So, using this "logic", just do not use computer programs.
Great advice.
The end.
You're so clever, I bet that Einstein was your student. Using your "deductive methods" one day you will realize that Chlorine(Cl) is a poisonous gas, and Sodium(NA) is a dangerous metal. Salt in your kitchen has following chemical formula = NaCl, SO? You're poisoning yourself - right?
Let's have a look at 2 simple examples.
Example 1:
a) Program "Adobe Photoshop" is sold as it is, it's a great tool for designers. But one day creators have decided to extract some additional profit. And they came up with a simple idea - why don't we sell some add-ons for the Photoshop to designers who have some specific needs.From the other side, designers are using Photoshop as a tool to extract profit from their customers. Everything is simple and obvious. We can clearly see how creators and users of the program are getting their profits. We can clearly see front end and we can see back end - the source code and how it used.
b) Program "Ancient
slots" is designed for
casinos and is sold to casino owners as a program for electronic slot machines. Casinos are extracting profit from their "customers". These victims have no access to back end of the program they're using. They can't see the code, all they can see is some sort of game mechanics bullsht on the screen. It's not a secret that such programs are designed to generate profit and "admins" = those who have access to back end of such programs are able to manipulate with such numbers like "payback %" and "chance to win". In such games you may be a victim of "never win" mode.
Example 2:
a) Program "World of Tanks" is a popular online game, it's free, but if you want to be better than others - you can buy some virtual trash like tanks/ammo/weapons/armor and so on... It's just pixels on the screen, but some humanoids falsely believe that it's something that they really need, that's why they're purchasing these pixels with
real money. Nothing can stop administration from creation of fake accounts with much much more dominating tanks and use these virtual players to hit down those who pay money, just to spend their ammo, so they will buy it again soon.
Do you have access to game code, game mechanics or back end(admin panel), can you prove that administration is not doing it? Can they do it? Yes they can. Are they honest? I don't know any of them, and i'm not sure if any of them can control it, it can be actually controlled by a single person - general owner.
b) Program online poker - What can you prove here? NO TH ING! All that people prefer to do is to act like a blind sheep and keep trusting their shepherd(their favorite
poker site) Because their shepherd is giving them a daily doze of adrenaline in their safe home environment. That's all.
From these examples we can clearly see that programs are different. Some are based on "take it or leave it" system. Some are based on pay per view or pay per touch or pay per imbecile. Is online poker rigged? I don't know for sure, I do know that this planet is full of idiots, and wise guys prefer to extract juices from that horde of idiots.
In general, poker is a very simple game, you always have just 2 decisions, I mean 2 questions to answer. 1) Am I an idiot? 2) Am I not an idiot? Answers to these questions are not related to cards/position/buy-ins and such, answers are based on if you're playing poker or not. You could save lives being a surgeon, you could do something really useful for the society and for yourself instead of sitting in a chair and trying to prove to yourself that you're "professzioblablbla playa"
LOL so funny:help: