'Black Friday' and associated fallout megathread



Silver Level
Sep 24, 2007
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Let's play a play money game then mail the winners a check....best option imo


Back in!
Silver Level
Dec 15, 2009
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*sigh* .......:rolleyes:

I'll make the issue as simple as possible: ...........:rolleyes:

On the whole, do you think it will be more or less expensive to operate a poker site that is regulated by the US government, as opposed to an unregulated site? Well, this is what I was asking. Why would I ask a question that I know the answer to?

If you think it'll be more expensive then what I said stands - either the extra costs come out of the site's bottom line or they get passed on to the consumers. Most businesses in this situation will pass the costs on to consumers (think cigarette manufacturers, oil companies, banks, the list goes on) because they're basically given a free pass to do so. They get to tell their customers "Don't blame us, it's the government's fault!" and maybe even tack on a little extra for themselves in the process.

If you think it'll be less expensive then we'll have to agree to disagree on this point, and the other point about how you've got rocks in your head :p

Thanks to ruhroh for actually anwering the question though.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Mar 12, 2011
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well i'm going to deposit the check today i think 2k is worth getting in trouble for lol


Forum Admin
Oct 13, 2006
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Give it about 2 weeks to clear before you try to use it for anything. A friend of mine did a PS withdrawal for $1500 on Apr 8th. It showed up in his account within several days. On Friday Apr 15th it was removed from his account.
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Made in the USA
Silver Level
May 21, 2008
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Give it about 2 weeks to clear before you try to use it for anything. A friend of mine did a PS withdrawal for $1500 on April 8th. It showed up in his account within several days. On Friday Apr 15th it was removed from his account.
OMG is that even legal? 9 months later?
I would see if you can just cash it Juice, maybe one of those basement check cashing places if you have any near you, or a grocery store....
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Rising Star
Silver Level
Apr 12, 2011
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:rolleyes: i just got a check from tilt for $2,000 should i still cash it? i'm really scared

You will not get in trouble. That said assuming you're in the US I'd email the site before cashing it. Everyone I know who's tried to cash checks after April 15th (even if it was sent before then) have had it not go through and in many cases they ended up paying bounced check fees (only like $5-$15 but still)


Silver Level
May 14, 2008
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You will not get in trouble. That said assuming you're in the US I'd email the site before cashing it. Everyone I know who's tried to cash checks after April 15th (even if it was sent before then) have had it not go through and in many cases they ended up paying bounced check fees (only like $5-$15 but still)

You guys in the US have it the wrong way around.

In the UK if you cash a cheque and it bounces the fee is levied on the guy who wrote the cheque nit the guy who cashed it.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Mar 12, 2011
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i tried emailing them and only got automated messages and later said not able to connect to server so i guess ill go to a check cashing place but they'll send the police after you if it's a bad check


Forum Admin
Oct 13, 2006
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OMG is that even legal? 9 months later?
I would see if you can just cash it Juice, maybe one of those basement check cashing places if you have any near you, or a grocery store....

I meant Apr 8th - not July lol.


Forum Admin
Oct 13, 2006
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i tried emailing them and only got automated messages and later said not able to connect to server so i guess ill go to a check cashing place but they'll send the police after you if it's a bad check

I know I read somewhere not to take these to cash checking places - might have even been from pokerstars.


Made in the USA
Silver Level
May 21, 2008
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I meant Apr 8th - not July lol.
Lol, oh thank goodness, I was thinking that they were really digging into this.
I only mentioned check cashing place because I thought Dakota's friend had it deducted from 9 months previous deposit, lol.
I would suggest depositing in your bank, but if you can wait a little bit for the dust to settle. If worse comes to worse, put it in and pray it clears.


Silver Level
Oct 9, 2006
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:rolleyes: i just got a check from tilt for $2,000 should i still cash it? i'm really scared

Very likely whoever wrote that check is now seized by the feds. You should probably contact FT via the uk support email to get their take on it. Anything else you read will be speculation.

Depositing it might cost you if the bank rejects it.


Silver Level
Nov 10, 2005
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OMG is that even legal? 9 months later?
I would see if you can just cash it Juice, maybe one of those basement check cashing places if you have any near you, or a grocery store....
Careful. Your bank may just pull the funds back and charge you a returned check fee. But check cashing places and grocery stores send collection agencies after you and could even file criminal charges against you.

Cashing a bad check is just like writing a bad check. Both could carry jail time in some circumstances. (Not only does my wife work for a grocery store, but I once dated a chick who got busted for writing a bad check at a dept. store for clothes.)


Silver Level
Apr 16, 2011
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As you know, Internet gambling is a 24-hour a day activity, which oftentimes undercuts a player's perception of the value of cash leading to addiction, severe debt,

For any congressman/woman or senator to say internet poker is bad because of compulsive gambling one only needs to look at the lottery systems in every state! Do you see the government ending that cash cow because of compulsive gambling? Hell no, and your chances of winning money on any scratch ticket is about a 17% percent chance. There's also keno, daily numbers and don't get me started on your chance of winning Megamillions or Powerball, all methods of gambling that rake in mega millions for state and local governments daily! Talk about violating anti-trust laws, our own government does it
Charade You Are

Charade You Are

you can call me Frost
Silver Level
May 9, 2008
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I have only received one response so far from the emails I have been sending to the various government entities, and that was just a boilerplate TY for contacting us.

Tuesdays email going to Dems and the White House:

I am writing to express my outrage at the DOJ's actions on Friday preventing millions of Americans from participating in their favorite hobby, poker.

We are being deprived of enjoying the competition of millions and millions of people from all over the world. What message does that send to places like Iran, China, and Korea when millions of Americans suddenly are locked out from the 3 biggest online poker sites in the world. Democracy at its finest?

I am an independent who voted for President Obama in the last election partly because I felt the Republicans were becoming too willling to abridge my rights as a citizen and too willing to increase the National Debt. They were responsible for attaching the onerous UIGEA to the Safe Port Act. The religious right was having too much influence in their decisions. I was sick of business as usual in Washington.

I voted for a change and all I got was more of the same.

I and millions of other Americans want to see poker, a game of skill, added to the list of activities that are exempt from the UIGEA. We are not hurting anyone, the vast majority are responsible adults who are not betting the mortage money and in fact spend less per week on poker than in going to the movies or playing a round of golf. Many more play for free or for pennies. The true "gamblers" will find a way to gamble with or without poker. But those of us who play for the enjoyment won't be betting on races or playing slots or buying tons of lottery tickets or going to bingo or going to casinos where the minimum buyin is $60. (Online you can play in buyins as little as $0, or .$50 or $1.20.)

In my opinion, the easist way for Government to get their cut (and ultimately isn't it all about the money?) would be to establish a safe, protected payment process where a small fee could be taken out of deposits and a reasonable tax could be paid on withdrawals.

Thank you for any action you can take to restore sanity to this ridiculous situation.

P.S. This isn't going to help President Obama's reelection.


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Apr 18, 2011
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Lets be real about the facts the GAMING INDUSRTY is in BILLIONS of dollars a yearly industry and its not just about poker.
Since 2000 when online gaming came into the spot light casinos slowly have been loosing revenus to ALL GAMING and not just POKER alone.

So ther was no way casinos would sit back and let online gaming of any kind and being off shore from USA take away ther profits.
Casinos pay tax and have spent alot of money in building huge casinos resorts.
The online gaming sites dont need alot of coin to build plus when ther off shore no tax is paid, but not only that how about those that play any gaming from the USA if they win they have to pay tax, well that has not been happening so government is out money.

Lets look into a little further poker before online was small in prize money once online went on the prize money became millions.

Most of the owners of the sites are american so good luck to them on tax evasion and how about the big players always addverstised the sites did they do it for free did they get paid and did they declare plus if they played on the sites which most likely %100 they did, when and if they played tournaments online and won big cash did they declare it to USA IRS.

In Vegas during world series of poker any winnings won by anyone even if not american must pay tax %20-%30 its considered like playing lottery you win you pay tax.

Go to vegas now and you can buy a home for 130k that once would sell for $300k Vegas has lost half of its population and no wonder the legend said it him self the games are not good any more in vegas since every one is playing online and is considering moving to california.

It was only a matter of time before they FBI-IRS would catch up to those that are playing to these off shore gaming sites and not declaring winnings.
Every single add that you see what do they say. well they say i play at such and such site so come join the fun that in its self in my opion is say that you your self in the add saying those words is incremenating them selves as most are american and are playing in the offshore sites which ther not suppossed to be allowed to play in for cash.

I have read alot of posts on the current events and most think its only about POKER well its not. Ist about the entire gaming industry any thing from chess to video slots to poker to hoarse to NFL betting.
If these site were in the USA paid taxes and winners declared and paid taxes maybe this would not happen, but they wont let online gaming in USA states casinos have a firm hold on that, cause in no time all those huge casinos would shut down and be demolished, ther businness would close.


Silver Level
Nov 19, 2007
Total posts
i tried emailing them and only got automated messages and later said not able to connect to server so i guess ill go to a check cashing place but they'll send the police after you if it's a bad check

Call the # on check to confirm payment. If you get answering machine during normal business hours, consider you processor raided. I just confirmed payment and cashed my last $250 at 11am Black Friday. It went through. If you want processors name, PM me.


Silver Level
Jan 2, 2007
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I just sent a letter to my conservative republican senator Pattie Richie. I didn't vote for her the first time, let's see what she has to say and maybe she will get my vote the next time around. Although I highly doubt it.


Silver Level
Apr 16, 2011
Total posts
Lets be real about the facts the GAMING INDUSRTY is in BILLIONS of dollars a yearly industry and its not just about poker.
Since 2000 when online gaming came into the spot light casinos slowly have been loosing revenus to ALL GAMING and not just POKER alone.

So ther was no way casinos would sit back and let online gaming of any kind and being off shore from USA take away ther profits.
Casinos pay tax and have spent alot of money in building huge casinos resorts.
The online gaming sites dont need alot of coin to build plus when ther off shore no tax is paid, but not only that how about those that play any gaming from the USA if they win they have to pay tax, well that has not been happening so government is out money.

Lets look into a little further poker before online was small in prize money once online went on the prize money became millions.

Most of the owners of the sites are american so good luck to them on tax evasion and how about the big players always addverstised the sites did they do it for free did they get paid and did they declare plus if they played on the sites which most likely %100 they did, when and if they played tournaments online and won big cash did they declare it to USA IRS.

In Vegas during world series of poker any winnings won by anyone even if not american must pay tax %20-%30 its considered like playing lottery you win you pay tax.

Go to vegas now and you can buy a home for 130k that once would sell for $300k Vegas has lost half of its population and no wonder the legend said it him self the games are not good any more in vegas since every one is playing online and is considering moving to california.

It was only a matter of time before they FBI-IRS would catch up to those that are playing to these off shore gaming sites and not declaring winnings.
Every single add that you see what do they say. well they say i play at such and such site so come join the fun that in its self in my opion is say that you your self in the add saying those words is incremenating them selves as most are american and are playing in the offshore sites which ther not suppossed to be allowed to play in for cash.

I have read alot of posts on the current events and most think its only about POKER well its not. Ist about the entire gaming industry any thing from chess to video slots to poker to hoarse to NFL betting.
If these site were in the USA paid taxes and winners declared and paid taxes maybe this would not happen, but they wont let online gaming in USA states casinos have a firm hold on that, cause in no time all those huge casinos would shut down and be demolished, ther businness would close.

Actually, U.S. casino's WANT online gambling, they're just mad they can't be a part of it right now. Wynn casino's was even entering into a partnership with either FT or PS, but ended it because of black Friday. They don't want to stop it, they want in on it.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Mar 10, 2011
Total posts
Lets be real about the facts the GAMING INDUSRTY is in BILLIONS of dollars a yearly industry and its not just about poker.
Since 2000 when online gaming came into the spot light casinos slowly have been loosing revenus to ALL GAMING and not just POKER alone.

So ther was no way casinos would sit back and let online gaming of any kind and being off shore from USA take away ther profits.
Casinos pay tax and have spent alot of money in building huge casinos resorts.
The online gaming sites dont need alot of coin to build plus when ther off shore no tax is paid, but not only that how about those that play any gaming from the USA if they win they have to pay tax, well that has not been happening so government is out money.

Lets look into a little further poker before online was small in prize money once online went on the prize money became millions.

Most of the owners of the sites are american so good luck to them on tax evasion and how about the big players always addverstised the sites did they do it for free did they get paid and did they declare plus if they played on the sites which most likely %100 they did, when and if they played tournaments online and won big cash did they declare it to USA IRS.

In Vegas during world series of poker any winnings won by anyone even if not american must pay tax %20-%30 its considered like playing lottery you win you pay tax.

Go to vegas now and you can buy a home for 130k that once would sell for $300k Vegas has lost half of its population and no wonder the legend said it him self the games are not good any more in vegas since every one is playing online and is considering moving to california.

It was only a matter of time before they FBI-IRS would catch up to those that are playing to these off shore gaming sites and not declaring winnings.
Every single add that you see what do they say. well they say i play at such and such site so come join the fun that in its self in my opion is say that you your self in the add saying those words is incremenating them selves as most are american and are playing in the offshore sites which ther not suppossed to be allowed to play in for cash.

I have read alot of posts on the current events and most think its only about POKER well its not. Ist about the entire gaming industry any thing from chess to video slots to poker to hoarse to NFL betting.
If these site were in the USA paid taxes and winners declared and paid taxes maybe this would not happen, but they wont let online gaming in USA states casinos have a firm hold on that, cause in no time all those huge casinos would shut down and be demolished, ther businness would close.

Under the law playing for money is not illegal. Transfering funds to and from poker sites is illegal for the poker sites and banks and is a legal grey area for the player.

I may be wrong in this assumption but I thought most people who won a good size of money online reported it. Simply because if you were caught without it then you would be breaking the law. Again, my assumption my be incorrect but logically if you cashed out more than a few K you should definetly report it cause otherwise the IRS may look for you and will want to nail your ass to the wall. So I think that theory has a little weight but is not all the reason.

I think what it is, is that they want to clear the market of FT, AP, and PS to make way for brick and morter casinos to "leagally" move into the US market space. then the politicians get more tax rev. and campaign contributions.

online poker in the US is not done just our Pi$$ poor political system is doing what it does.... Serves itself first.
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