As do I. I have read the law and find it somewhat amusing. Essentially it is void in any state which allows online gambling
Sec. 802. § 5362. 10(B) INTRASTATE TRANSACTIONS.So it seems our focus going forward will need to be dual; legalization of online poker in individual states, which is likely easier than the second part, legalization at a national level.
The term 'unlawful Internet gambling' does not include placing, receiving, or otherwise transmitting a bet or wager where
(i) the bet or wager is initiated and received or otherwise made exclusively within a single State;
(ii) the bet or wager and the method by which the bet or wager is initiated and received or otherwise made is expressly authorized by and placed in accordance with the laws of such State, and the State law or regulations include-
(I) age and location verification requirements reasonably designed to block access to minors and persons located out of such State; and
(II) appropriate data security standards to prevent unauthorized access by any person whose age and current location has not been verified in accordance with such State's law regulations
The law itself is rather sweeping, with applications far beyond online poker. It's also interesting that Sec. 803 (Internet gambling in or through foreign jurisdictions) fails to make any mention of the fact that it is likely a violation of at least two WTO agreements to which the US is party.
The bold may be true, but I don't think the Internet poker sites run by American casino's will have any different rakes and costs as their live games. JMOIt is really becoming clear to me that soon we will only be able to play on a US site licensed and regulated by the US government and run by one of the large BnM Vegas casinos.
That is fine with me but I am really worried about the costs, rakes, membership fees etc.
Without competition Vegas will be able to run them anyway they want
Check out this blog
Yeah the players on pokerstars are at lke 250,000 or something. That doesn't look somewhat much different to normal to be honest. I'm sure this won't really hurt stars as much as I first thought but still it isn't the same without the Americans playing.
The biggest joke about it all is the way the American government works. It's perfectly fine to have and use a gun, yet to sit in front of your computer screen at home and play a game of cards is illegal. Where's the logic in that?
What a joke.
How the hell could there be anywhere close to the normal amount of players on stars this Sunday?Something is wrong here if the site is saying this is so.
Would be nice if we could. But most of us feel powerless. There's too much of an equal separation in morals and ideals for any one side to win consistantly. Be the issue online poker, gay marriage, gun control, etc., etc., the issues are always split and it's pretty much a crap shoot to see if the side I vote for wins or loses.Americans, seriously, do something about your government.
On PokerStars, the number in the top corner is those playing at a table. Play Money does not count IIRC, though a player sitting at two tables counts twice. Something PokerStars SteveD said on the Pokercast on an episode a while back. Can't recall exact details, but the point is, merely being logged on won't count. I also recall on Friday when this news broke the numbers were around 230k on PS, within 3-4 hours it was around 130k. A VERY low number for a Friday evening.
Yeah the players on pokerstars are at lke 250,000 or something. That doesn't look somewhat much different to normal to be honest. I'm sure this won't really hurt stars as much as I first thought but still it isn't the same without the Americans playing.
The biggest joke about it all is the way the American government works. It's perfectly fine to have and use a gun, yet to sit in front of your computer screen at home and play a game of cards is illegal. Where's the logic in that?
What a joke.
Didn't really go on that night but hmmf - it seems quite active regardless.
Yeah it does. Guarantee's are being met and such like. That wasn't the case on Friday, played an $11 MTT with around 5k overlay.
They adjusted a lot of the guaranteeds - there was a message in the tournament lobby yesterday morning saying that.
***edit - yea just went and checked and that message is still there. My 6pm $50k gtd re-buy is now $35k gtd.
I'm playing at Carbon from scratch right now. Gonna try to deposit first thing tomorrow morning. Playing now because I like to(make money) and also out of protest.
Not very proud of my government and TBH Jimmy Carter was the best President we have had in the last 50 years at least. Not even joking.