Bronze Level
I just learned about how much influence traders can have on the price with binance. When the volume is relatively low for a coin, often the market price will go to the closest order price. An overkill example, is that 1300 units of DGD have been set to sell at .7 ETH. DGD has peaked at or near .7 six times now without passing. So sometimes you literally decide how much money you make.
DGX will first be sold April 8th, So the next two months are going to be fun.
How did you find this out? Any documented cases to look at? I'm interested in seeing how DGX will trade in relation to the price of 1 gram of Gold. This could be a wild ride
With the stock market beginning what I expect to be a long decline, I was really hoping that some of the flight to quality would find bitcoin and other cryptos. Didn't happen yesterday, nor this morning.
Yeah, I hope that more money pours in from the stock market. Seem like hedge funds are being set up around the crypto market. Regulations in the US will be Boom or Bust for crypos there.