BB effective over two limps. But he mostly fold, when he is supposed to and get involved, when he is supposed to. Postflop however there is definitely room for improvement. Here I would have expected more from someone with 20 years of experience and the highest winrate ever at low stakes :)


Platinum Level
Jan 23, 2017
Total posts
Unfortunately there is also cheating in live poker. Always has been and always will be. Obviously its safer, if you play in a reputable casino than a private home game or an illegal poker club. But there are still going to be some people, who attempt to cheat or run scummy angles. Just to give one example of obvious cheating, during this years WSOP "Colossus" there was a 3-way all-in, and when the winner collected his chips, some were lacking, because another player had taken back some of the chips, he had put into the pot in order to call the all-in bet. At least this can not happen online, so there are also areas, where online poker is more safe than live poker.
I understand your point. But I'm referring to cheating in the deck.


Jun 3, 2019
Total posts
I understand your point. But I'm referring to cheating in the deck.
What is "cheating in the deck?" Is it just another way of saying, that online sites are rigged? In that case dont play, but also dont expect anyone to take your conspiracy theories serious. This nonsense has been said over and over again by losing players for 20 years, and serious players like myself are frankly fed up with it :)


Can I help you?
May 18, 2005
Total posts
I'm not sure I like what I'm seeing in this thread. It's one thing to give a little pushback and challenge ideas and have a discussion. It's another to borderline bully someone by dragging up there stats, videos, etc. and posting and seemingly poking fun. If that's not your intention, you may want dial it back a bit. Idk, just some of the posts here make me feel a little squidgy.


Jun 3, 2019
Total posts
It's another to borderline bully someone by dragging up there stats, videos, etc. and posting and seemingly poking fun.
So what you are saying is, that its totally fine to lie about something like saying "I might have been fine, if I had stayed away from the cash games". But if someone then expose the lie by dragging up the persons stats and showing, that actually they never even played cash games in a significant way, then that is "borderline bullying"?

And when someone literally claim to be a "poker god" and tell, that they have a Youtube channel, then its not ok to find that channel and see, if there is anything, we can all learn from the self proclaimed "poker god"? Who signed up to the forum to basically hype-up some unknown poker club, which you have said yourself, that you would not recommend anyone to join?


Can I help you?
May 18, 2005
Total posts
So what you are saying is, that its totally fine to lie about something like saying "I might have been fine, if I had stayed away from the cash games". But if someone then expose the lie by dragging up the persons stats and showing, that actually they never even played cash games in a significant way, then that is "borderline bullying"?

And when someone literally claim to be a "poker god" and tell, that they have a Youtube channel, then its not ok to find that channel and see, if there is anything, we can all learn from the self proclaimed "poker god"? Who signed up to the forum to basically hype-up some unknown poker club, which you have said yourself, that you would not recommend anyone to join?
All of that is fair, 100%, and you should, but I feel like the point has been well made. It just seems like a little bit of a piling on at this point.


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Aug 22, 2024
Total posts
Every hand is situational I don't believe there are any winning players for over a decade here


Jun 3, 2019
Total posts
Every hand is situational I don't believe there are any winning players for over a decade here
You can find plenty of players on sharkscope, who have been winning for more than a decade. This player for instance has played since 2010, and they are number 2 on the SnG leaderboard for 2024 across sites.



Silver Level
Aug 14, 2024
Total posts
Thats a bit rude. I think, his preflop game is mostly reasonable. There are a few questionable decisions like limping AQ, a weirdly sized 3-bet with 66 and not jamming KQs for 15BB effective over two limps. But he mostly fold, when he is supposed to and get involved, when he is supposed to. Postflop however there is definitely room for improvement. Here I would have expected more from someone with 20 years of experience and the highest winrate ever at low stakes :)
you would be correct except you can not play low or micro stakwsthat way and profit...aGTO game does not work there


Silver Level
Aug 14, 2024
Total posts
I was hoping we were going to see HERO ship in a 1/10th pot River shove in hand 50:00. Too bad villain fold, lol.

I'd be happy to put up $5k towards the $25k if we can get others to chip in for the rest and have someone hold it in escrow.

This guy is so bad he doesn't even know he's bad.
ill challenge you heads up... you will back down.. these are micro games you cant consistantly win playing like a robot.. I won a tripple satelite to a 230 buy in and took 2nd... no add on... no rebuys... only one person had EVER done this... Ever...so yeah the real bad players can do this... you think I played the 215 the same way I played the micros to get there and survived people in a 230 rebuy with add on without rebuying or adding on by playing terrible... do me a favor and STFU!


Silver Level
Aug 14, 2024
Total posts
If you've been playing for 20 years, and still worry more about cheating and bots, you're just another regular loser
Do you understand how unintelligent your response is and how it makes you look... well i guess the question answers itself in this case.


Silver Level
Aug 14, 2024
Total posts
What is "cheating in the deck?" Is it just another way of saying, that online sites are rigged? In that case dont play, but also dont expect anyone to take your conspiracy theories serious. This nonsense has been said over and over again by losing players for 20 years, and serious players like myself are frankly fed up with it :)
If you are so good... play me 11 heads up rounds... looser pays 5k... and rigged rng is possible... never proven.