Digix uses the oldest and largest
auditor to inspect every piece of their gold. While tether keeps their doors shut.
In the last 6 months golds price hasn't gained or lost 10% against the usd. In my opinion the gold/usd price is determined more by USD fluctuations than by gold. If you check silver its almost an identical chart.
DGX is supposed to be released by the end of the month, but there is still no date. If they don't deliver DGD's price will drop, if they do DGD will instantly pass ether in value.
After your suggestion, I on DGD I decided to do some research.
Digital Gold doesn't have any of the issues that physical gold does - You don't have to worry about storage cost of the heavy material, moving, or safeguarding.
Someone has to store the gold, and that cost serious bucks to storage and maintain. That cost will have to be past on to someone.
If everyone in the world wants DGX, then is it scalable for the company to buy and store that much physical gold.
Owning DGD doesn't get you DGX. You get "rewards", but never the real deal. This is like NEO and GAS. They sort of work together, but one has way more value then the other.
They store the gold in a custodian vault in Singapore. Those vaults are usual low quantity high cost facilities. Maybe they will move when they scale.
Price Point
Gold is an international assets so I thing it is a bad assumption to tie the price of gold to USD. China is buying tons of gold and that doesn't move USD. Look at gold like a stand alone assets like BTC. With that said the Tether comment has merit. Yes, DGX will be a better assets to hold over tether IF what the company is doing is true. They are simiar since a Crypto (DGX or Tether) is tying themselves to another asset that exist (Gold USD). The problem is that the cypto can never fully surpass the asset that it is tied to. DGX could trade for a premium higher than gold, but not a huge one. I would say 20% higher than the spot price would be extremely sporty. DGX would have to show why it would deserve a high premium to gold. I would say digital gold is worth more to the holder since they don't have to guard or store it, but is only worth XX% higher than they price of gold.
Final Thoughts
I like DGD as a spec play. If DGX is what it says it is, then you will get a nice spike in DGD. If DGX doesn't work, then I agree the DGD will fall and not recover unless great things happen in the future for DGX. I would sell after spike since I don't see long term value in DGD unless DGX is a bigger hit than BTC.
As for DGX, if it trades at a discount to the spot gold price and the company can better prove that they have Xgrams of gold to back X number of DGX tokens, then I would sell everything to own DGX (I think the probability of this is low, but it would be worth it if the conditions are met.)
I will keep following along, and can't wait to see the state of DGX.