Unfortunately, I got only 6 fully correct in the exam.

I would have one question about the second and sixth quiz question.
Question 2 with 87s: Why wouldn't you c-bet on your inside straight ánd flush draw here? If I remember right, the course taught me to generally bet on draws. We have no showdown value and 12 outs (~48% equity). Is it purely because the flop is coordinated?
Question 6 with 65s: Isn't shoving here super risky, since the villain called both our flop and turn bet already? We have no equity and it seems the fold equity is quite small. Maybe it is because I'm practicing with micro-stakes games, I feel like 8/10 players would call our shove there.
On the other three questions I made minor errors, due to just not paying enough attention, or forgetting to add the pot to an opponent's stack in calculating implied odds (stupid, I know). I feel like I learned already so much from this course, but not yet make a profit exactly because of this. Not paying enough attention and letting emotional responses influence my decisions.
Thanks a lot for this amazing course!