'Black Friday' and associated fallout megathread



Back in!
Silver Level
Dec 15, 2009
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These are costs the existing sites haven't had to pay up until now. The sites have two choices in how to deal with the additional costs: they can absorb the cost out of their bottom line or they can pass the cost on to us, the players, in the form of increased rakes and tournament fees. Which do you think they'll do?

What about all the payment processing fees that they've had to pay? They wont have to pay those anymore for every US transaction. They've never passed those down to depositors. You think this is more or less then what itll cost to comply with USA regulations?


Rising Star
Silver Level
Apr 16, 2011
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withdrew funds from stars. empty in stars account. empty in my bank account.

bye bye dreams of reaching supernova elite
Dreams of Tragedy

Dreams of Tragedy

Silver Level
Dec 30, 2009
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well hear is today updates from pokernews.com...I'm lazy to write all if it so it is easyer to just get the pic of the website


  • update.JPG
    114.7 KB · Views: 221
the Styb

the Styb

Rock Star
Silver Level
Jun 28, 2009
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Well it's a big vicious cycle with this guy. They had him help them set up the phony companies. He started skimming off the top from them. They caught wind of it and tipped off the US that he was in Vegas and he got busted. He then turned on them to reduce his time in Federal PYITA Prison. They got busted.

Greed, Greed, Greed.

Yes, thank you, I seem to recall something like that in post 1045 of this thread…


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Aug 31, 2009
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this really stinks good thing i dumped my cash to my canadian friend lol


Rising Star
Silver Level
Apr 12, 2011
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Thanks man. That was a very specific answer to my question.

I do admit to a little confusion though, regarding this:

The DOJ is not going to target players because it is not a Federal crime to play.

Not a crime to play, as such, but the comment in the FBI warning (again, to
the legally untrained) makes it sound like you commit a crime as soon
as you "knowingly accept, in connection with participation of another person
in unlawful Internet gambling, credit, electronic fund transfers, or checks".

So, not a crime to make the wager but becomes a crime when you win
that wager and accept the payment from whoever lost?


No you misunderstood it. It is a crime to take the wager if you are a poker site (and this is assuming online poker is illegal which has yet to be proven but will be a main point of contention if this case actually does see a courtroom). They are quoting out of context to scare people, no more no less. It is not illegal to gamble online and it is not illegal to cash out winnings from an online gambling site, let alone an online poker site which probably does not classify as a gambling site (but the DoJ disagrees with me there).

Regarding comments on taxing the winnings: How would you do that?

The Fed can't tax money you don't actually receive.

It's about the definition of receive. I believe the term is constructive receipt. I actually had this conversation with my CPA as I like to proscrastinate and had not filed my taxes when that happened on the 15th (they were due on the 18th). He said as long as you had constructive receipt aka the ability to withdraw the money at the end of 2010 you owe taxes on the money whether you can currently get it offline or not. And of course you pay taxes based on winnings not on deposits/cashouts.

Let's say your grandmother shuffles off this mortal coil and leaves you $100,000. you pay the taxes and put the rest in your bank account, where every month you'll accrue interest and at the end of the year you'll pay taxes on the interest.

Then one day you get a wild hair, you know where, and pull out $5K to deposit on Full Tilt. You mess around in a few small satellites and win a seat in a big tourney. Then let's say you get lucky and win $25K in that tourney. That money goes in your tilt account and you immediately use $10K to enter another big tourney, but you don't cash. (Sucker!) Do you owe taxes on the $25K you won or on the $15K you are left with?

Your net winnings are 25000-10000-whatever the buyin was to the tourney in which you won 25k assuming those are the only 2 tourneys you played. How you file depends on a lot of things and you should talk to a tax professional not me but if you are an amateur I believe you have to report that you won 25k and list the 10k as a deduction whereas if you file as a pro you can simply take the net and report that. Either way it has nothing to do with how much you have left, how much is in your account, how much you withdraw, or anything else. It's about how much you won.

Technically, as long as that money sits in your Tilt account, the Fed can not tax or touch it.


And let's be honest here, it's not really an account. You don't actually possess the money and you don't accrue interest on it. It's just a bunch of nicely placed pixels on your screen that is the equivalent of an IOU from Full Tilt, who actually DOES possess it and actually DOES accrue interest on it at a bank outside the US, where again, they can not tax or touch it.

Again false, seriously I'm not the person to explain this to you contact a tax professional but one thing's for sure if you get audited and explain that this is how you based your taxes paid you will be ****ed pretty hard. They can tax you as long as you have constructive receipt of your money which is the means to withdraw. You had the means to withdraw all of 2010 unless there is something I don't know, so you owe full taxes on everything you won in 2010. If you lose money earned from 2011 and can't cash it out this year there is a chance you can write it off/not pay on winnings for this year, but that's another story.

Essentially, one big score can last a good player quite a while. If you actually ask Full Tilt to send you some of it, the Fed can tax that portion, but they can't touch what's in your "account". You could have half a million dollars in your Tilt account but be moving ten or more times that in a year depending on wins, losses and table stakes, yet only be taxed on the small portions you cash out of your account. This is the thing that really pisses the government off.

Again this is just so false not sure I want to waste time replying but read the earlier part of my post. If you win 10k then lose 10k you don't owe taxes on 10k earnings although you might have to report earning 10k and then deduct 10k if you file as an amateur.

But seriously consult a tax professional before you do something dumb that will cost you a lot because you have a lot of misconceptions on the way US tax law works.

So, what makes the sites that are still available to u.s. players ok?
Why weren't we shut out of them also?

why would Sportsbook be ok to play on, that's a gambling website too ain't it?

I'm kind of confused why it was just the 3 sites.

What's to say the gov. won't go after them too for some reason?

There is a very good chance the gov't will go after them. Sportsbook is actually way worse because if it has sports betting it actually does violate the wire act and is thus subject to the UIGEA. I can't place a number on the risk but there is definitely a risk on any US site that they will get their money seized. Also note the reason FTP and Stars have locked you out is due to their choice (most likely because of what their lawyers told them to do) while UB/AP has decided to say **** you to the US government and the rest of the sites just continue to do as they did before. There is a chance it gets seized and a chance they don't pay you your money.

UB are still letting americans play (but you can't deposit/withdraw lol)

I've heard of a few people "withdrawing" but no confirmed money hitting bank accounts. Similarly my friend owns an affiliate that does rb with UB. He said they are now I think 4 days late with rakeback payments and they have never been late before. He speculates they could be planning on making a run with the money but obviously no one knows for sure. Also they were still taking deposits as of 2 days ago I believe. And for those of you with rb my friend said he would eat the cost out of pocket and he expects any other reputable rb site worth their salt to do the same so you will probably still receive any rakeback but it's not out of the question that they will end up running with money. Seriously anyone playing on Cereus these days even before Friday was making a really bad decision already anyone who has any amount of real money on Cereus seriously do yourself a favor get all you can offline asap before it's too late (hopefully it's not too late already).

I have never met an honest gambler. Honest players? Yes. Honest gamblers… no.

lol what? Lots of poker players are also gamblers. How many poker players also play blackjack/craps/roulette/do random flips with each other? I have a ton of friends who gamble a ton and although they realize it's not +ev there are definitely honest gamblers. And of course the people who don't even play poker who play casino games. You're saying every old lady pulling the slot handle is dishonest?

Early PokerScout numbers on the effects of Black Friday

PokerStars -25%
Full Tilt Poker -48%
Cereus Network -39%

Huge hit for Tilt and Cereus' numbers would obviously be worse yet had they stopped serving US customers.

The overall poker market dropped 23%.

I think this is worse than it will be in the future though. Right now there is a lot of reactionary cashouts from people not in the US. Assuming no one runs with money and they can prove it really is business as usual for non-US players FTP/Stars will likely see a spike in traffic when people start putting money back online and playing again although no one can argue that it sucked and is terrible long-term, just that the numbers are inflated and I doubt the long-term market is actually 23% worse than before Friday in say another 2-3 months.


Broomcorn's uncle
Bronze Level
Aug 6, 2007
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What about all the payment processing fees that they've had to pay? They wont have to pay those anymore for every US transaction. They've never passed those down to depositors. You think this is more or less then what itll cost to comply with USA regulations?


I'll make the issue as simple as possible:

On the whole, do you think it will be more or less expensive to operate a poker site that is regulated by the US government, as opposed to an unregulated site?

If you think it'll be more expensive then what I said stands - either the extra costs come out of the site's bottom line or they get passed on to the consumers. Most businesses in this situation will pass the costs on to consumers (think cigarette manufacturers, oil companies, banks, the list goes on) because they're basically given a free pass to do so. They get to tell their customers "Don't blame us, it's the government's fault!" and maybe even tack on a little extra for themselves in the process.

If you think it'll be less expensive then we'll have to agree to disagree on this point, and the other point about how you've got rocks in your head :p


Rock Star
Silver Level
Oct 25, 2010
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Apparently I can still play freerolls on FT, but it's just not the same....15th out of 156 for $0.31 and 91 out of 1,500 for $0.24. ooooo big money....this sucks
the Styb

the Styb

Rock Star
Silver Level
Jun 28, 2009
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lol what? Lots of poker players are also gamblers. How many poker players also play blackjack/craps/roulette/do random flips with each other? I have a ton of friends who gamble a ton and although they realize it's not +ev there are definitely honest gamblers. And of course the people who don't even play poker who play casino games. You're saying every old lady pulling the slot handle is dishonest?

I'm not going to go point by point since there's a lot there, but thanks for the info! I admit I'm talking out of my ace about taxes and just spouting off what I believed was common sense. The extent of my tax knowledge is fill out the EZ, (though lately the A), stamp, mail, cash check if I'm lucky! Does this mean I need to notify the IRS of the .59¢ stuck in Full Tilt limbo…?

For the quote above though… Old ladies yanking cranks aren't gambling. They're passing the remaining minutes of their lives with a fun hobby. Honestly though, that statement was meant as a joke. :)

In Other News:
I was reading the 1996 National Gambling Impact Study Commission Final Report available here. It's the end product of a three-year, Bill Clinton funded study on the effects of the then-growing gambling craze and the basis of everything that went into the UIGEA. There is an entire section devoted to internet gambling.

(You know, after typing that acronym a million times these past few days and understanding the smoke and mirrors used to build and enact it, I can't help noticing its striking similarity to the word "ouija"…)

Section Seven: Gambling's Impact On People And Places deals primarily with B&M casinos and contains the following statements:
(bold italics are mine)

While it is important for this Commission to acknowledge that, in certain areas, especially those which had been economically depressed, the advent of casino gambling has produced localized benefits to the communities in the form of new and better jobs, increased purchasing power, and social support facilities (such as schools and hospitals), it is not appropriate to speak of those benefits without immediately acknowledging both the unknown, and presently unmeasured negative effects in those same communities experienced by those citizens who develop problem or pathological gambling habits and the wave effects which those persons cause in their families, workplaces, and local communities.

What the…?

Or, to put it another way…

Casinos bring in a lot of jobs and money to poor communities, but they also have adverse affects which we can't quite put our finger on, but we've got it narrowed down to either abuse and neglect of family and friends or, possibly, ghosts.

There are also some great tearjerker snippets salted around the report from gambling addicts and families torn apart by gambling. While I don't discount that these are serious issues, I find it incredibly flawed that dozens of people were invited to testify before the commission about how they lost their homes, jobs and families to the evils of gambling, yet at no point did the commission invite a Doyle Brunson, Danny Negreanau or Chris Moneymaker to testify that gambling improved their lives, or at least their finances.

Can you say "flawed methodology"?
Last edited:


Glory To Ukraine
Feb 3, 2008
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I'm a player from outside the USA.I cannot update.

I s there a way overseas players can access FTP and continue cash play with our existing bankrolls?

Could we download the UK site and continue on there with our exisisting bankrolls?


Glory To Ukraine
Feb 3, 2008
Total posts
You beauty grafkarow back in business, cheers mate.


Rising Star
Silver Level
Apr 12, 2011
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I'll make the issue as simple as possible:

On the whole, do you think it will be more or less expensive to operate a poker site that is regulated by the US government, as opposed to an unregulated site?

If you think it'll be more expensive then what I said stands - either the extra costs come out of the site's bottom line or they get passed on to the consumers. Most businesses in this situation will pass the costs on to consumers (think cigarette manufacturers, oil companies, banks, the list goes on) because they're basically given a free pass to do so. They get to tell their customers "Don't blame us, it's the government's fault!" and maybe even tack on a little extra for themselves in the process.

If you think it'll be less expensive then we'll have to agree to disagree on this point, and the other point about how you've got rocks in your head :p

Well there are two parts. One source told me that Stars was paying as much as 20% on every deposit simply to get around the regulations (which now turns out to include paying off the banks to process them but also standard processor errors and the estimated money seized that they have to front). So I think even with the proposed taxes that the cost of them doing business will go down with regulations. That doesn't mean in the future the government won't try to impose more sin taxes to make it basically unbeatable, but at least for US transactions they will definitely make more paying the proposed taxes than the way it was before Friday.

Logic overall is good but I just don't think people realize how bad it was to get around the DoJ even before the 15th. Also the part about economics and passing costs down to the customer is correct but your logic is a pretty common (imo) error. It's not like they have the choice to pay it themselves or pay out of pocket. If there is not market collusion (price fixing and the like), in a perfectly competitive market they will make prices as low as possible while still allowing them to make a profit. Obviously not all markets are perfectly competitive, especially in a market with so many government regulations and such a high entry cost, but generally when the cost of business goes up they have to make the money somehow. If they could have cut costs after the extra taxes/any other cost, a good company would have done so before. The only other way to go is to raise revenue somehow. The only real way to do it is to pass the cost on to the customer. This is something in the US a lot of people don't seem to realize they think if they just taxed big businesses it would create money out of thin air, when usually it means they will end up paying more for products. Anyway /politics and economics don't really wanna debate that too much just want to stick with poker for now.

I'm a player from outside the USA.I cannot update.

I s there a way overseas players can access FTP and continue cash play with our existing bankrolls?

Could we download the UK site and continue on there with our exisisting bankrolls?

fulltiltpoker.co.uk and download the client from there and as long as you are currently residing outside of the US and as long as your address registered with FTP is also outside of the US, you will be able to keep playing with your same account and same roll.
the Styb

the Styb

Rock Star
Silver Level
Jun 28, 2009
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Must have been a rough weekend in the editing room… just saw a brand new Boomtown commercial for the New Orleans area. Good luck!
the Styb

the Styb

Rock Star
Silver Level
Jun 28, 2009
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Hey Poker!

Don't forget to |LIKE| the DOJ's Facebook site and let them know how you feel about their decision to destroy internet poker!


Silver Level
Sep 5, 2007
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Well, I suppose the government has to get the money back one way or another for all those financial bailouts and stuff...


Rock Star
Silver Level
Mar 12, 2011
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:rolleyes: i just got a check from tilt for $2,000 should i still cash it? i'm really scared
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