Hi Evan,
So much fun last night playing poker with you and everyone and listening to your awesome stream! Thanks for playing the $3.30 cardschat tourney with us!
Really sorry I am monopolizing this great thread, but you are so generous with your answers I can't help it

Don't worry, I'm not going to post every hand from the cardschat tourney I won last night and ask your advice. LOL!
I will post my favorite hand from the tourney ha ha. As you said, lucky girl, bad beat for you.
CardsChat Poker Hands Converter
I'm trying to answer the Q you asked - did I get the right price?
So here's my homework -
You open from the button and I put you on a range of about 50% I defend from the big blind, I think that's fine with A6o, it's doing pretty well against your range. Flopzilla says I have 50% equity.
I flop the nut flush draw, pretty nice and flopzilla says my equity goes up to 60% on the flop, but that's against your entire range. You bet 1/3 pot and I need around 20% to continue. I guess here it gets a little tricky cause I have to think about what part of your range are you c-betting with here? It could be 100%. You're in position and with a bit of pressure I could easily fold the bb on a monotone flop if I didn't catch a piece, fair assumption?
Then turn is 9 diamonds and my equity drops to 41% according to Flopzilla. The pot is 1426 and you bet 606 and I need 23% (says HM3) to continue, so yes I have a call. But if I start messing with your range on the turn and say well you would only make that bet with a flush or 2nd nut flush draw (because you would probably want to protect other hands, sets 2 pair top pair etc) and bet the flop, then my equity is only 31%, but it's still a call. Does all this sound right to you? I'm not sure if I'm making mistakes.
I'm pretty new to using Flopzilla but I want to start using it more.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!